Tuesday, January 20, 2009

To the front of the bus!

Heaven help us all!

We, as Americans have to feel pride today as it was just a little over 50 years ago when Rosa Parks took her stand and said “no,” I will sit where I want on this bus. If I were in Rosa’s shoes, I would like to think that I would have been as brave. It was during the age where blacks had separate water fountains and were not allowed to enter certain establishments because of the color of their skin. We referred to certain parts of our city as “black town.” We didn’t go there. What a shameful past we had. We still have the Ku Klux Klan with an estimated 5,000 to 8,000 members nationwide even though we have come so far.

Today, Barack Obama, the son of a white mother and a black father is now the President of the United States. During times of crisis, history has produced the best presidents and Obama has come at no better time. If anyone can affect positive change, it will be he who will do it and bring the world together. He has the vision. We have the hope. President Obama is asking all of us to step forward and be engaged in a way that we have never done and he will show us the way.

We have come a long way, baby! It is up to us. And President Obama is sitting at the head of the bus.

Written by the Post editorial board: