Monday, December 6, 2010

Lame Duck Mayor

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Graphic by Tom McGow


Anonymous said...

I wonder what Scott Maxwell is thinking right about now.

kkss21 said...

Rene should feel free to leave office NOW! I would not want to be away from my husband for that long.Rene's mom could handle the sale from this end.I wonder if Rene will make a fresh start politically when he moves north?

Anonymous said...

Scott and Rene have both been a big disappointment, they both like to talk big, Scott loves to say how bad things are , but what does he doe about them, about the crime and blight west of City Hall, nothing, he has been a comm. twice and frankly has doen very little either time, Rene said he would address the problems with the blight west of city hall and has done nothing as well. Little Guatemala in Lake Worth is still third world like it is in the real Guatemala, does anyone do anything about it? No, Cara didn't either, they can't vote so why bother is the mentality of most of the city leaders, the CM Stanton doesn't do anything either. The city looks pretty dumpy still west of Dixie. One has to fend for themselves.

Anonymous said...

First, pass an ordinance addressing the "bars over the windows" issue that looks soooo appealing to travelers entering our city from the West. Ever been through a bad area of Belle Glade?

How about.... businesses can have bars on the INSIDE of the window if they feel the need.

This is one of the visual maladies which you could interpret as "trashy" and causes people to roll up their windows and lock their doors.

Anonymous said...

Love this graphic.