Thursday, December 3, 2020

More fraud in Michigan Uncovered

Michigan Poll Observer: Military Ballots Looked Like ‘Xerox Copies,’ All for Biden

All the ballots were for Biden and “None of the voters [were] registered,” and election workers “had to manually enter the names and address and a birth date of 1/1/2020, which would override the system and allow them to enter non-registered voters, of which I saw several … throughout the day.”

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

with all the fraud you print about dont you think some of it could be proved

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, hundreds upon hundreds of people are giving sworn testimony under the prosecution of perjury and jail time. To prove that the fraud can overturn a rigged election is another thing. Democrats are clever liars and the Swamp is way too deep.

Anonymous said...

There are no "hundreds upon hundreds of people" giving sworn testimony, Lynn. There just aren't. They aren't there. There would be pictures of them. There would be interviews of them on TV. They aren't there.

The Trump legal team has won 1 case and lost 44 of them in a number of different states.

The judges are Democrats and Republicans and they listen to the evidence and rule accordingly.

There is nothing there. There never was.

Trump has raised $200 million from his supporters in November by convincing them that there is something there and that he will win. He will take their money and leave on January 20. He will say he is continuing to fight and to keep sending money...and his supporters will send even more because they believe everything that he says. And he will take their money and bank it...and he'll laugh at how gullible they all are.

Lynn Anderson said...

@3:07. We are gullible but you're FLAT WRONG.
HUNDREDS of affidavits. Just a month ago they had 500 sworn affidavits. The list is growing.

Anonymous said...

I'm not wrong. They've lost almost 50 cases. They keep losing. The "affidavits" are junk and the judges are ruling accordingly. It's all a ploy to keep the money rolling in from gullible donors.

It's been over a month, Lynn. Think. If they have all these witnesses, if they have all this proof, why are the courts all ruling against them? Why isn't anything happening? Think. Use your head. He's ripping you all off. He's taking your money because he thinks you're stupid. Why are you letting him fool you like this?

Lynn Anderson said...

Fraud all over the place. You might like reading this article--

Anonymous said...

That was written on August 29th, Lynn, over 2 months before election day. Think about it. If they have all this credible evidence and their case is solid, why are they losing their court cases? Why are states certifying their results? Think. Use your head. It doesn't make sense...because they have nothing. There is nothing there. He's lying to you and to all his supporters while he collects their money.

He had to settle two multi-million dollar lawsuits while he was president because he took people's money and didn't deliver. This is what he does. And he's doing it to you and to all the people who believe in him.

Lynn Anderson said...

So what as to when it was written.
Democrats don't care about how they win, only IF they win. That's the bottom line.
Trump's not fooling any of us.
You've been fooled by the fake news media. And you continue to run with the crap. You talk about an "old" article from 3 months ago but then bring up something from years ago if you're talking about Trump University founded in 2005. It was a course and people didn't become wealthy. So? That promise was never made.