Friday, June 21, 2024

"Joe Biden is the master of disaster"

Byron Donalds uttered three words about Joe Biden that sent him into a rage

Who doesn't love Byron Donalds unless you are a Marxist?

"Byron Donalds is one of the rising stars among House Republicans.

He’s emerged as a top surrogate for Donald Trump on the campaign trail and is a rumored VP option.

And Byron Donalds uttered three words about Joe Biden that sent him into a rage.

Representatives Byron Donalds (R-FL) and Wesley Hunt (R-TX) have emerged as former President Donald Trump’s two top surrogates to reach out to black voters.

They sat down for an interview with Forbes to discuss why polling shows that black voters, especially black men, are abandoning Biden to back Trump.

“Because he’s trash!” Donalds exclaimed."

Read more of what Donalds said

Dr. Jill and the Biden Crime family

Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Breaks His Silence, Reveals the Truth!

Bill Stevenson, the ex-husband of first lady Jill Biden, made shocking claims about what he calls the “Biden crime family.”

"Stevenson’s allegations shed light on a dark side of the first couple’s past and raise questions about the extent of their influence and actions.

Stevenson made accusations that Joe Biden’s administration is mirroring the actions the Bidens took during their divorce proceedings, targeting former President Donald Trump.

According to Stevenson, he was threatened by Frankie Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, during his divorce, resulting in him relinquishing his house in the settlement. Two months later, Stevenson found himself indicted on tax charges amounting to $8,200.

The striking similarity between Stevenson’s case and Hunter Biden’s ongoing tax case cannot be ignored. While Hunter faces two misdemeanor counts for roughly $2.2 million in unpaid taxes, Stevenson suggests that he faced two felonies for a mere $8,200.

The discrepancies raise questions about the power dynamics within the Biden family and their alleged influence over the Department of Justice.

The similarities between Stevenson’s indictment and Hunter Biden’s case raise concerns about potential favoritism or selective prosecution within the justice system."


The Passage of Time

In the world of politics, there is one common theme that runs through every presidential campaign

the idea of a leader who is intelligent, articulate, and capable of guiding the country through challenging times

Presidents like John F. Kennedy, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and others have become role models for this ideal. However, not all politicians possess these qualities.

Take Kamala Harris, for example. While she may have been chosen as Joe Biden’s running mate in the 2020 election due to her age and energy, she has proven to be just as incoherent as her boss.

Recently, the Trump campaign released an 82-second ad highlighting some of Harris’ most famous flubs and missteps. Among them, her puzzling statement on the “passage of time” during a speech in Louisiana in 2022, where she talked about the importance of high-speed internet.

The ad also included a clip from just a few days ago, where Harris struggles to explain the role of community banks, saying they are “in the community, led by members of the community.” And let’s not forget her wise words on space: “Space is exciting!” This ad serves as a harsh reminder of why Harris is just as disliked as her running mate.

She/Her, He/Him, They/Them

California pharmacists forced to participate in LGBT indoctrination courses

"California pharmacists must now complete mandatory training on gender identity, colonialism, and white privilege in order to remain licensed in their field.

According to a June 17 report from the Free Press, the mandated “cultural competency” courses went into effect earlier this year. Democratic Assemblyman Christopher Ward stated after passing the measure that it was to “ensure pharmacists are looking out for the well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals.”

The mandate requires California pharmacists to complete an hour of the training every two years, the report states.

In the training, professionals are instructed to begin customer interactions with a question about gender, and what pronouns the customer prefers."


It just gets more stupid by the day.

UnSelect January 6 Committee Illegitimate

U.S. House moves to declare Pelosi's partisan Jan. 6 committee illegitimate

Proposal would rescind subpoenas for Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro

"Republican members of the U.S. House are moving to nullify the entirety of ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's partisan committee that "investigated" the Jan. 6, 2021, protest at the U.S. Capitol, where a few hundreds of people rioted.

The Gateway Pundit reports some two dozen members are sponsoring a resolution that would designate the committee and its work illegitimate and cancel the subpoenas it issued during its time in the spotlight.

It explains that's significant because it would be, "Rescinding the subpoenas issued by the January 6th Select Committee on September 23, 2021, October 6, 2021, and February 9, 2022, and withdrawing the recommendations finding Stephen K. Bannon, Mark Randall Meadows, Daniel Scavino, Jr., and Peter K. Navarro in contempt of Congress," the resolution reads."

Read about it...

Why wasn't Hunter thrown in jail for ignoring a subpoena? The House Judiciary Committee voted 23-14 to approve a resolution holding Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress for ignoring a subpoena.


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Sunset 6-20-24

No Parental Rights in California School System

California Senate approves ban on requiring schools to notify parents of child’s pronoun change

Parents have no rights when it comes to their kids in California schools

School districts in California would be barred from requiring teachers to notify parents if their child asks to go by a new pronoun at school under a bill the state Legislature is weighing amid legal battles over the rights of parents and gender-nonconforming students.

The state Senate approved the proposal Thursday, which would ban school districts from passing or enforcing policies requiring school staff to disclose a student’s gender identity or sexual orientation to anyone else without the child’s permission, with some exceptions.

What was their goal? To protect students whose safety could be threatened if they live in unwelcoming households. Lawmakers approved the legislation along party lines after more than an hour of an emotional debate.

The bill now heads to the state Assembly, where it would need to pass in committees and on the floor before it can reach the desk of Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, whose administration has fought school boards over the notification policies. What a joke.

Read about it...

California looking to get sued, big time!

Biden doesn't have much to run on

Biden Campaigns On Trump Being A Threat To Democracy, But Voters May Not Be Buying It

The Biden campaign has criticized former President Donald Trump as a threat to democracy, but undecided swing-state voters trust him over the current president on the topic, according to a poll released Monday.

The Biden campaign aired an ad ahead of Trump’s June 13 visit to Capitol Hill that alleged he was “the instigator of an insurrection” and that he is “pledging to pardon the extremists who tried to overthrow our government, inciting them to try again,” The Hill reported.

Over half of respondents said that threats to democracy is a top issue, with 38% saying they trust Trump more on handling it compared to 29% who said the same for Biden, according to the Washington Post-Schar School poll featuring “decider” voters from six swing-states.

