Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Last night's Democratic "Debate" - Reject them all

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After watching the Democratic "debate" last night, I re-affirm my decision to change my Party to Republican. Anderson Cooper did a fairly good job as moderator but he should have brought up more hardball questions such as Obamacare with premiums growing like a weed, giving healthcare coverage to illegal aliens, the national debt, failed policies in the Mid-East, our falling prestige all over the world, building the wall and other pertinent questions with answers from the candidates addressing the important issues of the day.

As Donald Trump put it, this debate was about a
 "race for your wallet."

The only things that I heard that were important to this group were, global warming/climate change as the biggest challenge we face (not ISIS), wanting a clean electric grid with more wind and solar, gun control, free healthcare, black lives matters, taxing more and taking from the 1 percenters. Free college education was stressed by socialist, Bernie Sanders.

The only candidate with whom I agreed on some issues was Jim Webb--

Webb: Largest long-term issue is the nation's rocky relations with China, while day-to-day is continued cyber warfare. Operationally, though, Webb said the biggest issue is solving the crisis in the Middle East. I agree with those assessments.

But if you visit his web site you will cull him as well.

The winner clearly was Hillary Clinton. She admitted that she was a "progressive." We have had too many horrendous decisions that have made our country vulnerable and less respected globally. Some of the change has been social over the last 6.5 years even entering into the subject of gender--You have a progressive attitude towards gender if you dress girls in blue and boys in pink to challenge stereotypes. Politically correct or just plain stupid?

Let's vote in a conservative Republican who actually can get our country great again.


Anonymous said...

Hillary's toast. Any one of the Rep candidates will wipe her up.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, I did not know you ever change your party....

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, Lynn. If you take away 9/11 and the crash of 2008 and everyone losing their job, the days of Bush were ones of dancing in the streets and everyone getting along. At least that's the way I remember it. Sure, there were some young soldiers that we lost but isn't that happening all the time. I want to go back there when health providers were more free to provide the care they wanted to those they wanted to provide to instead of being hamstrung by Socialist Obamacare. If you're sick, you should be paying more than those who aren't sick. Maybe that would make some people save money for their golden years. Be responsible, I say!

And I agree with you, anonymous at 2:47. Chris Christie would clean Hillary's clock. Rick Santorum, too.

Good post.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh the GW Bush years.......Truly the worst president and times of my life. Come on Republicans take us back to the good ole days. Barf.

Anonymous said...

Bush is a war criminal who started a multi trillion dollar war against the wrong enemy and got us into the horrendous mess the middle east is today.
His cronies profited from the arms sales, he and Cheney said Iraq would pay us back in oil revenues (accounts still receivable), and caused the death and disfigurement of thousands of American young men and women by his lie.
Between him and Obama they took the surplus left by Clinton and turned in into over 18 trillion of national debt.
Trump offers us the only hope for fiscal stability, regeneration as a nation and policy that is not influenced by campaign donors and lobbyists since he is using his own money and is not beholden to special interests.
I am changing my registration to Republican in order to vote for Trump in the primary.

Lynn Anderson said...

I disagree with your assessment of Bush. However, glad you are going to vote for a Republican instead of a socialist.