Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Kavanaugh Poll

Political Insider Poll

Should The Senate Vote On Judge Kavanaugh?

Yes, Judge Kavanaugh deserves a vote now
12,756 Votes

No, the Senate should delay the Kavanaugh vote
113 Votes


Real News said...

No link to this "Political Insider Poll," whoever that is.

Or you can believe Quinnipiac, who has polling to an art form.

"With wide gender, racial and partisan gaps, and a shift in support among independent voters, 48 percent of American voters say the U.S. Senate should not confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, as 42 percent say Kavanaugh should be confirmed, according to a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today.

This compares to the results of a September survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University National Poll, showing 41 percent of American voters supporting a Kavanaugh confirmation, with 42 percent opposed. Independent voters, who supported Kavanaugh 45 - 39 percent September 10, oppose his confirmation 49 - 39 percent today.

Women oppose confirmation 55 - 37 percent, while men support it 49 - 40 percent.

White voters say 51 - 40 percent confirm Kavanaugh. Opposed are black voters 81 - 11 percent and Hispanic voters 65 - 30 percent.

Choosing between Kavanaugh and his accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, 48 percent of American voters most believe Ford as 41 percent most believe Kavanaugh."

I'll even give you and your readers a link:

Lynn Anderson said...

I put this one up knowing you would get ticked off about it and go into your usual rant.

Anonymous said...

Who cares what the poles say the Czechs say she lied.

Anonymous said...

Obama divided the races now the Dems are on to the genders and we all lose because Dr Fraud's accusation is not only trivial but unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

The wishy washy Republicans and Wobbly Democrats are going to be toast. Finally! And ultimately ,Kavanagh will be on the Supreme court. If the Dems don't like a moderate like Kavanagh,just wait to see who Trump nominates next ! And he'll have the very wide majority needed to put them on with no problem.MAGA !