Monday, April 6, 2020

Gavin Newsom giving grants to illegal businesses

California Governor Gavin Newsom Confirms Giving Millions of Tax Dollars to Illegal Immigrant Business Owners During Pandemic

@GavinNewsom: In California, we’re providing “emergency grants” to businesses run by illegal immigrants

This is insane. While many hard-working Americans are watching their lives go down the drain, California is handing out money to help keep illegal alien businesses afloat.
Our country is in trouble and Americans need all of the help they can get. Instead, millions of dollars are being handed out to people who illegally came into our country. []

At least he's been appreciative of the federal government and the President during this pandemic but he's STILL OFF THE WALL...always was...always will be. After this crisis is over, the government should rethink any tax dollars to California.

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