Saturday, May 11, 2019

Build the Wall

Pentagon approves plan to shift $1.5B for wall along US-Mexico border

Build that big, beautiful wall

Of course Democrats complain; they complain about EVERYTHING. They accuse the Defense Secretary of not seeking approval to “reprogram” the funds without congressional authority. Shanahan and other senior defense officials claimed in response they did not have to get permission from Congress despite the objections from Democratic lawmakers.[Fox]


Sharon said...

I wish that Trump would just use the money collected from the GoFundMe campaigns to build his wall. He promised us that Mexico would pay for the wall. He guaranteed it. And now he's using my tax money to pay for this. Let the people who want it and need it pay for it. This isn't a socialist county. I shouldn't have to pay for something I don't want or use just, especially after he ran his whole campaign on Mexico paying for it.

Lynn Anderson said...

Trump hater...go somewhere else with your BS.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 9:35, I may not agree with Sharon on many things but I do have to say that Sharon is right about Mexico paying for the wall. It's like no one remembers that any more. He promised it and he broke his promise. It may not matter to many people, but it sure matters to me. If I knew that $30 billion of my tax money was going to be used to build some kind of wall/fence, whatever you want to call it, all the while the deficit is exploding, I may have stayed home instead of voting for a guy who can't keep his promises. No one likes to be lied to.

Lynn Anderson said...

Of course you agree with Sharon--you are Sharon.
Ever hear of the USMCA? Check on it. That's how Mexico will be paying for the wall.
Let's not have your crap over here. Go to a left-wing loonie blog where some sheep might want to listen.
The first thing you need to do is #walkaway. That would be a start to sanity.

Anonymous said...

10.36 better check her closet for there are a few in bad you ------ cant understand this man is trying to save your life.i know it doesnt matter to you but when the crimes happen to you lets see who cries first and loudest

Anonymous said...

Why should Mexico pay for the wall? They're not Mexicans coming over the border, they're Central Americans for the most part. Pretty soon, we won't have any trading partners, and we'll be eating hard bread. I don't mind hard bread, but I would like a little butter on it.