Sunday, December 4, 2016

Chaz Stevens, the atheist is at it again

You all remember Chaz Stevens, don't you? He's the guy that gave the city such a stink about wanting to give a satanic invocation [Stevens says he's not a satanist] that the City of Lake Worth caved in to the madness by ending its practice of inviting visiting preachers of all faiths to give an invocation before city commission meetings.

It was the easy thing to do in a liberal Democratic city whose leaders essentially made a political decision believing that religion is dangerous and should be excluded from anything remotely political. Two of our commissioners who do believe in religion were offended by Stevens and wanted to stop free speech...separation of church and state ya'll. It doesn't matter that the Congress of the United States always has an invocation...In God We Trust.

As Stevens says, "In 2013, we erected a Pabst Blue Ribbon Festivus Pole in the Florida Capitol rotunda. In 2015, now wrapped in the colors of gay pride, our efforts spanned coast to coast, with displays in Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Washington, and Oklahoma."

Earlier this year, he and friends wore a giant penis costume with Trump’s face as they crashed rallies. Now he continues to go after Donald Trump, with his latest attempt to be ridiculous and crass saying it is all about separation of church and state and his First Amendment Rights.

It has nothing to do with separation of church and state but I do agree that it is his First Amendment Right to make an azz out of hmself if he so chooses.

Read about it...

A pole with a Trump hat tied on with a huge safety pin.


Anonymous said...

I was under the impression that our town was full of atheists. Why wouldn't they let this guy speak?

Lynn Anderson said...

Did Chaz borrow that safety pin from Laurie or Jo-Ann? :)