Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Waples steps down from Lake Worth's Planning & Zoning Board

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UPDATE:  Mark Parrilla is now a voting member of P&Z

The Voice of Reason has Resigned:

From: Robert Waples [robertwaplesii@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 8:34 AM
To: Pamela Lopez Cc: William Waters; Sandi DuBose; Karen Vaughn; Pam Triolo; Scott Maxwell; Suzanne Mulvehill; Christopher McVoy; Andy Amoroso Subject: Planning & Zoning

 Good Morning All,

After Months of personal reflection and soul searching, I have finally come to a decision that my time on the P&Z, N&A and Signs Appeal Board has come to an end. (Effective this day of Tuesday, July 31, 2012)

I personally thank everyone for the opportunity to serve and work with what I consider one of the now, strongest staff we have seen in years. This decision does not come lightly to me as I felt my contributions have been solid and well thought out for each and every vote and recommendation. I feel very strong on the future of our great city and know that I can better serve in other ways

This decision will allow me more time to do and pursue other avenues that are now more important to me in my life and for my own family, and to raise the bar of quality events to help shape and serve those who are in much need through out Lake Worth and Palm Beach County.

I wish all of you the best in your endeavors and pray that God will grant you the wisdom, patience and the art of collaboration in order to make the best decisions for our wonderful City of Lake Worth. Please remember as you look at each and every decision that we the people are relying on you to make sound and rounded decision based on what is best for all.


Robert E. Waples II

WPTV video on voting down citizens petition in Lake Worth for November

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"One commissioner (Scott Maxwell)  who voted against putting the ordinance on the November ballot said he wants to allow his residents enough time to understand what is at stake. He said many Lake Worth residents are seasonal and are not here to get in on the conversation."

This was nothing more than sleazy politics. Most snowbirds are registered out-of-state, live here less than 50% of the year and have little interest. In fact, I do not believe or  know of anyone that the Vice Mayor has called regarding this issue who lives all year round in his district.

Read the story and see the video. CLICK HERE

Joe Talley is running for Sheriff PB County

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Joe served for twenty-two (22) years with the Baltimore County Police Department, promoted through each rank with the last six years at the rank of Major

Joe holds an A A in Law Enforcement and a BS in Criminal Justice. He is a graduate of the following prestigious police training academies: F.B.I National Academy, Southern Police Institute, Federal Executive Institute, U.S. Secret Service Dignitary Protection School. Joe has completed hundreds of specialized trainings over the span of his career and maintained affiliation with these coveted schools.

Joe is also a recipient of numerous honors, awards, and commendations. Joe was a member of the Reserve Unit of the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office for five (5) years and was promoted through to rank of Lieutenant. At that rank was awarded Deputy of the Year, 2003.

Joe has seen the agency from the outside and from within and has identified many areas of concern and need for improvement. He has worked in the private sector as Corporate Security Director, and served for years as a Board Member of the Village of Wellington Public Safety Committee.

To read Joe Talley's complete Bio, please go to his web site.
Facebook: “Joe Talley for Sheriff”
Twitter: @ Talley4Sheriff. Email: info@joetalleyforsheriff.com. (561) 383-1880.


Monday, July 30, 2012

Operating in the Sunshine

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I have been wondering for months now if the "visionaries" operate totally in the Sunshine. Do they communicate with one another on issues coming before them? Do they use a conduit or two or three or four? Do they meet at Dave's and never discuss the city, not one itsy bitsy bit?  Do they get text messages from a few in the Chamber who just have to have their laptops with them at all times while a meeting is in progress?

Of course, they wouldn't do that, would they?

Mulvehill not to run again for Lake Worth Commissioner

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Suzanne Mulvehill
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2012 6:13 PM
To: whoward@pbpost.com

Click here for Howard's article

Subject: RE: Re-election

This letter is to inform you that I have decided not to seek re-election to the Lake Worth City Commission but to instead explore other opportunities in my professional life. My service to the city I love has been both challenging and greatly rewarding, and I am proud of what we have accomplished in very tough economic times.

I ran for re-election in 2010 because I felt a responsibility to the residents of Lake Worth to complete critical projects that were started during my first term. I am confident now that the beach will be completed as planned, and the new electric contract will bring residents relief from the high rates that have plagued us for years. Our new water plant will serve the community with quality water for many years to come.

I want to express my gratitude to those who supported my work and my ideals over the last four years: to preserve our old Florida charm that makes us unique, protect our open space and public parks, and restore economic vitality without compromising our small town feel. It is my hope that someone who shares these ideals will step forward to run for my seat in District 4.

Willie, it has been a pleasure working with you. Thank you

Most Sincerely,

Suzanne Mulvehill

Commissioner District 4
City of Lake Worth, FL

Tit for Tat

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Okay. Tit for Tat. Is that what it's about?
Someone suggested that to me in an e-mail earlier today.

Hint: We can wait for this Charter Amendment to get on the ballot. It's not the worst thing that has ever happened to the citizenry in this city. It is one of the most political and egregious actions by three people, however. By law it has to go to the ballot whether they like it or not.  It should have been put on the ballot for a vote from the beginning. Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." You can delay, delay, scream bloody murder, but it's gonna happen.  And we will get to watch how one side, all screamers who want to sock it to the other side, lie and lie and tell the people that without buildings going higher in our downtown it will hurt our city's tax base or some other stupid and false reason to help their developer friends.

We all know that the City does not get any taxes from the downtown; the CRA does. I can see the city now--double the size and double the trash. Double the cigarette butts. Slum and  blight will be overwhelmingly obvious.

Now the consensus is that the present majority fooled some people to get in power and is just "paying back" for past insults to--whom? Maxwell?  No one ever insulted him. They just seldom agreed with him and that's a good thing as our City was better for it, until of course, he came into power and promptly fired our city manager. He was overly rude to Stanton who actually was a manager. Tit for Tat--now he's in the power and it sure turned ugly fast.

