The Sheriff's Department says we have a decline in crime since they took over nearly a year ago. Now I ask you, would they really say anything different? Perhaps it is true but there were 57 criminals (and these are only the ones that got caught) from Lake Worth booked for that week and only 9 from Greenacres, a city with similar demographics. What makes them want to live in Lake Worth? Nadine Burns brought up this fact a few weeks ago at City Hall.
The Sheriff's Department incorporated longer shifts and more presence on the streets under the leadership of Cpt. Silva. I like this captain and overall the Sheriff is doing a more visible job. Under good management and leadership, anything is possible. His deputies are more engaged with the neighborhoods and they give reports to the NA Presidents. According to the Sheriff, rape and aggravated assault are the only crimes that increased in Lake Worth since the Sheriff took over.

If we are a breeding ground for criminals, how do we solve that problem? If we don't clean up the slum and the blight, more people will find their way to Lake Worth. Criminals love this type of atmosphere...rents are low...overcrowding is tolerated...their friends have a base here...an illegal hiring hall that asks no questions and sanctioned by this Commission...a live and let live society populated by 35 gangs.
And here we hand over nearly a $million dollars to start Cultural Redevelopment in and around our downtown while the rest of the city burns.
W#hose culture do they want? Mayans? Street gangs? Criminals? Illegals? Our city looks like sh** and they want art.
does anyone know what in heck they are doing? Get rid of the crime and this third world here.
Let's say for the sake of argument that you had $1 million dollars. Your job with this million is to make the biggest lasting impact for residents and business owners, for the longest time period, and your choices are either:
A) seal the deal with the PBC Cultural Council to move their headquarters here permanently, provided that they purchase and rehab their building, generating jobs, business, tourism, and general vitality downtown, contributing to a rising tide that raises all ships or
B) please insert something here i hear nothing, More cops? Buy-out slum lords? Mow Grass in Alleys?
I would suggest that whatever you put in choice B; it be something that addresses the CAUSE, not symptoms, of the disease you are speaking about.
Well, you put in A) based on what guarantee? Your opinion? Do you even want to possibly agree that this is a BIG risk during these economic times? Have you even considered that we are a poor city laying off workers, raising taxes and fees across the board for all taxpayers here? This money could have funded 10 code people as an example.
Show me the document that proves that they have been successful in the past--that they will devote X amount of hours to our City...or is this all about their address on their letterhead that will be the marketing tool?
Actually, it is all about showing me the effects of their past history and the results. What grants did they obtain for West Palm Beach or any other city in PB County? What have they done? What successes have they had?
A better deal could have been negotiated. The CRA did not try and only had your stipulations to getting a heck of a lot of money.
If you are in business and hire a worker, you look at his past experience and check out his resume and do a thorough investigation. Is that applicant going to do what I expect him to do for the salary and benefits I am paying. If there is any doubt, particularly in these times, you move on.
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