Monday, November 9, 2015

Commission looking to control free speech

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It looks like Lake Worth will be going down Chaz Steven's road. He doesn't believe in turning the other cheek other than slapping it down.

Is the city cowering in fear of another lawsuit? Wringing their hands?  Their solution to the atheists and satanists is to not invite any pastor to give an invocation; the commission will tackle God's word themselves, if they choose, which they probably won't.  A tiny minority has made it into a game of will and the humongous majority of those who believe in God and those who believe in Free Speech, our Constitution, will probably roll over tomorrow night.

On November 10th's Consent Agenda:
9. CONSENT AGENDA: (public comment allowed during Public Participation of Non-Agendaed items)
A. Resolution No. 59-2015 - amend the Commission's Rules of Procedures to include a policy for Invocation and Moment of Silence.

In the back-up Resolution it says: (7) The Invocation or Moment of Silence shall be offered by the Mayor or a member of the Commission on a rotating basis.

Apparently some people are scared of atheist Chaz Stevens as he has requested that he be among those granted to give his "prayer" message before our city commission meetings. The city doesn't acknowledge that this is a game he's been playing all over Florida where he has brought down city governments. He won't have to worry about inclusion now--No one of any faith will be included other than elected officials.  He won't be able to use Lake Worth for his two minutes of shame.

The commission should be tolerant of all beliefs unless they promote voodoo, bodily harm or self sacrifices. But no, now we will have to listen to an elected official. If they vote to eliminate a 2 minute invocation, this WILL be their legacy...the day the city died.


Anonymous said...

What's next? The flag? wait until some idiot insists that we stop saying the pledge to the flag. what will this council do then?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure shifting the invocation to the City officials is a solution unless they simply do a moment of silence. If they do the invocation then they have to make sure all faiths are represented, including the ones that folks here don't like.

Anonymous said...

Pam Triolo, Scott Maxwell and Andy Amoroso saying an invocation is like Mike Bornstein supporting one of his employees.