One thing that I can say, no one on the Dais before this Trio was rude and obnoxious and sticking it to the people...not one. Cara Jennings had some controversial decisions from time to time. But she was always polite even when some in the chamber insulted the heck out of her. Still am opposed to the beach redevelopment--that should have gone out on a vote. Rachel Waterman tried to get control over the Chamber. Outbursts from the back row were prevalent during her short tenure. Her actions pale in comparison to Pam Triolo's and has made Waterman look like a saint.

Now this group believes that we should just sit there like good little sheep and take their insults, lies and abuse and basically be treated like yesterday's old newspaper.  They twist everything around. Black is now white. So?  You're back in power. This should give you more reason to treat people with some respect. I would suggest that all three of you attend a PBCounty Commission meeting to see how they act towards each other as well as the public.

I still don't know what the trio's story is. I attend every meeting and have for years. I am on the side of honesty and align myself with people of integrity. I was perfectly willing to give this new group a chance but it was soon realized that was impossible because of the decisions they have made over the last 8 months that have not been in the best interest of Lake Worth.

  • Maxwell doesn't like anything.You have to wonder if he even likes himself.
  • Triolo has the ear of all the people who speak the loudest and runs the dais like her voice and opinion is the only one that is right. Please check with the other 36,000 people in this city to get a different perspective. Our commissioners all have the right to voice an opinion. We have the right to hear what they have to say. It is not all about you, Mayor. And our opinion counts.
  • Amoroso goes along for the ride...probably scared of Maxwell. Most people should be.

It is not we who are the clowns.

Is it possible to get back to civility in the Chamber and have the mayor tone down her voice a few notches and treat everyone with respect?

Is it possible that Maxwell can ever stop getting even and staying just plain ugly and exciting the other two?

Is it possible for you to give intelligent and truthful reasons when you stick it to the very people who elected you?

Note  I will not be accepting attack comments on this blog.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Yellow Crowned Night Heron

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Today we are featuring two photos taken by Gael Silverblatt at The Lake Worth Lagoon. This is the first blog for Guest Photographer.

Lake Worth Pool

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I guess that the PBPost is the source for news when it comes to Lake Worth. We don't get any city manager reports to inform the public as to what's going on. In fact, the Commission doesn't get all of the facts either. 

Howard wrote about our pool repairs and it seems that Sinclair Engineering Company did an inspection and has submitted a report.  I don't recall this coming before the commission. There is tipping at the pool as well as a horizontal crack in the pool beam located in the NW section of the pool. There are some missing and cracked tiles. Gee, I wonder what caused that?

Read more..

Charter Amendment delay

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Ms. Lopez explaining her efficiency--

From: Pamela Lopez
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2012 3:50 PM
To: Andy Amoroso; Christopher McVoy; Elaine Humphreys; Michael Bornstein; Pam Triolo; Scott Maxwell; Silvina Donaldson; Suzanne Mulvehill
Subject: ad in Saturday's paper re public hearing date

To offer as many options for the commission to consider on Saturday July 28th, staff placed an ad on July 28th with  a public hearing date of Aug. 7th…..however, based on the Commission’s decision to set the ballot public hearing date for Sept. 18th, this issue will need to be scheduled  on the Aug. 7th agenda for the sole purpose of continuing the public hearing date to September  18...

Osama back in the news

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Did U.S. Navy pray bin Laden into paradise?

Within 24 hours of being killed by U.S. Navy SEALS, al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden was reportedly given a Muslim burial at sea.

Existing U.S. Navy rules require the prayer for Muslim burials include the following: “O Allah, forgive him, have mercy on him, pardon him, grant him security, provide him a nice place and spacious lodgings, wash him (off from his sins) with water, snow and ice, purify him…make him enter paradise and save him from the trials of grave and the punishment of hell.” Did the U.S. military -- which has cracked down on chaplains praying in Jesus' name -- actually send this mass murder to his eternal reward with such soothing words?

We may be about to find out ...
Read the latest now on WND.com.

Allen West Discusses Islamist Infiltration, Bachmann’s Case Backed Up?
By Javier Manjarres
At one of his monthly townhall meetings in Broward County, Florida, Congressman Allen West was asked about the ‘Muslim Infiltration’ of the U.S. Government, Read more...

Shooting the Messenger

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Jack Cesare, downtown merchant, first notified the authorities about certain activities going on at the Kavasutra on Lake Avenue in Lake Worth in 2010. He was not taken seriously by Commissioner Andy Amoroso as nothing was done that we know of. Commissioner Mulvehill wanted the authorities to handle it if any crime was  being committed. The PBSO did nothing and some believe they condemned the messenger.

Cesare was threatened, as well as enduring an inappropriate and prejudicial slur by this neighboring merchant who entered his shop in front of customers. Dylan Harrison went so far as to sue Cesare for slander for reporting him to the PBSO. Cesare was treated like a crackpot instead of the other way around.

It took a synthetic drug warehouse to blow up two years later to have anyone pay attention.


Taking the low road - The Gang Bangers

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Channel 5 video

PB Post article

Chief Banger

The commission meeting started out as a joke. The City Manager, Michael Bornstein, who well knows the political ropes, didn't even have the city attorney there for this meeting. His excuse?  "She was busy." The city attorney is there for all meetings but yesterday was an exception. This was one of the most important political meetings of the year. She needed to be there to set Maxwell and the rest of the trio straight.

Maxwell even trashed our signatures saying there were people from all over the place and some people had signed twice. That is why signatures are certified and each one is looked at carefully. The signatures were scrutinized and counted by the Supervisor of Elections. They discounted 3.7% of those turned in...an unprecedented low amount. The PAC worked as carefully as they could.

 The rest of the Banger Team

No one understands the motivate of Maxwell, Triolo or Amoroso as they voted to disallow the Charter Amendment to be placed on the November ballot.  Never giving a reason other than the electorate must be educated, Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso voted to bypass the November ballot and hold a special election in March. Instead of a 101 day wait, it will now be a 227 day wait. If you think about it, the PAC had certified signatures of at least half the registered voters who turn out in a March election. The Bangers strategy would have been better to vote to allow this to be placed this November.

