Friday, February 20, 2009

Making an impact on ordinary citizens

I think we have plenty of "ordinary" citizens here in our city. We are a typical little city with a lot of great things going for it but totally mismanaged and certainly neglected.

We like to give away public buildings on $1 to $1,000 a year leases but then give away our trolley so that seniors can't even get to the grocery store. We advocate for 99 year leases of public buildings and land. We can't take care of our property unless forced to do so at the Shuffleboard Court. The Seniors there are being forced out. Concerts at Bryant Park have been eliminated but it is A-Okay for kids to tear up our park playing soccer. Grass replacement has been estimated at $50,000. If any city could use Stimulus Money, it is Lake Worth. Just take a drive down most of our streets.

President Obama told the nation’s mayors today that he would "hold them accountable for how they spend the money in his $787 billion economic stimulus package, which he described as 'a true partnership' between the federal government and cities that have been too long neglected by Washington. " But here in Lake Worth, we don't have to worry about spending any of it. We don't have to worry about Obama calling us out. We are not on the list!!!!

Mayor, tell me I am wrong.