Read about it...

Climate Change Hoax

Use This Calculator to See How Little Cutting Carbon Emissions Would Budge Temperatures

Ever since the start of Joe Biden’s presidency, curbing climate change has been a fundamental component of his energy policy agenda.

During the spring, for example, the Biden administration issued a power plant rule, imposing strict emissions reductions regarding the use of fossil-fuel power plants. There have been many other rules proposed as well, including regulating cars, stoves, dishwashers, water heaters, and even microwaves.

All of these rules are predicated on concerns about the effects of greenhouse gas emissions on global temperatures and climate change. If greenhouse gas emissions drive climate change, then curbing the use of sources of energy that emit them (such as coal, oil, and natural gas) should in theory curb these increases in global temperature.

The Heritage Foundation Climate Calculator, an online tool that enables the public to change some of the assumptions to simulate the climate effects of these policies to reduce carbon emissions.

Heritage Foundation Climate Change Calculator

Liberals Cheat More

Guess who's increasingly OK with cheating on spouse

"More likely to support polyamory, 'advertised as maximizing personal choice and sexual fulfillment.'

The liberal woke nutty Me generation.

A growing number of Democrats are softening their stance on the concept of marital infidelity, a new survey reveals.

In 2000, 85% of Republicans and 77% of Democrats found sex with someone other than your spouse to be “always wrong,” according to data from the General Social Survey (GSS), the leading barometer for Americans’ views on social issues.

As of 2022, 84% of Republicans have maintained their view on the matter, while Democrats have seen a 17% decrease, with 60% remaining unchanged.

People who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual are more likely to find open marriage permissible than their straight counterparts, according to Pew."

Read about it...

And as an aside, Democrats did a fine job in Election 2020 - cheating.

Secret Service Agent Robbed

How a Secret Service Agent Was Robbed Amid President Biden’s Star-Studded Event

"During President Biden’s recent visit to Southern California, an alarming incident occurred involving a Secret Service agent.

On the night of June 17, 2024, a Secret Service agent, who was off duty at the time, was robbed at gunpoint in Tustin, a city near Los Angeles. The incident happened in the vicinity of a high-profile fundraiser event attended by celebrities and political figures.

The agent fired his gun but the suspect fled the scene in what is believed to be a 2004-2006 silver Infiniti FX35. Authorities have launched an extensive search for the suspect, focusing on the Los Angeles area."

Early Morn 6-20-24

Biden Replacements?

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Sunset 6-19-24

U.S. months behind China in Hypersonic Missile System

US Way Behind Schedule For Key Weapons Tech Already Used By China

"The U.S. military is still months behind on its hypersonic missile program, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) said in a report released Monday, as China is ramping up its own hypersonic testing.

Hypersonic missile systems are capable of taking evasive measures mid-flight and moving at speeds up to 7,000 miles an hour — five times the speed of sound.

Already plagued by delays, the U.S. Army will likely not be able to make its first-ever hypersonic weapons system combat-ready until at least fiscal year 2025, which begins on Oct. 1, according to the GAO report.

U.S. intelligence has previously warned that China is currently leading the pack in terms of hypersonic capabilities, while the U.S. program has struggled with operational problems and delays, according to Bloomberg.

By 2018, China had conducted more than 20 times as many hypersonic tests as the U.S., according to a February report from the Congressional Research Service."


We used to be number one in the world for just about everything but Biden priorities have put us behind in every respect it seems.

Fake Jake Tapper sees the problem

Jake Tapper Hates on Joe Biden Being Nominee for Democrats

"In a revelation that has sent shockwaves through the political landscape, CNN anchor Jake Tapper recently asserted that President Joe Biden is proving to be a significant liability for the Democratic Party.

During an interview with Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) on “State of the Union,” Tapper pointed to recent polling data indicating Biden’s inability to keep pace with other Democratic candidates in key battleground states, suggesting that the President’s weakened standing could jeopardize the party’s chances in the 2024 elections.

Tapper’s remarks were grounded in the latest New York Times/Siena poll. The data paints a grim picture for Biden: while Democratic senators in swing states show healthy leads over their Republican challengers, Biden lags significantly behind, struggling to maintain even a slim advantage.

“How can you look at this, these statistics, these numbers and not conclude that Joe Biden is a drag on the ticket?” Tapper demanded of Murphy. Despite Murphy’s attempts to downplay the poll as a singular outlier, his inability to cite any specific polls showing Biden in a strong position only underscored the gravity of Tapper’s point.

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Will Biden stay in the race?

Is Obama Laying Groundwork to Dump Biden?

I think it will depend upon whether he is juiced up enough and does ok in the debate next week

"Does Joe Biden belong in the White House or a nursing home?

There are growing concerns across the nation about the mental capacity and cognitive abilities of President Biden.

Over the weekend President Trump held a town hall meeting in a black church in Detroit. The president field unscripted questions from regular folks. Afterwards – he brought down the house during a massive People’s Convention sponsored by Turning Point Action.

While Trump was with the people – President Biden was hobnobbing with the rich and famous and botoxed in Hollywood... Sharing a stage with former President Obama. At times, Biden struggled to verbalize his thoughts. It was painful.

The truth is that President Biden is NOT FINE. He’s an old man and he is not aging well. Even James Carville – the Redneck Rabblerouser – admitted that Biden should’ve called it a day."

Read the rest of Todd Starnes

Title IX Transgender Rule Blocked

Federal Title IX Transgender Rule Blocked in 6 More States

‘A rule that compels speech and engages in such viewpoint discrimination is impermissible,’ the judge wrote in the ruling.

A federal judge on June 17 issued an order temporarily blocking the Biden administration’s new Title IX transgender rule in an additional six states. The rule has sparked controversy for changing the definition of “sex” to include “gender identity” and giving female-identifying male students access to girls’ locker rooms and bathrooms.

“There are two sexes: male and female,” begins the memorandum and opinion written by U.S. District Judge Danny C. Reeves, filed on June 17 at the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of Kentucky, Covington Division.

The judge’s order grants a preliminary injunction blocking enforcement of the new rule in six states: Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. The rule has also been blocked in at least five other states.

The Epoch Times

Title IX also forbids discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Another killed by Brightline Train in Lake Worth Beach

Brightline gets another one!

