Sunday, October 4, 2015

Refugees hurl insults

Please mute this video if you don't want to listen to the Arabic...English is printed across the screen.

This is what's happening across Europe as these refugees invade countries. Obama will soon allow more of them into our country. We just don't hear all the truth from the liberal media.

A European woman’s horrifying tale of what she saw and heard while traveling with the Muslim migrant wave pushing north through Europe. Suffering a host of insults hurled her direction, she waited for the train among the mass of people, of which she estimates 90 percent were healthy fighting-age men, while witnessing people defecate in public, fight among each other and beat their women and children.

And on another note--
The conservative Tribune reports that the 16 states below have bills or are initiating bills to outlaw Sharia law: Alabama (two bills) Arkansas Florida (two bills) Indiana (two bills) Iowa Kentucky Mississippi (four bills) Missouri (two bills) North Carolina Oklahoma (seven bills) South Carolina (two bills) Texas (six bills) Virginia Washington West Virginia Wyoming (two bills) Some organizations, like CAIR, have opposed these laws, calling them “racist” and “Islamophobic” — in fact, this list was compiled by CAIR in the first place so as to label those who oppose the implementation of Shariah law in the United States Islamophobic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those hurling slurs of racism are the new form of bully. They'll be the first to cringe upon attack. The media loves a charming toddler as we all do, the question is what will it be as a young adult? (Any race, who cares?)