Sunday, October 11, 2015

Obama has made a mess of things

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Peters noted that long ago, Obama was a community organizer and those communities in Chicago are a “mess right now.” He said Obama has tried to “organize the international community” with similarly bad results.


Anonymous said...

George Bush had nothing to do with the mess. Everything is Obama's fault. Give me a break. The conservatives have controlled the government for years and have started numerous wars which they have refused to raise taxes to pay for. Instead our roads and bridges are falling apart, our health care system allows major corporations to charge us whatever they want for drugs, and jobs continue to go overseas. That's all happening with a Republican controlled Congress. I agree it's a mess but I can't put it all on the president. I blame Congress and the conservative supreme court for giving big business control over our government. Both parties have screwed the middle class and it's time you stop believing everything on Fox News.

Lynn Anderson said...

No, I won't give you a break. I will give you the Eminent domain ruling however as that was decided upon under Bush's presidency. And I will award Obama with a Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare that forced people to buy health insurance from private companies.

As far as wars go--
Bush: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Somalia.

Obama: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria.
Obama is doing a great job with an 18 trillion dollar debt and all his executive actions. He's had 6.5 years to totally divide our country.

Obama is the king of corporate subsidies.

Anonymous said...

That's why a conservative Supreme Court allowed our corporations to buy our elections. You receive government health insurance yet millions of Americans can't afford it. Congress gave the insurance companies and drug companies everything they wanted because no one had the balls to say that everyone in the country should have the same insurance that you have. Obama is not the issue. The system that allows the rich to buy the government that helps just them is the problem. Tell me how did Bush pay for the war he started by lying to the American people?

Lynn Anderson said...

Why should everyone have the same insurance that I have? I had to wait until age 65 to get this after paying into s/s for 40 years. Why should everyone not work and buy their own insurance until retirement like I had to do? The government can't afford to pick up all of your bills. People need to get jobs and earn a living. More and more employers are picking up the tab for medical insurance today.

As far as the drug companies, some are raising prices so high (under Obama now) that people will die.

Bush did not lie to the American people. What about Obama now--he just did it--ordered military action against Libya "unilaterally" — without the congressional approval that he once argued the Constitution demanded and condemned Bush for after Bush's intel told him there were definitely weapons of mass destruction. Would it have been better not to do anything and then find out there WERE WMD? You could be dead.

Go back to watching Rachel Maddow.