Yesterday, a Brightline train hit and killed a person in Lake Worth Beach, just one day after another Brightline was involved in a crash in Palm Beach County.

The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office said emergency crews responded to the 1600 block of South Dixie Highway at approximately 12:15 p.m.

Read about it...

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) really gets under the skin of the Democrat Party

Byrin Donalds shoots down one ugly Democrat smear job in spectacular fashion

"Donald Trump is still deliberating on who his running mate will be. He is unlikely to go with an establishment pick like Mike Pence this time around.

And a Trump VP candidate just shot down one ugly Democrat smear job.

He is a popular black Republican in an important state who’s also an effective communicator, which is why he has received some buzz as a Vice Presidential pick.

Democrats despise him so much that he was denied entry into the Congressional Black Caucus because “black” is a substitute for 'Democrat' in the eyes of the Left."


The Middle Class Squeeze

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Evening Sky 6-18-24

Trump Live in Wisconsin

Newsom Wants to Defund California Prison System by $1 billion

Insane: Newsom and Dems Push for Dangerous Defunding of California Prisons

"Actions have consequences. In California, a state that has long been ruled by progressives, the consequences of their policies are starting to hit home. Crime rates are skyrocketing, with violent offenses up by 13.5 percent and property crimes up by 6.2 percent.

These rising crime rates have contributed to an exodus of residents, making California one of the top states for population loss. Yet, despite all this evidence, the progressive Democrats in Sacramento are still pushing to defund the prison system by a staggering $1 billion.

Instead of making tough decisions and cutting spending where it’s needed, Democratic lawmakers are looking to slash the budget for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. They argue that the agency is bloated and that there are thousands of empty beds in prisons, a clear sign that the budget can be cut. But they fail to acknowledge that the empty beds are a result of their lenient policies that allow criminals to roam the streets rather than being locked up."

The budget, which calls for $293 billion in spending, comes after months of lawmakers staring down a deficit that, depending on the person making the estimate, swung from between $38 billion to $72 billion. Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom in his own budget proposal made drastic cuts, some of which the Legislature added back.

The Legislature’s budget included $1 billion for a housing and homelessness program local leaders have called critical. And to say it again, it also reduced funding for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation by about $1 billion.


Biden's Student Loan Bailout - A $billion here; $ 5 billion there

New Poll Finds Many Americans Don’t Support Biden’s Student Loan Bailout

Well, who in their right mind would support this pandering giveaway?

$167 billion. That’s the total amount of student debt the Biden administration has cancelled.

"The United States is currently facing serious problems at nearly every level of domestic and international politics.

Indeed, the quality of life that most Americans have enjoyed has significantly declined over the last several years. Since the 2020 presidential election occurred in November of that years, the economic climate within the United States has markedly deteriorated.

Inflation has crushed American consumers everywhere, with millions of Americans struggling to make ends meet. Recent projections from the media outlet CNBC have alleged that 6 out of every 10 citizens may be living on a week to week basis and surviving from paycheck to paycheck.

Additionally, interest rates have soared, and mortgage payments have reached exorbitant heights. Things are not going well for many young citizens who are beginning their early adult lives and attempting to save to buy a house. Many young people are now forced to live at home for longer years, and even enterprising young individuals face significant challenges."

BUT, they need to learn to be responsible and pay their own debts but Joe Biden is their enabaler.

Read more about it...

Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections

4301 Cherry Road

Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections office has moved

Main Office and Voting Equipment Center address is 4301 Cherry Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33409.

Voters wishing to vote by mail in the 2024 elections are required to make a new Vote-by-Mail* Request for all elections. A request must include the voter's FL Driver's License or FL ID, or the last four digits of their Social Security Number, whichever can be verified by our office.

I cAlled them this morning to find out when my vote-by-mail ballot would be mailed out--July 12.

Their new location is about 5 miles north of their old building on Military Trail.

Request a Vote-by-Mail ballot

Map from my residence--

Caitlin Clark - White in a Black world

Former ESPN host went on MSNBC and trashed Americans for watching one sports star

Democrats want to politicize every facet of American life

"That includes all forms of entertainment.

Former ESPN host Jemele Hill, former Black sports journalist, appeared on Joy Reid’s MSNBC show to trash the WNBA’s new fans brought in by Clark

Basketball star Caitlin Clark has generated an unprecedented level of enthusiasm in women’s hoops."

Known for her unerring sharpshooting ability from deep, the 22-year-old Caitlin Clark has become one of the biggest names ever in college sports as she became the all-time leading scorer in NCAA women’s basketball.

“Woke” activists have been calling for the WNBA to get more attention for years, but now that it’s here, these same activists are upset...a white superstar in a dominate sport where Blacks rule.

Hill added, “Because seventy percent of the players are black women. Because a third of them identify as LGBTQ+. Yes, it has faced challenges.”

Read about it...

Justice Department has been "weaponized' to go after Trump

Supreme Court Should Take Up Trump Case

"The Supreme Court should take up former President Donald Trump's case after his conviction on 34 counts of falsification of business records, as the New York appellate system would take too long to make a determination, Rep. Byron Donalds said Sunday.

"In New York, the only ability for this to be overturned is going to be happening two or three years from now," the Florida Republican told NBC News' "Meet the Press." "We all know this.

That's why what happened in lower Manhattan was to interfere with an election, which is why Speaker [Mike] Johnson, myself included, and many Americans believe the Supreme Court should step into this matter."


Vote Deborah Adeimy----August 20 Primary

Let's get rid of the horrible Democrat policies

For the first time in my life, I am voting by mail due to all the road construction and hassle just to get to where you want to go around Lake Worth Beach.

From 2 years ago--but it's the same ole crap getting worse under Democrats.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Evening Sky 6-17-24

Biden helped off stage

Obama helps Biden off stage

President Biden froze on stage during a star-studded celebrity fundraiser in Hollywood. Former President Obama came to his side, grabbed his arm and escorted him off the stage.

Do you really believe Biden is mentally capable of being the leader of the free world? Do you really believe that he’s actually running the White House?

It's estimated that the Hollywood lunes raised $30,000,000 for ole Joe. So I estimate about 240 people gave to Joe as tickets were $125,000.