One needs to understand that a commission can make changes to a Comprehensive Plan. This trio just did that. Essentially they could make all sorts of amendments to the Comp Plan and build to 100 feet and 65 feet per the present Charter. The only recourse we have as citizens, to keep heights and maintain a low-rise city, is to do a Charter Amendment restricting heights in our downtown.

Have you ever been in a room where someone told a joke and everyone laughed at the punchline but you? That was the feeling here. This Commission has packed the Planning Boards with "their people" and have denied, for the third time, the right of the people to vote on this issue in November. They would deny it all together, if they could.

Their false allegation of the Charter Amendment being a "political ploy" by those up for re-election is untrue and offensive and only grasping at straws again. Voting to spend anywhere from $20 thousand to $30 thousand for a special election is reckless and more bad politics. This delay tactic is about giving them more than adequate time to raise the money to defeat the Amendment and to put their constituents in "their proper place."

People will be concentrating on Obama and the presidential race this November as well as two local seats that are up for election. This gives the trio 4 additional months to raise money. But it could be that something else is going on with this less than transparent trio visionary gang bang team.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lake Worth Chooses Interim Law Firm

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A new law firm was chosen today to guide the City during an interim period and to allow the Commission to evaluate whether or not we hire our own city attorney who would be an employee or stay with an outside firm for our legal answers. This will be a six months contract.

The law firm of Glen J. Torcivia & Associates in West Palm Beach got a unanimous vote of the Commission.

The firm was founded in 1989 to provide high quality personalized service to our clients. The firm’s practice areas include labor and employment law (specifically representing employers), local government law, business and corporate law, commercial and civil litigation, appellate law, health care law, election law, constitutional law, civil rights law and education law.

Christy L. Goddeau:

* Stetson University College of Law, St. Petersburg, FL Juris Doctorate, May 1996 (Magna Cum Laude); class rank 11/130; GPA 3.50/4.00
* University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Bachelor of Arts, Criminal Justice, May 1992, GPA 3.54/4.00

Bar Admissions

* Florida, October 1996
* California, December 2002 (inactive)
* United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, 1997
* U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida, 2004
* 11th Circuit Court of Appeals 2006

Glen J. Torcivia (on right)
shaking hand of City Manager, Mike Bornstein

* Albany Law School of Union University, Albany, NY Juris Doctorate, June 1979.
* State University College at New Paltz, NY Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, January 1976 (Cum Laude)
*Dean's List for all seven semesters.

Bar Admissions

* State of New York, 1980.
* U.S. District Court, Eastern District of N.Y., 1981.
* U.S. District Court, Southern District of N.Y., 1981.
* State of Florida, 1982.
* U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida, 1983
* U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida, Trial Bar, 1985.
* U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, 1987.
* United States Supreme Court, 1999.

Best quote of the afternoon: "I am not playing with monopoly money," said Mr. Torcivia. He will be giving straight legal advice and watching the purse strings.

Turn on Channel 5 at 6pm tonight

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In order to see "democracy" in action, the Mayor as well as Commissoner Mulvehill, will be on tonight's news regarding the majority of the commission (Maxwell, Triolo and Amoros) denying the Charter Amendment to restrict heights in our downtown to be placed on November's ballot. WPTV is where it's happening!

Lake Worth Neighborhood Association Soccer Tournament



 located off of S A Street between 6th Avenue South and 3rd Avenue South


PRIZES: 1st Place Trophy, 15-$5.00 Public gift cards, and 2nd Place Medal

Commission to consider date for Charter Amendment placement on Ballot

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The Commission can either approve putting it on the ballot for November 6 or delay it up to 180 days and have a special election that will cost the City a heck of a lot of money.

November 6 is plenty of time for everyone to work the campaign, for or against. I would hope that they make the wise decision--place it on the November ballot and not cost the taxpayers money.

We shall see how frugal Scott Maxwell really is and how much he cares about his constituents. Are they going to make a handful of people in the back row happy or 1,785 people happy?

Lake Worth Casino - Store build outs

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I was invited over to Mulligans Beach House Bar & Grill to look at the progress of his new restaurant and take some shots of the build-out. The second floor outside patio is much larger than I imagined. There is an elevator on the right side of the building to accommodate the upstairs space as well as another one near the south side of the building. It is an amazing view. The Casino looks  beautiful. The ballroom on the second level has all wood floors.  All of the doors were locked so I couldn't get inside.

Mulligan’s Beach House is a company that has been successful doing breakfast, lunch and dinner for 15 years. George Hart,Owner/Operator describes his restaurant as "casual family seafood. We are a restaurant that not only serves great food with fast friendly service to each customer, we also highly support each community that we move in. Mulligan’s is what your community wants. We are a restaurant that knows how to handle high volume business, we are family owned and operated. I am in the restaurants every day and I am a hands on owner, constantly training my staff & managers, constantly looking for new better products for our menus, I am there talking to my customers and making sure everyone has a wonderful experience and will want to return."

Friday, July 27, 2012

Romney Political Ad

Speech might not be so 'free' if it's against Islam

Thought your free speech rights, those given by God and protected by the U.S. Constitution, were assured in the United States?

Well, maybe.

If you're going to say something critical of Islam on Obama's watch, you might want to watch your back.

Click here to read the full article.

Selling Lake Worth Utilities to FPL

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Letter to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
July 27, 2012

Lake Worth would lose with utility sale to FPL

Your editorial extolling the merits of a sale of Lake Worth Utilities to Florida Power & Light (“Oddly passive about FPL”) missed some important points.

The Public Service Commission will not allow the cost of this acquisition to be spread over FPL’s customer base; it must be recovered solely from Lake Worth ratepayers. Should the sale price be, say, $100 million for the 87 megawatts of capacity of our generators and the 6 square miles of our recently upgraded distribution system, Lake Worth customers would have to pay $10 million per year above FPL’s prevailing rate for 10 years for the corporation to recover its investment. In addition, any franchise fees and taxes paid will be charged back to us.

