Saturday, January 6, 2024

“They ought to give me the money I need to protect the border.”

Our failed hypocritical leader in Chief does one thing well--blames Republicans for everything

President Joe Biden made a bold statement that has received a great deal of attention and backlash from the right. In a recent video, first shared by the Associated Press, Biden can be heard saying, “They ought to give me the money I need to protect the border.”

This statement comes after years of Biden and his Democratic colleagues fiercely criticizing former President Donald Trump’s border wall project and labeling him as a racist for even suggesting the idea. But now, with a record number of migrants crossing the border, Biden is suddenly claiming that he needs the support of the Republican Party in order to finish the project.

In a typical display of hypocrisy, Biden expects the very party he has constantly vilified and attacked to now come to his rescue. This is a blatant lie, and it’s disingenuous for Biden to shift the burden onto the GOP. As Fox News writer Miranda Devine points out, “It doesn’t take money to secure the border, just political will.”



Anonymous said...

Hypocrite, hater, and slave for Satan, he is one evil turd.

Anonymous said...

He wants to protect the border!!!

Not ours, everyone else's.

Anonymous said...

He is such a dork!