Sunday, December 7, 2014

Spoof of the Day

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A man was telling his buddy, "You won’t believe what happened last night… My Daughter walked into the living room and said," Dad, cancel my allowance immediately. Forget my college tuition loan. Rent my room out. Throw all my clothes out the window. Take my TV, and my laptop.  Please take any of my jewelry to the Salvation Army or Cash Converters. Then sell my car.  Take my front door key away from me and throw me out of the house.  Then disown me and never talk to me again.  And don't forget to write me out of your will and leave my share to any charity you choose."

"Holy Smoke,"  replies his friend.  "She actually said that?"

Well,  She didn't put it quite like that.  She actually said…"Dad meet my new boyfriend, Mohammed…We're going to work together on Hillary's election campaign!"

Ok, ok, lighten up all you liberal progressives! :)


Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, ha! That's just the kind of joke I would expect from a fascist, racist conservative.

Ok, ok, lighten up...just kidding!


Lynn Anderson said...

Social progressives love to call people "racists" when they have no other argument or don't agree with those against tanking our country who stand up for conservative principles and the American way.
hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :(

Anonymous said...

I'm just spoofing, Lynn, lighten up, would ya?

I even put a smiley face there to convince you that I'm just joking.

Lynn Anderson said...

I know. :) :(