The city adds $9 million from utility rates to our general fund in lieu of taxes. Should the sale occur, our taxes will be permanently raised to cover this lost revenue, and our present valuable asset will no longer be ours.

We are 18 months from an exit from the company responsible for our high rates. When we select a new power provider, we can expect a 25 percent rate reduction for energy we have to purchase and a further reduction by production of our own electricity at our plant, since natural gas is near its 10-year low. Please keep the Trojan horse at the gates as a supplier rather than the beneficiary of an ill-advised sale.

Lake Worth

Note:  The Public Service Commission was called to verify the above statements on who would be responsible to pay back FPL on the sales price. If FPL would want to distribute the cost of buying this Utility to all of its customers, they would have to appear before the PSC.

Lake Worth to discuss Charter Amendment Initiative on Saturday

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Options for Commission consideration:

  • Approve the ordinance on second reading;
  • Approve the ordinance on second reading after noon on August 10th but during the 60-day consideration period will result in a special election between 90 and 180 days of the approval date
  • Deny the ordinance during the 60-day consideration period will result in a special election held between 90 and 180 days of the denial date.
  • Take no action within the 60-day consideration period will result in a special election held between 90 and 180 days from the 60-day consideration period ending.
I move to approve/disapprove Ordinance No. 2012-30 on first reading

Follow the Money

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Sometimes it is good to follow the  money.

Kavasutra Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in West Palm Beach. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Sep 22, 2008.

Dylan Harrison, the guy who was just arrested by the DEA for selling and manufacturing synthetic substances and is co-owner of the Kavasutra in Lake Worth, could be sentenced to 30 years in federal prison. He also contributed to Commissioner Amoroso's campaign 2011 for t-shirts. Value was $441.42. I know of one citizen who warned Amoroso about Harrison saying it would not be wise to accept any contribution from him but Commissioner Amoroso ignored his advice.

Go to Amoroso's Q2 Treasury Report.

Also, several downtown businesses knew of Dylan's exploits and business dealings so it would be unusual if Amoroso did not know as he is a shop owner and was in charge of the Downtown. He is the one to turn to when you need any information as to what's happening in downtown Lake Worth. He is the guy "in the know."

And just to bring it up, as no one made any complaint last year about insufficiently filled out Treasury Reports, the information on these reports needs to be complete along with addresses (no post office boxes) and profession for anyone contributing over $100 in value.

Sometimes, if you follow the money, it makes it easier to understand a candidate.

Romney versus Obama

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Small towns; Small hotels

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Casa Madrona in Sausalito, California

The city charter gives the commission 60 days to adopt an ordinance after a sufficient number of verified signatures of city voters have been gathered in support of a ballot question. The commission could wait and bypass the Nov. 6 election, but that would trigger a special election that would cost city taxpayers about $30,000.  Read more...

Besides the usual arguments and/or exagerations from those seeking development at the expense of our low rise city and for our favorite planner saying the only way to build is "UP" as he knows the rest of the city is built-out, the argument now is that we all have stopped the development of any hotel in Lake Worth. This argument, along with all the rest hurled at us, won't wash.

The residents said, and in no uncertain terms, they did  not want the downtown landscape to change.  We agree that some development is a very good thing. We have an entire Park of Commerce that cries "develop." This is where we will make our money. We have the Dixie Corridors.

To extend the present Gulfstream Hotel property by building adjacent to the present historic structure,  is an option and a good one. We look forward to a buyer who will do just that.

Many cities across the U.S. and the world at large preserve their small town feel. 

91 rooms, 14 suites -- A country inn adjacent to the Colonial Williamsburg Historic Area
 and the Golden Horseshoe Golf Club.

The only obstacle in Lake Worth are elected officials who are "sell-outs" and who will not recognize the value of staying a low-rise city and who are convinced by special interest friends that we need to grow vertically for the tax base.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

First Quarter Moon

Respectful Planning PAC petitions OK

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Supervisor of Elections

Certifies Petitions

Height restrictions for our downtown will be on the ballot.

Local Kava Bar owner gets Busted

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Three Palm Beach County men are facing federal charges for allegedly distributing the controversial substance known by names such as “Mr. Nice Guy” out of several stores in Palm Beach County.

Dylan Harrison, John Shealy and Michael Bryant have been investigated by the U.S. Drug Enforcement administration since March 2010, according to a criminal complaint filed in federal court Tuesday.

Harrison had his first court appearance on Wednesday, and is set to be arraigned Aug. 8. It is not clear from federal documents when Shealy and Bryant will have their initial court appearance. Read more...

Kavasutra’s voice mail message sums up kava fairly succintly:
“Kava is a beverage made from the root of the kava plant, harvested from various Pacific islands, perfect for relaxation, conversation, insomnia, muscle relaxation or just getting bombed. There’s no age restrictions on kava, and kava never shows on a drug test or breathalyzer.”
“Business has been good,” said Dylan Harrison, co-owner of the Kavasutra in Lake Worth. He said he is also eyeing expansion elsewhere in the county, but declined to say where" Source: PBPost May 11, 2010.

Past mug shot of Dylan Jessee Harrison
for a concealed weapon without a permit.

I will always remember this man when he came into Michelle Bell's store, 531 East, a few years ago and bragged about this stuff. I couldn't believe my ears!

The Lake Worth Pool

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It has been reported that the pool is damaged. Morganti, the casino contractor, says, "It's not I. I had nothing to do with any damage and I've got a video of the pool before and after the casino construction...don't pin that on me." The city is trying to come up with ways to keep our pool permanently closed and so far we don't know the extent of the damage or the cost to repair. City Manager Bornstein is mum.

When asked about it, the city manager said, "The first step is to find out what's wrong with the pool from a structural standpoint.  Operationally, while I am skeptical it can pay for a significant portion of its costs, I am always open to new ideas and options."

Mr. Bornstein, not everything we have has to pay for itself.   That's why people pay taxes. That's why cities provide services and amenities. Does any park we have pay for itself?  Does the gym?  Do some of our city buildings being leased out for a song pay for themselves?

