Saturday, October 17, 2015

Obama was trying to make American prisons Sharia compliant

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WND says that the Obama administration is so used to issuing executive orders and getting what it wants, it thought it could simply ban pork products in federal prisons and justify it with a lame excuse.

Like that was going to quell suspicions federal prisons were on their way to being made Shariah compliant, right?

Meet the congressman who put pork chops back on the menu and the simple way he did it...Click here.

Cling tightly to God, Guns and our Constitution America or Obama will do this to you. One more year to go to regain sanity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

subway to remove pork--more to worry about ---subway just remove rubber they put in their bread---google--it--mcdonals still put rubber in their bread along with wends they refuse to take it out