Monday, October 1, 2018

A Call to Violence

Antifa radicals just made a horrifying threat against Kavanaugh

Read about it...

The First Amendment protects your right to express your opinion, even if it's unpopular. You may criticize the President, the Congress, or the chief of police without fear of retaliation. But this right doesn't extend to libel, slander, obscenity, "true threats," or speech that incites imminent violence or law-breaking. If you grab a megaphone during a riot and yell "shoot the cop" or "loot the shop," you may reasonably expect trouble. [ACLU]

Apparently Antifa is afraid of abortion rights. Killing babies is a top priority of theirs. I don't understand why these people are so uninformed. Judge Kavanaugh, if confirmed to the Supreme Court, can NOT over-throw Roe vs. Wade. This is a myth planted by Democrats to rile up their base.

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