This is what it looked like on Monday--a little bit dirty and messed up with some construction debris on the pavers. Other than that, it looks good!

Morganti said it was using our pool as one of its staging areas.
One half million into repairs and improvements
not to mention the $200,000 to Cory O'Gorman, the
project manager
and our pool has a problem now?
Let's start using some imagination and get our pool operational and stop dumping costs for the beach over into the pool account. Kids use this pool. Grannies use it for water exercises. The SEALS use it for training.  We could grab national meets from Wellington. Who wouldn't want to be at a Meet on the Atlantic Ocean?

DEA raids synthetic marijuana center

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Nationwide crack-down by the DEA on synthetic drugs. Many arrested in Palm Beach County and it has been highly suggested that it might affect people in Lake Worth who sell synthetic marijuana who have a business on Lake Avenue.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tonight's Sun

  Something a politician can't ruin--a beautiful setting sun.

Message from Lake Worth City Manager Bornstein on petitions

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From: Michael Bornstein
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 4:56 PM
To: Andy Amoroso; Christopher McVoy; Pam Triolo; Scott Maxwell; Suzanne Mulvehill Cc: Elaine Humphreys; Pamela Lopez
Subject: Saturday Meeting - Ballot Issue

The Ballot Issue is currently scheduled to be heard on first reading this Saturday after the interviews and selection of the interim law firms. Additionally, the 2nd Reading of the Ordinance will be advertised for the August 7th Regular Commission Meeting. Setting the agenda and advertising this way allows for the complete range of possible Commission actions including meeting the Supervisor of Elections deadline or consideration of a longer process as allowed by the Charter.


  • Once the petition is certified by the Supervisor of Elections, it will go on the ballot.
  • The language cannot be changed
  • Names cannot be removed from the petition once submitted to the Supervisor of Elections 


1) Does the Commission want to meet the Supervisor of Elections August 10th Deadline in order to have question on the November General Election ballot, or,
2) Does the Commission want to follow the timeline in the Charter and have a Special Election at another date, including the March 12th municipal election date?

Staff has worked diligently to provide a legally correct and flexible process to allow the policy board the latitude necessary to make decisions and provide direction. If you need further clarification or information please let me know.

Let America be America Again

This is one of the better political advertisements for 2012 Election.

The Petitions after Certification

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Why this city is in a mess--

Michael Bornstein, who knows with whom to play ball, has just stated the following regarding the petitions:

Two policy issues have been presented to me.  1)  the cost associated with having a special ballot if the issue is not in November, and, 2)  the support to move elections to March should be reflected in having this ballot question go a March election cycle as well.

Number 2 is really a dumb idea. What if the electorate vote March elections down. When they are certified, there is no reason to delay this other than a stall tactic by this majority commission that has   already said they don't give a hot damn what the people want. They got our vote but won't give us the right to vote on heights in our downtown.

With the upcoming fall election, the Supervisor of Elections has set a deadline of August 10 in order to get it on the November ballot. The Commission would have to act on the ballot Ordinance with a first reading and second reading/adoption prior to the deadline. There is a state requirement that the second reading/adoption meeting must be advertised no less than 10 days prior to the meeting.

Will the "visionary" gamble on this, still fight the citizens and continue to play games? If the required number of signatures is met and certified by the Supervisor of Elections office, then this item should  be placed on this Saturday's agenda post-haste.

Lake Worth beach redevelopment

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Yup--I'm going to be bitching about this for a very long time. It is an unbelievable mess right now but to even imagine that 162 spaces in our upper level parking area are GONE, is unimaginable.

People do go to the beach to GO TO THE BEACH...not to play on the grass and they want convenient parking. Greg Rice, saying he would have no problem walking up the dune, is one of the few exceptions. Just imagine thousands of people trampling on the grass and what it will look like a short time down the road.The City and its elected officials can screw the resident with the belief that eventually we can get used to just about anything--think Lucerne.

1/3rd the spaces at the top--higher cost--close the pool on some ridiculous reason--but the Atlantic Ocean is still free to swim. Now we're going to have people driving through a parking lot at the upper level with cars backing out onto them on both sides. Give that architect the Genius of the Day award.

Our beach property should have gone to a vote of the people.

Thanks Cara. Thanks Rene.
Money was burning in their pocket.

But even when issues go before the electorate, not everything is the will of the voter--not when you get new administrations and elected officials in place who have no idea of our history and/or don't care. SWAT did a referendum in 2005. It went to the ballot and won approximately 60/40 to save the Old Bridge property and dedicate this land as a city park. The city never spent one dime to improve this asset. They wanted to sell it to a developer for a highrise condo.

Now the city wants to turn over Old Bridge Park to the merchant's employees at the Casino so that they can park their cars and charge them $40 a month for each merchant vehicle with a special decal. Staff must have confused the word "park with "parking" lot.  Fishermen (the public and among those we petitioned for) get 5 spaces. Residents with decal stickers get 55 spaces down near A1A. The worst part of this deal is that Palm Beach County has control over our beach for thirty (30 years) even though we have been paying on this Recreational Bond since it was voted in. It's our money but taxpayers of Lake Worth have ALL of the costs.

Unless you have an all terrain vehicle or precision 4-wheel drive, don't venture to the upper level for awhile...hazardous to your wheels and very possibly, your frame of mind.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Senator Louise Lucas--WHAT A DOPE

How do we ever elect people like Senator Louise Lucas of Virginia. 

Read more... about this "racist."

Just when you get to thinking you've come a long way baby, someone like Louise pops up to play the race card. What a dope.

Wasting Away

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We are constantly talking about high electric and water bills. Here is one reason--waste-- located near the front of the new Casino. Where is our maintenance crew?

Miami is in a pickle

A 2½-year investigation by federal authorities has concluded that the city of Miami misled investors about the city's financial health as it sold hundreds of millions of dollars worth of bonds dating back to 2007. Read more...