Democrats will stoop to anything

Reported Biden Appointee Jailed After DA Says He Staged Vicious Attacks on Himself, Blamed GOP Opponent

"A Democrat running for local office in Texas was arrested and charged with a felony for allegedly creating social media accounts to post fake racist attacks against himself, local outlets reported.

Taral Patel, the Democratic nominee for Fort Bend County Precinct 3 commissioner, in September 2023 made a post to his Facebook account claiming that his “Republican opponents supporters’ decide[d] to hurl #racist, #anti-immigrant, #Hinduphobic, or otherwise disgusting insults,” attaching screenshots allegedly showing prejudiced statements made by residents of the county.

The racist messages were eventually traced back to Patel following an investigation conducted by the Fort Bend County District Attorney’s office and the Texas Rangers, the Houston Chronicle reported.

Texas Rangers arrested Patel on Wednesday for online impersonation, a third-degree felony, and misrepresentation of identity, a misdemeanor, ABC 13 reported. Patel’s total bond was $22,250, which he paid Thursday morning."


All a 'Democrat Hoax' -- End Biden 'Mess'

Trump speaks about Democrat Hoax

"Speaking on the sidelines of a roundtable at a Black church in Detroit, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump struck back at what he called the "Democrat hoax" and vowed to end the "mess" President Joe Biden has brought to cities, America, and the world.

"This conviction was a Democrat hoax, started by him as election interference and really attacking a political opponent never been seen before in this country," Trump told Newsmax's Michael Carter before taking the stage at a Black church roundtable in the statistically most Black city in America.

"It's done by Third-World countries, by banana republics, never been done." [Newsmax]

Donald Trump speaks during a roundtable discussion at 180 Church while visiting Detroit on Saturday, June 15, 2024:

Byron Donalds intrduces Donald Trump:

Italy's version of SNL mocking Biden

Italian TV Runs Hilarious Ad Wrecking Biden

"The Italian equivalent of Saturday Night Live just premiered its eighth season, and that premier included a skit full of jokes at President Biden’s expense, namely his obvious, to many, cognitive and physical decline.

The skit shows Biden appearing at his presidential podium, with much hilarity in terms of physical humor as he tries to hold steady and mumble his way through a speech.

Kicking off the skit, comedian Maurizio Crozza lurches his way toward the podium, slowly shuffling and stumbling toward it, but then shooting past it, looking quite out of things. He then eventually makes his way back to the podium, which he holds onto for dear life and as he sways forward and backward, left and right, while mumbling his way through a short speech." [AmericanTribune]

Biden Crime Family will end November 5

A jury convicted Hunter Biden, and Donald Trump campaign had this response

"A federal jury convicted Hunter Biden on three counts of making false statements on a background check form when purchasing a handgun.

Hunter Biden falsely claimed he wasn’t addicted to drugs or alcohol in the 2018 firearms transaction.

The Biden Department of Justice only prosecuted Hunter Biden because a federal judge threw out the sweetheart plea because it was unconstitutional. Last July, a judge rejected a plea deal that would see Hunter Biden plead guilty to minor tax charges and receive no jail time.
The gun charges would vanish if Hunter Biden stayed on his best behavior.
And Hunter Biden would also get lifetime immunity from future prosecution.
“This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia, and Ukraine.

Crooked Joe Biden’s reign over the Biden Family Criminal Empire is all coming to an end on November 5th, and never again will a Biden sell government access for personal profit,” said the Trump campaign.


Early Morn 6-17-24

Democrat Lies

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunset 6-16-24

Florida Supreme Court rules for DeSantis

High Court Sides with DeSantis on Soros-Backed Prosecutor’s Removal

"In a landmark decision, the Florida Supreme Court has affirmed Governor Ron DeSantis’ controversial removal of a prosecutor backed by billionaire George Soros.

This ruling marks a significant victory for DeSantis, underscoring his commitment to law and order while highlighting the ongoing political battle over prosecutorial discretion and accountability.

Governor DeSantis had removed the prosecutor, Andrew Warren, citing dereliction of duty and failure to enforce state laws. Warren, a state attorney for Florida’s 13th Judicial Circuit, had been supported by Soros through substantial campaign contributions, aligning him with a progressive agenda that has faced increasing scrutiny from conservative circles." [billingsreport]

E-mails from Fake Accounts from Fake President

The National Archives Have Identified Many Emails Joe Biden Sent From His Fake Accounts

"The National Archives have announced that they have found a massive amount of emails Joe Biden sent from his email aliases.

I trust NARA as far as I can throw the Empire State Building (Which Trump used to control and the home of Madison Square Gardens). I would be willing to bet they will withhold extremely damaging emails from investigators since they have already covered Biden’s hind end more times than his Depends.

NARA possesses 731 electronic files of “potentially responsive records” in relation to Biden’s aliases accounts. Those accounts include “Robert L. Peters,” “Robin Ware” and “JRB Ware.” and possibly others. The letter was sent to the Heritage Foundation as a partial response to their FOIA request."

Click here and read the letter.

Biden and his Illegal Immigrant plan

Biden administration reportedly preparing to offer legal status to hundreds of thousands of immigrants on Tuesday

"According to a report from CBS News, the Biden administration is preparing to announce a plan that would grant legal status to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who have been present in the United States for at least 10 years.

The announcement comes as evidence continues to mount that Biden's handling of illegal immigration presents a major liability to his re-election chances in 2024.

The CBS report was based on conversations with four unnamed Biden administration officials who discussed the details in a clear trial balloon with a friendly media outlet.

The unnamed officials indicated that the program will be called "Parole in Place" and would involve offering green cards and deportation protection for illegal immigrants who have been in the United States for ten years and have married a U.S. citizen."

Read more at The Blaze

Bump Stock ruling by Supeme Court

Supreme Court Issues MASSIVE Ruling For Second Amendment

Bump stock ban is unconstitutional

In a pivotal decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 opinion that the federal ban on bump stocks is unconstitutional. This verdict marks a significant victory for gun rights advocates and is expected to challenge state-level bans on the controversial firearm accessory.

The ruling stems from a case brought by Michael Cargill, a Texas gun store owner who purchased two bump stocks in 2018. Following the federal ban, Cargill turned over his bump stocks to the government and subsequently filed a lawsuit to reclaim them.

