champion of the Illegal Alien, Benito Gaspar,
gives us the "razz" at City Hall on Arizona 1070
In the beginning of July in the Neighborhood Post section of the Palm Beach Post, Benito Gaspar was featured. He is the community outreach liaison for the PB County Sheriff's Office here in Lake Worth. His job? He works with the immigrants to ensure that they are not victims of crime and to bridge the gap between Central American culture and that of citizens here in Lake Worth. He wants to prevent the illegal from being a victim of crime. But aren't they criminals already just by being here? Why do we have to spend federal dollars bridging gaps?
Mr. Gaspar arrived here at the age of three and he says that this was his defining moment. He is a naturalized citizen from Guatemala and highly educated, speaking three languages. The Sheriff's department received a $500,000 Grant to be used in the high crime area of Lake Worth which just happens to be where the illegals reside, and he was hired through that program. Our federal dollars continue to support and encourage illegal immigration rather than the government sending enough manpower to protect our borders or suing the State of Arizona.
President Obama, his hero, addressed the nation a few weeks ago on illegal immigration and our borders. A poll came out on July 2 with the majority of Americans believing that we are worse off today as far as border protection. Our socialistic politics here have allowed our city to become a Sanctuary City, something that the majority of citizens do NOT want--never did want--and still do not want.
I would like to see Mr. Gaspar educate all those who live in our community who are illegal and instruct them on U.S. law and how to go about becoming U.S. citizens. Better yet, Mr. Gaspar should do his American duty and call ICE...work within the law of this country. If the illegals don't want to be citizens, then he needs to instruct them on getting the heck out of town. That would be Grant dollars well spent.
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