This is why we keep harping on transparency in government. This is why we don't understand why the vice mayor could not negotiate with Robert Marksmeier, the appointee for Lake Worth internal auditor, an extremely highly qualified individual or why the negotiating process took over two months and ended up in a dead zone.

From now on, the commission needs to have a skilled negotiator when it comes to contracts.

Quote of the Day - Charlie Crist

"If we don't speak out against these abuses, we may soon learn the hard way the danger of that double standard." He further stated that "meddling with voters rights is meddling with democracy.

~ Charlie Crist

In today's Palm Beach post there is an editorial by Florida's 44th governor, Charlie Crist, entitled Florida in danger of purging democracy. I felt that this op-ed piece fit in nicely with Respectful Planning Pac's objective--to allow the residents of the great city of Lake Worth to vote on heights in our downtown.

The Pac's objective is so simple and as Charlie would say, meddling with voting rights is "a line we should not cross." Our Commission "visionary" team of Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso did the unthinkable--they trampled on our freedom and our right of free speech. And even when they had the chance to place the referendum language on the ballot, they gave a resounding "no" full of disrespectful and abusive epithets hurled at the petitioners.

We don't have Kings and Queens in this country and we sure don't want them in Lake Worth.

Fire victims get help from a lot of Lake Worth Heroes

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Mark Parrilla was recently in the news for offering help, as so many others have, to the couple who lost their home in a fire. He, along with others from our city are all Lake Worth Heroes donating time, money and staples to Paul and Carol Allen of Hypoluxo.  Lake Worthians are reaching out beyond our borders. Mark sent out his accounting to all the local blogs but in order to avoid redundancy, please read Wes Blackman's blog for Mark's rendition on the volunteers who have been giving so much.

The Allens lost everything in this home fire. One thing was their prosthetic devices. Barbara Jean Weber went into action and contacted Dr. Manoj Patel who had advertised in Milton's Magazine, and he said "yes."

Mark says, "I hope you share the news of these blessings that are a direct result and answer to prayers and reaching out to neighbors in Lake Worth. We live in an AMAZING CITY! I am so PROUD THAT LAKE WORTH IS OUR HOME!"

Monday, July 23, 2012

Respectful Planning PAC's Chair on News tonight

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Laurel Decker, Chairman of Respectful Planning PAC, to be on Channel 25 News tonight 5pm and 6pm. Tune in to listen to the interview.

All petitions are now in the hands of the Supervisor of Elections and the count should be finished by the end of this week. We will know if we have the required number or if we need to go out and get a few more.

Lake Worth Golf Course Replaces Greens

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Lake Worth Golf Course to temporarily close on Mondays and Tuesdays to replace greens.


Allen West writes Letter to the Editor of the Palm Beach Post

In his column last Sunday, Editor of the Editorial Page Randy Schultz asserted that he had yet to hear what alternative to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) I would support in the United States House of Representatives (“Replace ‘repeal’ cry with health care alternative”).

As I have said repeatedly, I support allowing parents to keep children on their insurance plans until age 26. Also, I support a ban on the denial of coverage based on preexisting conditions, which could be accomplished with creation of state high-risk pools. Further, I would recommend the following:
  • Medical malpractice liability reform;
  • Allow interstate sale of insurance to provide greater consumer choice;
  • Allow individuals to form associations for the purposes of purchasing health insurance;
  • Implement tighter controls to eliminate Medicare and Medicaid fraud and abuse;
  • Repeal unnecessary and costly regulations, such as mandated benefits and rate regulations;
  • Promote health savings and flexible spending accounts, don’t tax them
Mr. Schultz is also unaware that I co-sponsored two bills to help reduce costs. HR 5 and HR 3000 address medical liability reform and free-market policies and incentives to make insurance more affordable. HR 5 was passed by the House and awaits Senate consideration.

The PPACA will saddle Americans with 18 to 20 new taxes, reduce availability of Medicare treatment, increase premiums, cause millions of Americans to lose their employee coverage and put personal health care decisions in the hands of a panel of bureaucrats. I have voted to repeal or de-fund aspects of this law 33 times. Americans need health care reform, but this law is not the way to do it.

I hope readers recognize that Mr. Schultz is uninformed and unwilling to acknowledge my clearly stated support for free- market solutions that would improve our health care system rather than destroy it.



Editor’s note: Rep. Allen B. West, R-Palm Beach Gardens, represents Florida’s 22nd Congressional District.

Lake Worth City Clerk announces PAC's signatures

From: Pamela Lopez
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 10:36 AM
To: Andy Amoroso; Christopher McVoy; Pam Triolo; Scott Maxwell; Suzanne Mulvehill
Cc: Michael Bornstein; Elaine Humphreys
Subject: political committee signatures

Please be advised that on July 23rd, the Respectful Planning Lake Worth political committee submitted 1,785 signatures for verification.  The required number of signatures needed is 1,527.  Sometime this morning, I will hand deliver the signatures to the Supervisor of Elections Office.

Respectful Planning PAC turns in signatures to City Clerk

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In only 27 days, an overwhelming number of registered voters signed the petition to restrict heights in  downtown Lake Worth. As they told us, "No more 65 foot buildings...we like our city as it is."

The petitions were turned into the City Clerk, Pam Lopez, at 9:10am this morning by the Pac's Chair, Laurel Decker. Laurel is a former member of Lake Worth's Finance Advisory Board.

Laurel signing PAC check to the Supervisor of Elections. Standing by is Carolyn Deli, Treasurer of Respectful Planning PAC and a top petitioner. All petitions will be forwarded to the Supervisor of Elections by the end of business today.

Chapel By the Sea soon to be bulldozed

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PB Post photo

Nothing is sacred when it comes to making a ton of money--not even church property. Located on Flagler Drive, south of Okeechobee, the 50-year-old chapel/amphitheater on the Intracoastal Waterway is a part of the West Palm Beach waterfront and our history. The land was filled in on the Intracoastal to create the chapel property. This land is owned by The First Baptist Church that has been here for 110 years.

