Thursday, June 3, 2010

As the World Burns - Lake Worth

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"The European "soziale Marktwirtschaft" (social-free market economy) is an unproductive variant of a welfare state, of state paternalism, of "leisure" society, of high taxes and low motivation to work. The existence of the euro has not reversed that trend.

According to the European Central Bank, the average annual rate of growth in the euro-zone countries was 3.4% in the 1970s, 2.4% in the 1980s, 2.2% in the 1990s and only 1.1% from 2001 to 2009 (the decade of the euro). A similar slowdown has not occurred anywhere else in the world (speaking about "normal" countries, e.g. countries without wars or revolutions."

Read The Euro Zone has Failed.

As the world burns, Lake Worth is a little dot of ash. We are hurting more than we have ever hurt before but yet, the Commission does not stop spending and voted (without flickering an eyelash) to award bids for $546,000 on Auburn and Harvard Drive sidewalks and allocated another 1/2 million dollars for sidewalk repairs at various locations in the City. The Mayor said that it would increase property values...a total spending of $ONE MILLION FORTY-SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS.

As the City Manager struggles to bring it all under control and with the FAB's desire not to increase taxes, fees or have lay-offs, I think John Pickett of the Financial Advisory Board is right. The Commission just doesn't get it.

1 comment:

kkss21 said...

Last week I was at the council meeting for a very affluent town called Sewell's Point. What a difference. Their council turned down a one million dollar side walk project because of cost. They had a grant for 500,000, but would have had to come up with the other 500,000.They said"too much for us to spend".They had some concern and common sense. It was such a change from what we are all tortured by in Lake Worthless. Where did this money for side walks in college park come from? It is time for district by district voting.