Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Obama Official Portrait


Anonymous said...

Where's Waldo?

What a joke the "portraits" are of both of them. I see a bunch of crybabies gushing all over the "official" portraits of Obama and his wife Michelle. Try to explain why the painting looks nothing like her and he is garden of paradise?

What an embarrassment.

I Watch Fox News said...

Yeah. If Obama had paid off a porn star and settled a $25 million fraud case against him, I would respect him a lot more!

Anonymous said...

I guess "community organizers" and porn stars don't travel in the same circles as billionaires and reality tv show hosts do. A little fraud and hanky-panky going on in Hollywood too don't you think? Don't get me wrong, Obama was virtuous while in office. Let's not look back at Clinton for virtue either.

All depends on who's ox is being gored.

Anonymous said...

11:52am believes a porn whore wait wait.. I mean star.