Tuesday, December 8, 2020

John Ratcliffe responds to Election Issues

Director of National Intelligence: Election ‘Issues’ Need to Be Resolved Before Winner Declared

The top U.S. intelligence official suggested on Sunday that election lawsuits and other issues need to be resolved first before the winner of the Nov. 3 presidential election is declared.

More votes than ballots issued in places,” the intelligence chief said. “People pulling out suitcases and video evidence of that with questionable explanations for that. Those are issues of election fraud that need to be investigated and there’s a lot of them and it’s not just one person or one group of people. It’s across the country.”


1 comment:

Laurence McNamara said...

AMAZING that the MSM ignores Biden's statement re greatest voter fraud system ever created by his campaign and is in a rush to avoid lawsuits and evidence of poll watchers being excluded from observing tabulation.
President Trump won this election by a landslide until all the illegal ballots were counted out of sight after polls closed.
MSM ignores "yet" the last word in AG Barr's comment re evidence of widespread fraud.