Saturday, December 13, 2014

Quote of the Day - City Manager of Lake Worth, Mike Bornstein

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"Besides, I'm offended that he (Chaz Stevens who erected a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer pole at the state rotunda at Christmastime) thinks Satan drinks PBR. I think he has an epicurean taste more like the most interesting man in the world, he doesn't normally drink beer but when he does, he prefers Dos Equis!"

~ Mike Bornstein, city manager of Lake Worth

Said in a Palm Beach Post interview regarding the atheist, Preston Smith, who gave the invocation before a Lake Worth City Commission meeting.

Personally, all groups should be allowed to give an invocation. Anything said that you don't agree with or is ridiculous or repugnant should be simply ignored. Invocations are given in Congress and in the Senate of the United States. The First Amendment requires governments, including municipalities and Boards of Education, to remain religiously neutral; they may not promote either a religious or a secular way of life.

If we eliminate the invocation, as some people as well as the city manager have suggested, and go to a silent prayer, the atheists win.  The small minority of people causing havoc win. You will have allowed yourself to be jerked around by people on ego trips or only seeking national publicity at the expense of your rights.  Don't get bogged down by the separation of church and state, an expression that does not even appear in the U.S. Constitution. That's their argument. But this is what the world is coming to--people giving in to the minority voice.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you Lynn, a lot of people have great faith here in our city. All you had to do is be at Sacred Hearth Catholic Church last night for the Virgin of Guadalupe mass and celebration last night. Faith is strong here, it is beautiful. The atheist and satanist are the minority. People of faith who have the Spirit need to stand strong against all these crazy attacks and people. God bless our great little city by the sea.

"But this is what the world is coming to--people giving in to the minority voice. "

Anonymous said...

I recognize your photo Lynn in today's paper.

Anonymous said...

I will never understand how anyone can be an atheist. A satanist? That is one big stupid and crazy joke.

The on-line article gave me credit for the photo. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

These deluded and demented people got much too much attention by the Commissioners walking out on the first one of them.
Had they just passed over it as if nothing had happened, it would have been long forgotten by now. Instead it's front page local section news and all over TV, interjecting into the peace and love of the Christmas Season.

Merry Christmas to all!

Anonymous said...

The Commission had every right to walk out on that jackass ,Smith. He gave atheists every where a bad name. He was up there to be a sarcastic douche bag,not declare his beliefs.However,I personally would have stayed if I were a Commissioner.They are supposed to represent everybody even though,as I stated above, I do understand their reasons for walking out. I suppose being a Christian does trump being a Commissioner.As an audience member,I walked out. I didn't have to stand in a room where horse$hit was being rudely spewed. This was not an atheist stating their beliefs, it was just horse$hit. Lets hope that if we do get a Satanist up there to speak, they are vetted better than that horse's rear Smith was.And if we do get a sincere Satanist in our city hall, I'm glad that we have a lightening rod on top of the building. God, please don't blame us for the misguided fools who walk our streets.Blame the lawyers.