Friday, December 14, 2018

Robert Mueller Poll


Anonymous said...

Who is doing these polls, Lynn? Rasmussen? Gallup? Pew?

Lynn Anderson said...

You can bet that it's not CNN

Anonymous said...

No, seriously, I'm curious. Which one is it? It's a simple question, isn't it?

Lynn Anderson said...

Pulse polling

Anonymous said...

So I googled "Pulse Polling" because I had never heard of it and it appears to be a website that users can host their own polls.

Is it safe to assume that this is your poll, maybe something you put together and got responses to on another social media platform?

If I'm wrong, let me know. I'm just trying to understand the extremely one-sided results that these polls that you post always comparison to some of the more well known pollsters.

Lynn Anderson said...

LOL--Don't get your panties in a wad about it. This is a conservative blog...just in case you forgot that.

Anonymous said...

Someone has to counter the LIES of the Washington Post.

Anonymous said...

"This is a conservative blog"

I NEVER forget that, Lynn, and you always repeat these 5 words as if that gives you license to post fake news. Facts, are facts, whether or not "conservative blogs" like yours like them or not...whether or not you choose to acknowledge them.

Posting the results of a poll that you created, posted on your Facebook and got your equally far right friends to register their votes without letting readers know the background of that poll is the pure definition of the Fake News you and your readers cry about all the time.

This blog is a fraud and will always be a fraud as long as you chose to manipulate the comment section and post blatantly fake news that you yourself know to be false. And it is a reflection of yourself, the person who appears to be so confident of herself but is so very insecure and self-conscious that she lies and deletes comments that bring attention to her ignorance.

It's all you have left, I get that. Creating fake posts and comments and deleting those that expose you and your weaknesses (including this one). But you can change if you want. It's up to you. There's still time although every day is one day less.

The boat parade was nice tonight, wasn't it? The lights reflecting off the lake were gorgeous.

There's still time, Lynn.

Lynn Anderson said...

Ya know, I let this post of yours go through at 8:13pm--because you used to be someone I liked. :)
You didn't like that poll? LOL. Would you prefer that I put up a poll done by Salon?
However, what fake news is to you is certainly totally the opposite of what it is to me. You are obsessed with all things liberal even to the point of hating men and hating anyone with a different opinion. I believe that the philosophy I embrace is the right one for our nation. and so far, the U.S. is doing great under Trump.
Why come over here at all? Do you really think you are doing your civic duty of keeping a conservative "accountable" in your eyes?
Yes, the boat show was great...did you ride your bike?

Anonymous said...

why doesn't 8.13 get her own blog and stop bitching

Anonymous said...

Thanks for outing 8:13 a bitter troublemaker with petty and false complaints against neighboring buildings. No one wants to hear it.