The ban, which was passed under the Trump administration and subsequently approved by Biden aimed to curtail the use of bump stocks, which increase the rate of fire of semi-automatic firearms.

Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for the majority, dismantled the premise of the federal ban with a pointed argument: “A bump stock does not convert a semiautomatic rifle into a machinegun any more than a shooter with a lightning-fast trigger finger does. Even with a bump stock, a semiautomatic rifle will fire only one shot for every ‘function of the trigger.’” This assertion underscores the distinction between enhancing firing speed and altering fundamental firearm mechanics.


Two-tiered Justice System

Speaker Johnson: House Will Go to Court for Biden Audio After DOJ Refuses to Prosecute AG

Speaker Mike Johnson said Friday that the House will go to court to enforce the subpoena against Attorney General Merrick Garland for access to President Joe Biden's special counsel audio interview, hours after the Justice Department refused to prosecute Republicans’ contempt of Congress charge.

“It is sadly predictable that the Biden Administration’s Justice Department will not prosecute Garland for defying congressional subpoenas even though the department aggressively prosecuted Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro for the same thing,” Johnson said in a statement.

“This is yet another example of the two-tiered system of justice brought to us by the Biden Administration.”

Read about it...

It's so ridiculous that lawsuits have to be constantly filed for everything.

Happy Father's Day

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Evening Sky 6-15-24

Marjorie Taylor Greene on Ukraine's "hit" list

Marjorie Taylor Greene ended up on this scary kill list by this media organization

Ukraine NGO creates enemies list of American conservatives

"Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene posted on X that she ended up on a “kill list” put together by an allegedly “independent” Ukrainian media NGO
From the very beginning, I have never voted for a single penny to Ukraine.
Zelenskyy’s thug regime has deemed me an Enemy of the State, and for good reason.
Zelenskyy has never had one single American vote for him. Not only am I a Ukrainian Enemy of the State, but I’m banned…
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 (@RepMTG) June 10, 2024
The article said it “identified a broad spectrum of aid opponents, ranging from Trump supporters to communists, and examined their connections.”

Greene blasted this enemies list as another attempt to bully U.S. conservatives into rubber stamping more blank checks for Joe Biden’s war in Ukraine.

The Georgia conservative said this database of enemies put together by the Ukrainians showed that President Zelensky was a power mad tyrant out to silence all opposition to the war."

Read about it...

Since the war started in February 2022, Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, and RINOs in Congress spent nearly $200 billion to secure the Ukrainian border.

Yet they all also agreed to government funding deals that banned any new money spent on border security here in America.

Strong Political Bias in the FBI

FBI Grilling Agents With Ties to Trump

The FBI is rooting out Trump supporters from its ranks.

The New York Post obtained internal files that showed FBI agents were grilled on their support of President Trump.

One whistleblower says he was interrogated about not only the former president but also whether he objected to the China Virus vaccine – the infamous clot shot.

The whistleblower worked in the bureau for 12 years, earned cash awards and high marks on his performance evaluations — but had his security clearance taken in March 2022 and was suspended without pay during the internal investigation.

What did he do wrong? He supported Trump.

Read more about it at Todd Starnes...

I would guess that Christopher Wray will be out of a job in 2025.

Average American Struggling under Biden

The End of America if We Don’t Stop Him. From Act for America.

"Since Biden assumed office, prices have surged by a staggering 19.9% from a low of 1.4%, pushing essential goods and services out of reach for hardworking families nationwide.

These numbers are staggering, and every American deserves the truth. Many are dismissed, told their feelings of being worse off under Biden are just perceptions; but the reality is far more dire. The majority of Americans are struggling to stay afloat as the prices of all goods and services have skyrocketed. It's not just a feeling; it's a harsh reality affecting families nationwide, especially those who are surviving paycheck-to-paycheck. Everyone should understand that their struggles are valid; and that they are shared by countless others.

>>>>The Bottom Line is that Americans are spending $12,800 MORE annually to buy the basics compared to three years ago, due to “Bidenflation;’ and that is half the income of the over 92 million Americans (28%) living on $32K or less. That is 20% of the income of roughly 243 million (73%) of the American middle class workers.

“BIDENOMICS” BY THE NUMBERS: Americans are paying more for just about everything because of inflation since the “Puppet-of-the-Left” took office. Read and let the following “sink in:”

Food at elementary and secondary schools is UP 64.9% Gasoline (all types) is UP 55.5% Eggs are UP 43.5% Airfare is UP 38.2% Baby food and formula is UP 30%
Frozen vegetables are UP 29.4% Electricity is UP 28.5% Public transportation is UP 26.1% Butter is UP 26.1% Cookies are UP 25.9% Breakfast cereal is UP 24.3%
Pet food is UP 23.1% Eating out is UP 21.8% Groceries (Food at home) are UP 21.3% Rent is UP 20.8% And Used cars are UP 20.4%

Frozen non-carbonated juices and drinks are UP 29.2%
Motor vehicle insurance is UP 22.6%
Transportation services are UP 11.2%
Uncooked beef roasts are UP 10.1%
Hospital services are UP 7.7% Frankfurters are UP 7.1%
Food from vending machines and mobile vendors is UP 7.3% Tobacco and smoking products are UP 6.7%
Sugar and sugar substitutes are UP 6.6% Owners’ equivalent rent for home is UP 5.8%
Shelter is UP 5.5% Baby food and formula is UP 5.1% Other food away from home is UP 5.0%
Canned vegetables are UP 4.8%
Energy services are UP 3.6%

>>>>>>> Real average weekly wages are DOWN 4.4% since Biden took office.

We can and ABSOLUTELY MUST end this crisis at the ballot box this November by electing Donald J Trump."

Tesla Shareholders vote in Elon's pay package

Elon Musk wins Tesla shareholder vote for $56 billion pay package

A Delaware judge previously ruled the package was excessive

Tesla CEO Elon Musk won the backing of shareholders Thursday in his fight to reclaim a $56 billion pay package voided by a Delaware judge who ruled the record-breaking compensation was excessive.

