Friday, January 5, 2024

Ray Epps

DOJ Recommends Reduced PRISON TIME for Ray Epps While Innocent Patriots Rot Still Awaiting Trial

Well, well, well, isn’t this just the cherry on top of the unfairness sundae?

Ray Epps, a man who was caught on camera allegedly egging people on to storm the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, is being recommended for a measly six-month prison sentence by none other than the Department of Justice.

Now, I’m not a legal expert, but doesn’t that seem a tad lenient considering the gravity of what transpired that day?

Sure, let’s just give him a slap on the wrist and call it a day. That’s like sending a kid to bed without dessert because he accidentally burned down the house.

Many folks over at share this sentiment – and then some. They’re convinced that Epps was an informant for the FBI. If that’s true, then this tale just took a turn straight into a Hollywood thriller. An alleged instigator, working for the feds, gets a light tap on the shoulder instead of a firm push into a prison cell. Now, isn’t that an interesting theory?



Lynn Anderson said...

Epps is a mystery. Those still being jailed is against the Constitution--The Constitution protects against “undue delay” in criminal prosecution. But tyrannical Democrats don't care about the Constitution. They cry "democracy" all day long but are clueless on that. They bitch about Clarence Thomas though.

Anonymous said...

Sad our government doj and FBI and biden are all so corrupt. Please pray for the USA and it's good people.

Anonymous said...

It is obvious that ray epps was an undercover agent for the feds as part of this fedsureccion, nothing else makes sense based on what he did and how they handled him compared to the rest of the j6 folks. Likely, if we look at all footage we can identify many others like him there too. It is sad that we have such a corrupted doj FBI and government now, when President Trump really won. Pray for all these slaves.

Anonymous said...

Was that little Black police officer waving people into the capital on footage arrested for treason?