Thursday, October 4, 2012

Special Interests trying to takeover Lake Worth

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The Sun Sentinel just wrote an article on building heights in Lake Worth. It is a contentious subject by those who have developer connections, Realtors or anyone making money from development.  Money is the driving force, money in their pockets, not keeping our small town charm. They are not the least bit interested in Lake Worth. We have already seen the politics behind it from the trio commission.

There is a strong lobby in this city to grow our downtown higher. This mindset was popular 10-12 years ago when Scott Maxwell was first on the Commission. The voters got smart and changed out the commission majority. Now they are back again rearing their ugly heads.

The thinking is it will bring more ad valorem taxes and more traffic and for heavens sake, we need a hotel to open and no developer will be interested in a four story hotel, or so they tell us. They choose to forget that four story hotels are being built and have been built all over this country. We know that any additional taxes from additional construction will not go to the city of Lake Worth but to the CRA but Lake Worth citizens will have all the costs associated with servicing the building and all the costs that additional people in our downtown will bring to our public service and our infrastructure.

Read the article.

Now this blog has been told by an extremely disagreeable and disrespectful soul that those developer interests have formed a PAC to raise money and bring awareness to their political position and to defeat Respectful Planning PAC in March.

His sick, goading comment...(and these are the types of candidates they get to run in Lake Worth):
Thanks for finally getting it. The chronology is mapped. Oh, and by the way, a new heights PAC is about to come to life. The "real" heights PAC. It's gonna BE FUN! And by then you'll be down at least five hundred on the sigs, the way the numbers are going. And, don't forget. Your financials are due by the tenth of this month. 10/10/12. We'll be waiting. Fun going out of town, catching up is just so much fun! Oh, oh, oh, and the $3000 Cara Jennings got, and McVoy getting $2500, and McNamara getting $3000 from the Conservation surcharge? And, developing, you got how much? And the best one, Purvis? That's the one. Priceless.
Wilson Eubanks
Does Mr. "Eubanks" sound like a rational being? You decide.


Anonymous said...

That guy is a sick SOB.Have read some of his rants on Blackman's blog where he allows sickos to comment.

Anonymous said...

"On a recent afternoon, it seemed that way. Tourists lounged outside the first-floor Starbucks, and Kevin Lancaster, behind the kava bar next door, enjoyed the influx of customers."

Does this writer have any clue about the kava bar and what's been going on there? Are these the people behind heights? Wow, are we in trouble, arrested drug manufacturers and all.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Eubanks is about as real as mcvoy's opponent.

Anonymous said...

The Cra should immediately be redistricted OUT of the downtown and into the blighted areas of Lake Worth where they belong. It's really sad that greed may eventually ruin our city.The people that choose to live in Lake Worth should be able to vote on this issue. And this "education" crap is just a polite way to say "we plan on lying are asses off".The people that want to shut the taxpayers of Lake Worth up,welcome outside influences with money.Pam Triolo,Scott Maxwell and Andy Amaroso will lie,cheat and do ANYTHING they have to do to help their friends rape this city.

Anonymous said...

I think it's Stafford himself. Once a bully, always a bully.

Anonymous said...

He can't help himself.

Laurel said...

I suspect that if we put a Starbucks and an ice cream shop in any block, anywhere in the city, it would drive a lot of foot traffic. Pretty much a no-brainer. It's not the Lucerne that is driving the "influx of customers", it's the ground floor.
So the really intelligent people should ask themselves: Did we need an additional 5 floors (50'of height) of residential condos to drive this foot traffic? I believe that the intelligent people will come up with a logical answer to that.

Anonymous said...

is there anyone in his right mind who understands what this nut job with the phony anonymous handle is talking about?

Anonymous said...

"it's sad that greed may eventually ruin our city".
And the blight is definately helping the city boom.
No problems with living in a ghetto, but god forbid building a new building anywhere in the city is going to ruin it.
Makes sense to me.

Anonymous said...

A new building under 4 floors would be very welcome.