Shareholders voted in favor of restoring the package they approved in 2018, Brandon Ehrhart, Tesla’s general counsel and board secretary, announced onstage at the company’s annual shareholder meeting. He did not announce the vote totals.

The crowd at the meeting in Austin, Texas, cheered after the announcement, according to the livestream of the event.
br> Brandon Ehrhart said shareholders voted to move Tesla’s corporate home to Texas from Delaware, fleeing the state where most big companies are incorporated, after Musk said Delaware’s court system was “broken.”

But the lawsuits are not over--

Read about Elon...

Biden has had a great fall

Friday, June 14, 2024

Sunset 6-14-24

John Fetterman gives Dems good advice

John Fetterman let Bill Maher in on the secret that will infuriate Democrats

John Fetterman continues to confound Democrats

"And not in a good way.

And John Fetterman let Bill Maher in on the secret that will infuriate Democrats. John Fetterman tries to hide his leftism.

U.S. Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) ran for office in Pennsylvania as a socialist Bernie Bro. A near-fatal stroke he suffered in May 2022 left him cognitively impaired.

Fetterman looked and sounded like he would be unable to continue on as a U.S. Senator and even checked himself into the hospital for weeks’ worth of mental health treatment after he realized he would never fully recover.

So whatever happened to him, he saw the light since returning to Washington, D.C.. He’s been one of the most outspoken Democrats warning the party they are taking a huge political risk by supporting open borders and protesting in favor of Hamas."


Strategic Global Chess Move: Naval Manuevers Off The Coast of Cuba

US Navy Dispatches Destroyers To Monitor Russian Naval Flotilla Near Florida

"Tensions rise as the US Navy tracks Russian military vessels near American waters.

Daily Mail reported that the US deployed three destroyers and a submarine reconnaissance aircraft to monitor a Russian nuclear submarine and warship equipped with hypersonic weapons near American shores.

In a tense show of naval power, Russian warships equipped with advanced military technology passed just 25 miles from the South Florida coast, prompting the US Navy to initiate a tracking and surveillance mission.

The operation includes several key assets: the destroyers USS Truxtun, USS Donald Cook, and USS Delbert D. Black, alongside a submarine reconnaissance aircraft.

Their mission is to closely monitor the Russian flotilla led by Admiral Gorshkov, a frigate known for carrying Zircon hypersonic missiles."

Read about it...

China building megaport in Peru

China's Megaport in Peru Alarms US Officials

according to the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. is concerned about the potential for China to use the port for military purposes

"China is building a $3.5 billion megaport in Peru that could speed trade between Asia and South America and provide Beijing with an economic foothold in the region, historically dominated by the U.S., the Wall Street Journal reported.

The project, backed by Hong Kong-based Cosco Shipping Ports, also has raised concerns among U.S. officials about national security implications.

"This changes the game," said Eric Farnsworth, a former high-ranking State Department diplomat who now leads the Washington office of the Council of the Americas think tank. "It really platforms China in a major new way in South America as the gateway to global markets. It is not just a commercial issue at that point, it is a strategic issue."

The port will be the first on South America's Pacific coast able to receive megaships and is 4,500 miles from San Francisco, or on America's "20-yard-line," said Gen. Laura Richardson, head of the U.S. Southern Command."

Read about it...

Commonsense conservatism and MAGA tenets will set Democrats free

Disordant Democrats are shrilling against MAGA

Democrats are reflecting their typical disdain for intellectual diversity

Despite the fifty-state movement attracting increasing numbers of converts, despondent Dems desperately label MAGA a cult. They even assert that its members need to be deprogrammed.

Not long ago, hideous Hillary insisted that MAGA is a cult and its members need deprogramming. Sure, she’s a shriveled up, ghastly old has-been who couldn’t even parlay Bill’s political nous, but it’s not just she. Just last week, Dem Paula Collins, who is running against GOP rep. Elise Stefanik for New York’s 21st Congressional District (good luck with that), suggested that MAGA-supporters need to go to a re-education camp.

Then there are many in legacy media who are forever gaslighting their audience. Examples abound. Here’s one from the disreputable publication The Atlantic. And another from the equally disreputable Washington Post, whose slogan “Democracy Dies in Darkness” is the height of irony.

It’s truly bizarre to label a movement comprising huge swaths of the electorate as a cult.

Read the American Thinker

Hunter and James Biden referred to DOJ for lying to Congress

James and Hunter

This letter about Hunter Biden left Joe Biden red with rage

"Referral issued for new criminal prosecution as First Brother James Biden joins Hunter on the hot seat

The House Oversight Committee has referred Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s brother James to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution on charges they lied to Congress.

In addition, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY), House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) signed the letter to the DOJ.

The letter stated, Today [they] sent criminal referrals to the DOJ recommending Hunter and James Biden be charged with making false statements to Congress about key aspects of the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden.”

Read about it...

Texas lawsuit prevailed on behalf of the entire Nation

Federal judge makes history! Rules sex 'unambiguously binary'

Ruling comes in Texas' lawsuit against Biden's redefinition of words

"One of Joe Biden's key weapons in his promotion of the LGBT ideology for not just people in America but around the world has been his simple redefinition of words.

"Sex," his administration has claimed, actually means "sexual orientation" or "gender identity." Thus, his LGBT goals have been "protected" in federal law for decades, he claims.

Using that simple maneuver Biden bureaucrats have tried to impose that ideology on churches, foster parents, adoptive families, schools, and many others.

Biden's goal was to remove standards in schools that limited boys, in intimate situations such as locker rooms, to be with other boys, and girls with girls.

"Title IX explicitly appreciates the innate biological variation between men and women that occasionally warrants differentiation—and even separation—to preserve educational opportunities and to promote respect for both sexes," the judge said."

Read more about it...

Through linguistic activism, leftists have begun a full-scale war on language, playing by their own set of constantly shifting rules. I don't know when this all staqrted but it has been prevalent under Biden.

Take for example the illegal alien and these liberals insistance on calling them “undocumented immigrant” in place of “illegal alien.” The rallying cry is that “no person is illegal.” I remember the late Joann Golden, city commissioner of Lake Worth, saying that. But of course “illegal” refers to the action and status, not the personhood of the individual, and “alien” is the technical term for a foreign citizen.