Apparently the church has a big debt and in 2010 its congregation gave majority approval to sell some of its property. God works in mysterious ways as they have now found a buyer willing to pay $23 million to build twin (approximately 20 story) highrises on the chapel's waterfront property.

Say goodbye to history. Say goodbye to sunrise services.  Say hello to looking at huge condos on the waterfront and more condo inventory...like we don't have enough.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Lies, Lies and more Lies exposed by Guest Blogger who talks about building heights in downtown Lake Worth

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Guest Blogger
By:  Anonymous, volunteer petitioner for Respectful Planning PAC
In response to a commentator at 12:51 on the blog, Keeping Our Small town charm

Such lazy thinking. If a mixture of building heights is going to save us, why does WPB have a $6 million budget shortfall? If building height limitations are so disastrous, why hasn’t 48’ height limits in downtown Delray bankrupted Atlantic Avenue? Please give me a detailed explanation of your economic development theory with supporting evidence (isn’t that what you usually demand of anyone who disagrees with you?!).

Please try to avoid the tired developer-driven tripe that assumes an increase in height has a positive impact on the net budget. Anyone who can read a Cost of Services study knows that this is patently false. You would call it a lie. So please, stop spreading your lies. I would love to see how a hotel will “pay for” a library and beach. We already have a beach . . . do we need another one? How much in taxes will your six story hotel generate? Bed tax? Goes to the county. Property tax? Goes to the CRA.

Also, please explain why, if building a hotel is such a quick and simple endeavor, the PB County Commission has been unable to build one for 10 years. And they have the land, the convention center (built in room nights), and lots of free money. I know the answer. Do you? Not likely. You’re just parroting what the mayor says. Is this where we chant “Build it and they will come”? Except . . . Mulvehill, Golden, Jennings actually got some things built. This commission is all talk, no walk. Big decision to be made? Let’s put it off until someone else can take responsibility. Bold move to be made? Oh no, not us. Let’s just have a sidewalk sale. Hire an auditor? No need, we’re in charge now. The charter only needs to be respected when it’s convenient for us. Building heights will save the day!

The last commission spent two years improving streets and sidewalks in my neighborhood. As soon as the new commission got in, the improvements stopped. How come????? And FYI, Susan Stanton already brought us back from the brink of bankruptcy. Now this lazy commission and manager, who can’t figure out any new revenue streams, and apparently there is no waste left to cut from the budget now that they are responsible for budget cuts, will start dipping into our RESERVES that were diligently built by Susan Stanton. I guess our rainy day has arrived. Spend, spend, spend our savings.

By the way, someone should do something with that rat-infested disease-ridden pile of toxic waste sitting on the corner of 5th and K St. The neighbors are all complaining about it to our (Respectful Planning Pac)  volunteers.

A dog fight for your country - 2012 Elections

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TC Palm endorses Allen West's opponent

It seems that this news publication got insulted when West turned them down for an interview for endorsement stating that he did not feel that they could be objective.

We don't need "gentlemen" in Congress. We need kick ass stand-up men who can get the job done--men like Allen West.


WEAT's history

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From Pulp Pedia--a piece on
station WEAT  once referred to as EA SY 10-MOTHERFU*KING-2


Click Here to read more on fu*king WEAT-FM.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sermon on the Mount

Stated by the social justice president who does not believe in capitalism and has low regard for the entrepreneurial spirit that has made America great.

Obama's motorcade passes through Lake Worth

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President Obama drove through the City of Lake Worth on Friday morning on the way to PB International and Air Force One. And wouldn't you know, I did not have my camera. I never dreamed he would be taking this route.

Roads were blocked everywhere. I was not allowed to cross Lucerne over Federal Highway on my way back from the bank and was diverted north. I parked on 2nd Avenue North and waited for President Obama for about 40 minutes and his motorcade. One deputy told me that I had better remove my Allen West bumper sticker. He was kidding.

All cars were stopped. One guy wanted to know how he could get out of the city of Lake Worth. He was told that he couldn't. One lady yelled out her window at the deputy on duty there and asked if this mess was all for the president. When told that it was, she said, "Oh great!" Not everyone was thrilled about being held up.

Every PB motorcycle deputy must have been there that morning. The security was dense. As the President rode by, he waved from his bullet proof limo.

No matter how you feel about Obama's policies, it was a thrill to have the president of the United States drive through our little town. This is a day to remember.


Keeping our Small Town charm

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Lake Worth Public Library

Before The Lucerne, the skyline to the west of the library
 had no obstruction.
Before The Lucerne, we could see the sky.

Now we hear that Mayor Pam Triolo is challenging our petition language. Is she a lawyer too? What will they think of next? Challenge our rights under The Constitution? As the Supreme Court says, " People have the right to appeal to government in favor of or against policies that affect them or in which they feel strongly. This freedom includes the right to gather signatures in support of a cause and to lobby legislative bodies for or against legislation." Our city attorney said that the petition language is "legally sufficient."

You have to ask yourself why the "visionaries" are working so hard to keep this referendum from getting on the ballot. Commissioners McVoy and Mulvehill understand the rights of the people--they do not represent any special interest other than citizens rights. Is it because the majority trio knows  that most people do not want our city to grow vertically and that we want to remain a low-rise city of no more than four stories?

The Mayor has said that the petitioning is "political" and she has some problem with that. I have a big problem with elected officials treating their constituents like dog dung and telling lies from the dais to make political points and fighting us with every last breath. They do represent all of the people, do they not? The people are forced to sit there and take Maxwell's and Triolo's political rhetoric like good little sheep until two weeks later when perhaps we can respond to their false allegations and Maxwell waving a flyer in front of us declaring it was full of lies. There was no lie in the flyer but rather shameful behavior from the Mayor and Vice Mayor with the Vice Mayor filibustering, delaying the entire process on Tuesday night telling us all to stick it where the sun don't shine.

It is a fact that since Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso voted to change the Comp Plan to allow 65 feet, that is exactly what can be built in our downtown.

People like the "flavor" of a small town; that is why they are here and that is why we are petitioning--to give them a voice.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Democrats bailing Obama Ship

What about that--even Democrats are bailing from the Obama ship.

