Sunday, October 11, 2015

Courts and Christianity

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It's not enough that secularists are using the courts to force God out of public life, says WND.

Now U.S. Christian ministries are being forced to submit to the oversight of progressive groups described as atheist organizations – and they don't even get to say anything about it.

Here's the next battleground for religious rights ...


Weetha Peebull said...

"The problem is that Sunrise was cut out of the negotiations by the state and the plaintiffs, was not allowed any input, was not allowed to object and was provided no opportunity for a defense."
It's all fun and games till these 'opposing' groups are censored by someone else who doesn't like their 'style' of freedom! What goes around comes around and these people (self appointed censors) deserve to be controlled by the next politically correct group because they dared to control another!

Anonymous said...

The CRA doesn't have to open it's books.