Around 8 pm last night

Happy Birthday to the best President Ever!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Evening Sky 6-13

Joe rapidly declining

Jill Biden had to take Joe Biden off stage after this disturbing episode

Joe Biden’s physical and mental fitness for office are in serious doubt.

He looks like he’s losing.

The Wall Street Journal set off alarm bells in Washington, D.C.’s “Swamp” with a story about how both Democrats and Republicans can tell in private meetings that President Joe Biden is suffering from cognitive decline.

Sources described one meeting about Ukraine where Biden looked like he dozed off and could only speak if he read prepared answers from his notes.

Joe Biden traveled to Normandy for the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the greatest military success in American history. Biden began a bizarre routine where he began to aimlessly look around, squat down, and then freeze in place.

Read about Joe...

Democrats see it but don't care; they only want the power and the heck with our country as it's falling off a cliff.

Domestic Terrorist funding certain Democrats

Terrorist pardoned by Clinton now financing "Squad" Democrats

"It is NOT a good day in America to be one of the Democrat Squad members, as they like to call themselves.

Susan Lisa Rosenberg:
Rosenberg was born on October 5, 1955, and by her early 20s, she was one of the most famous radical liberals in America.

From the late 1970s until the mid-1980s, Rosenberg was active in the far-left terrorist May 19th Communist Organization (M19CO). According to the FBI, the M19CO "openly advocate[d] the overthrow of the U.S. Government through armed struggle and the use of violence."

Some crimes that M19CO was accused of were armored truck robberies and bombings of government buildings, including the 1983 Capitol bombing.

Rosenberg joined the May 19th Communist Organization, a female-led clandestine group working in support of the Black Liberation Army and its offshoots (including assistance in armored truck robberies), the Weather Underground and other revolutionary organizations.

Rosenberg was charged with a role in bombings at the U.S. Capitol, the U.S. National War College and the New York Patrolmen's Benevolent Association building, but these charges were dropped as part of a plea deal by other members of her group.

Sentenced to prison in 1988 for 58 years, Bill Clinton pardoned her in 2001 with the support of Jerry Nadler."

Read about the communist

"I think my dog is a Republican"

Watch This Dog Go Berserk When Biden Appears on TV, But Loves Trump

It appears that even man’s best friend isn’t fond of sleepy Joe Biden.

A video is currently making the rounds on social media, showing a dog named Mollie reacting very differently to images of Donald Trump and Joe Biden on TV.

The video was originally posted on TikTok by user bestdad_ceo. His caption humorously questioned his pet’s political leanings: “Not sure what’s the political status of my dog but she goes crazy at the end… I think my dog is a Republican.”

In the video, Mollie is perfectly content, sitting calmly while watching Donald Trump on television. However, the moment the channel is switched to display President Biden, Mollie’s demeanor changes dramatically. Mollie suddenly goes berserk, barking furiously and even charging at the television screen.

Go to 2:01 of the video below or Click here to see it on TikTok.--

Four busted for Election Fraud

Four Democrat Leaders Arrested and Charged with Election Fraud in Bridgeport, Connecticut

"Four Democrat leaders were arrested and charged this week with election fraud in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

The voter fraud was tied to a 2019 mayoral primary race.

Bridgeport City Councilman Alfredo Castillo, Vice Chair of Bridgeport’s Democrat Party Wanda Geter-Pataky were charged with election tampering.

Two campaign workers Nilsa Heredia and Josephine Edmonds were charged with election fraud and unlawfully possessing another person’s absentee ballot.

Wanda Geter-Pataky was also charged with witness tampering, the Connecticut Mirror reported." [ConnecticutNews]

These fraudsters don't love America. this happened in 2019...why did it take so long to investigate this?

“I hope that when, if these people are found guilty, that they are severely sanctioned for what they did, and I don't mean a $100 fine, a $200 fine. I mean, I think there should be some jail time for people who abused the system with absentee ballots,” losing candidate for mayor Marilyn Moore said.

Early Morning Sky 6-13-24

Merrick Garland held in Contempt of Congres

House votes to hold US attorney general in contempt of Congress.

"The House of Representatives voted Wednesday to hold US Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over subpoenaed audio recordings.

The recordings are of President Joe Biden’s interviews with former special counsel Robert Hur, who investigated Biden’s handling of classified material and declined to bring charges.

The White House previously pointed out that the Department of Justice has already provided transcripts and has complied with the other aspects of the initial subpoena from Republicans.

The vote was 216 to 207 with one Republican voting against it – Rep. Dave Joyce of Ohio."

Read the Recap

Democrats continue to spout that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Sunset 6-12-20

Democrats calling for Boycott of Netanyahu addressing Congress on July 24

'Apologists for terrorism': House Republicans eviscerate far-left Dems skipping Netanyahu speech

House Republicans are coming down hard against progressive Democrats threatening to skip Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of Congress next month.

The high-stakes address, expected July 24, comes as Israel continues its operation in Gaza to eradicate Hamas and rescue hostages taken by the terror group during its Oct. 7, 2023, attack that killed more than 1,000 Israelis.

A growing number of Democrats are critical of the Israeli operation, accusing Netanyahu of waging a disproportionate response that’s resulted in tens of thousands of Palestinian civilian deaths. Several have already said they would boycott his address in protest – prompting a furious backlash from the House GOP.

It's funny how they NEVER mention that terrorist Hamas started this war, killing 1,200 Israelis and taking over 200 hostages. That seems to escape their little liberal minds.

Read more about it...

An underlying threat to our way of life in America

Trump-backed candidate refutes promise Muslims will control U.S. gov't

Arab-American publisher: 'We are on the road to the White House, to Congress ...'

Muslims in America are "on the road" to running the government of the United States. At least, that was the clarion message of Osama Siblani, editor and publisher of the Arab American News, speaking at the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, Michigan, last month.

Osama Siblani, Arab Community Leader in Dearborn, Michigan: 40 Years Ago, the Mayor of Dearborn Warned of the City’s “Arab Problem,” Now We Rule the City, and We Are on Our Way to the White House; the Best Is Yet to Come

Jerrod Sessler, candidate for the Republican seat in central Washington's 4th congressional district, is a Christian and decorated military veteran endorsed by President Donald Trump, Gen. Michael Flynn and the House Freedom Caucus.