The former Executive Director of the Florida Democratic Party, has written an article detailing why he can not support Barack Obama over Mitt Romney. Bishop had this to say on the president’s policies in an op-ed posted at sunshinestatenews.com:

Romney hits Obama with the Truth

Hitting Obama with the truth.

Half of Obama’s campaign bundlers were rewarded with plum jobs inside his administration. Steven J. Spinner and Steve Westly pushed most of the DOE approved taxpayer-backed loans and happen to be big-time Obama bundlers.

Read more...at Scotty Starnes' blog.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Hypocrisy of the Liberal Left

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throw everything at Mitt and see what sticks" campaign strategy is showing the hypocrisy of the left.
  • Team Obama tried the dog story (forgot Obama ate dog meat).
  • Then they tried the war on women (forgot Obama is forcing Catholic women to pay for others birth control)
  • Then they tried the Bain angle (forgot Obama took Bain $$$ and hired a Bain alum for OMB director). Then it was the outsourcing lie (forgot Obama's real outsourcing record).
  • This week it's the Swiss bank accounts and secret corporations in Bermuda attacks (DNC chair has Swiss accounts and foreign investments). 
Read more at Scotty Starnes' blog.

Scott Maxwell and his Political Charm

And don't even think about complaining about heat.
Nothing bugs me more than to hear citizens whine about voting
and what their downtown should look like.
 They can't be serious, right visionaries?
I'm right; you lose.
Funck you, Granny.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Computer Upgrade

Lynn's Little Bit of Trivia is about to go through a major computer upgrade. I will be back at 100% hopefully by late Saturday. Therefore, I will not be able to publish any comments.

Height Lake Worth Charter Amendment Supporters

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“It’s an election year, and someone needs to have something to hang their hat on. It’s become a big spectacle. I’m very concerned, and I’m very disappointed,” said Pam Triolo, Mayor of Lake Worth, who, the last time I checked, represented ALL OF THE PEOPLE.

Read more..

The Mayor is WRONG for about the 18th time since she has been elected to office. The only people playing politics last night were she, the Vice Mayor and Commissioner Amoroso. They need lessons in civility as well as in government and our rights to petition. This is not a spectacle other than they making it so.

Why are they so afraid of allowing the people to vote on heights in our downtown? Principle always trumps politics. The petitioners will proceed.

3 Lake Worth Commissioners deny the people their right to vote

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 This image captures the essence

The Vice Mayor, aka the Bully of the Dais, said that my taking his photo was "disturbring"  him. Other people were taking photos but he acknowledged only me. I guess I am special. Being a public figure, you have to handle all things you do not like and begin to wear long pants and be polite to the public. This is the only elected body I have ever witnessed that gets away with being just plain rude and obnoxious. Suck it in.

The last time I checked, we still lived in America--the land of the brave--and that we were last night.

Assembled in a room with impossible odds, with hostile commissioners and some of their unpleasant supporters, we gathered to speak to the ballot initiative for Respectful Planning PAC. As citizens entered the chamber, we soon found out that the clever Commission at the last minute pulled the item from the Agenda. There was no notification to the public. There was no notification to anyone in the PAC. There was no notification to several members of the Commission. They were as surprised as we.

We were given a trumped up explanation by the City clerk (a main reason why we do NOT want to turn in our petitions to her) that the petitions had to be all certified by the Supervisor of Elections before this item could be on the Agenda. No they DID NOT. This could have been decided right then and there to adopt the language and place on the November ballot and to stop the nonsense. Staff was all in collusion with King Maxwell, Queen Triolo and the pawn. Bornstein and Maxwell looked like they were playing footsie, giving each other grins and smirks. "How sly we are," they said to themselves.

The Mayor began the meeting with an angry tone, accusing McVoy and Mulvehill of playing politics because of this agenda item. She had absolutely NO clue that the petition was started because it was they playing politics, Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso, a commissioner who just follows along. Triolo further stated that "divisiveness is causing pain." She had said at one previous meeting that anyone using the word "divisiveness" was the one who was divisive. She said that she was "insulted and wanted to do everything respectfully." They said everything that they could to impugn the integrity of all those who petitioned. They, as well as some of their diehard supporters, even had the gall to call us liars too.

Respectful Planning PAC volunteers were respectful last night as we were beaten up by the very people who represent us. However, near the end of the night after listening to a lot of crap, the Mayor was having no part of us defending ourselves from their abuse. We had to sit there and take it. We had to listen to lies coming from the dais from the King as well as political rhetoric by the Mayor and just overall nasty dispositions from them both. Later, even a PBSO deputy had to tap someone on the shoulder who was in the chamber even though the back row was at times unruly, their MO.

Volunteers have collected 1300 signatures in 22 days. This equates to 80% of our goal. If we did this in 3 weeks, we can now take our time and collect the next 267 signatures plus a cushion that we need to ensure certification of the correct number as we will not make the November ballot. We will, however, be able to call for a special election if we so choose. The people will not forget what their own elected representatives did.

There are no people alive who petition for a Charter Amendment unless they believe in the principle behind it and the circumstances that drive them to it--unreasonable decisions by a body of elected officials with no regard to what the people think other than their supporters and special interest friends. The Mayor's complaint that people go out and petition every time they don't get their way is so far fetched--another political bull shit sound bite that no one will buy.

Other than 2 to 3 people for whom I encountered, NO one wants our city buildings to be 65 feet. We are going forward until our goal is met. Three commissioners who accuse people of being divisive when they don't agree with them, are the only ones dividing this city. Our signers spoke. We know what the people are thinking. They don't want 65 foot buildings in our downtown.

P.S. The Charter amendment to change the name of our City that was proposed by Scott Maxwell was rescinded last night. This was a good political decision on his part. NO one in this city, not ONE person with whom I have spoken, wanted to change the name. This would have been a landslide defeat at the polls and Maxwell would have been remembered for just another stupid idea.I was hoping that this vote would have gone forward.