Commenting generally on the world's religions, Sessler told WND, "There’s almost always an underlying tension between good and evil."

Siblani's comments can be seen in a video posted to X by the Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI:

Watch the video on X

Jessica Tarlov. the Witch 🧙‍♀️ host of The Five

Alt-Liberal Fox News Host Forced to Retract “Fraudulent” Comments on Tony Bobulinksi

Far left-leaning Fox News host Jessica Tarlov issued a live clarification (in her mind only) to comments she had made on Wednesday regarding Tony Bobulinksi, a key witness in the GOP-led Biden impeachment investigation.

Tarlov made on-air statements suggesting that Bobulinski’s legal fees were being paid for by a Trump super PAC. Following these comments, attorneys on behalf of Bobulinksi sent a letter on Thursday to the Fox Corporation demanding a retraction and apology.

“It was a mistake to believe Ms. Tarlov’s defamatory comments are without consequence. We will be watching today’s show,” stated Jesse Binall of the Binall Law Group, criticizing the Fox News host for her statements about Bobulinski.

Tarlov sort of apologizes, but not really...haven't seen her as much on The Five since that incident, thank God.

Tony Bobulinski, a former associate of Hunter Biden who has testified during the impeachment hearings against President Joe Biden, has filed a $30 million defamation lawsuit against Fox News host Jessica Tarlov regarding a comment she made on The Five on March 20th and corrected on-air during the very next day’s show.

Jill Biden loyal to stepson who called her a "C*nt at one time

Jill Biden draining taxpayer funds for extensive travel

First lady Jill Biden has been CAUGHT red-handed.

If you follow Mrs. Biden's comings and goings, you know how often she loves to pretend to be the all-American mother.

She loves to paint a picture of standing by her children, no matter what.

In true Jill Biden fashion, the first lady flew from France to Delaware to make it to her stepson, Hunter Biden’s, trial.

We need a family in the White House who understands their decisions DO affect the people of this country.

Americans are struggling to feed their families and keep a roof above their heads right now thanks to the BIDEN economy, all while Jill travels first-class to France.

America cannot afford another four years of careless actions from the Biden family and administration.

Read about Jill...

There has been so much negative publicity regarding Jill's travel that the Democratic National Committee will reimburse the value of the first-class tickets for the trips she made so that she could appear before the jury and intimidate them at the Hunter trial.

Judge Cannon wants Due Process for Trump

Judge Cannon's refusal to display bias against Trump infuriates liberals

Mass hysteria among America's liberals

After seeing what Arthur Engoron and Juan Merchan have done to former President Donald Trump in his trials up north, liberals got pretty used to having a judge who was willing to put their interests above law and order.

However, there's at least one of Trump's trials in which the judge is being a little closer to fair, and it is driving liberals absolutely insane.

It's pretty clear that these liberals are not pursuing justice, they are simply pursuing whatever they believe will keep Donald Trump out of the White House come November 2024.

They're primary goal is to prevent Trump being able to spend his time, energy, and money on the campaign trail. They'd rather have him confined to courtrooms, and if he ends up in jail, then so be it.

Read more... about Judge Aileen Cannon, United States District Judge.

Russian Warships in Cuba

Russian Warships Head to Cuba

Three Russian Navy ships and a nuclear-powered submarine passed 90 miles off Florida's Atlantic coast on Tuesday on the way to Cuba for a military exercise, according to analysts.

U.S. officials say they didn't see the arrival as threatening,(who the hell are they kidding?) but the U.S. Navy is “shadowing” the Russian flotilla as it begins military exercises today.

The Russian flotilla, equipped with Zircon hypersonic missiles, was monitored by a NATO ‘Poseidon’ anti-submarine aircraft from Norway to Cuba.

U.S. officials say the exercise is a response to increased NATO commitments to Ukraine and comes as tensions rise between the U.S. and Russia. [flyoverflorida]

IDF Rescues Hostages in Gaza

Patriot Chronicles: Israel has released a dramatic video showing the country’s special forces successfully rescuing hostages held by Hamas in a daring raid on the central Gaza area of Nuseirat on Saturday.

The video, which was posted on the Israeli Police’s official Telegram channel on Monday, captures the intense moments of the operation as the special forces from the elite Yamam counter-terrorism unit and agents from the Shin Bet navigate through bushes under fire to reach the building where the hostages were being held.

The footage, recorded from helmet cameras, shows the officers moving stealthily towards the building, their voices audible as they communicate with each other.

In the midst of the chaos, one of the officers asks the hostages to identify themselves, to which he receives a response that confirms their presence. “Three [hostages] are in our hands,” the officer announces, successfully completing the mission to rescue Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, Shlomi Ziv, and Noa Argamani.

Verdict Trump Trial

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Sunset 6-11-19

This Investigation was always about Joe Biden

Comer: 'It's no secret Joe Biden's committed many crimes'

Says referrals to DOJ of Hunter and James 'just the beginning'

"Well, I think that it's no secret Joe Biden's committed many crimes, and I think that you're going to see a report very soon."

House Oversight Committee chief Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., used that comment over the weekend to explain that the House referrals to the Department of Justice for Biden's son, Hunter, and brother, James, for perjury are "just the beginning."

"But we're going to deal with those and we're going to deal with Joe Biden. Remember, this is an investigation of Joe Biden. Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Eric Schwerin, Devon Archer, these are all witnesses in an investigation of Joe Biden. This was always about Joe Biden.


The total scam of the Biden Administration at the Border

Border Patrol memo tells agents in key sector to release migrants from nearly all Eastern Hemisphere countries

Memo sent after President Biden's executive order banning asylum for most illegal crossers took effect last week

Details in the memo, first reported by the Washington Examiner's Anna Giaritelli, instructs agents that all single adults from the Eastern Hemisphere are to be processed via "NTA/OR," which means Notice to Appear/released on Own Recognizance, except for migrants from Russia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Moldova and Kyrgyzstan – which are "mandatory referral" countries.

There are more than 100 countries in the Eastern Hemisphere, meaning that despite the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and President Biden's threats of consequences and promises to remove migrants who cross illegally under the new executive order, the overwhelming majority of the migrants in the San Diego sector are being released into the U.S.