Wednesday, December 8, 2021

City pulled the plug on Homeless artist at Lake Worth beach

Unplugged Homeless Artist All Charged Up After Grinches Pull Plug On Lake Worth Beach Holiday Tree

Read Joe Capozzi's article


Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of the homeless. There are several Peruvian Restaurants in the area, why doesn't he try to get a job with one of them and get off of the street. Or, instead of sending his money to Peru, buy a plane ticket and go home. It all looks very innocent, but the homeless are not innocent, and many of them commit heinous crimes.

Get the homeless off of the street. If they don't want to be confined to a group home type situation, buy them a ticket back to where they came from. If they are Veterans, all the more reason to get them to deal with their problems.

The homeless are no different than anyone else. "Life is hard, and then you die."

Lynn Anderson said...

He is trying to help himself and his family. There are thousands of starving artists around and Lake Worth has its share. Maybe buy a canvas or two and help him out that way. The city was pretty mean to him as charging a phone doesn't cost a cent.

Anonymous said...

Everybody is an Artist! Look at Hunter Biden, another artist.

Anonymous said...

I wrote to the commission about a homeless situation at our apartment complex. The homeless will prop themselves up against the our wall, squat, and poop. The poop piles up.

I suggested a Port-potty be placed at city hall so the homeless can have a place to go, and have some privacy.

I was correct by Kim Stokes (loser). They aren't "homeless", they are people without homes! I kid you not. She is more concerned about political correct wording than the homeless themselves.

Yes, this email will be public knowledge when ANYONE runs against the lady without brain (stupid loser).

Lynn Anderson said...

Vote out all Democrats as politics starts at the local level. That’s the solution.

Anonymous said...

We've had the homeless since the 70's. That's when they closed the mental institutions. We've had quite a few Republican administrations since that time.

This is the second, probably in some cases the third generation of homeless populations.

This is a third rail for the politicians. And as you can see from the Stokes comment, the homeless are an excuse for many pols to do nothing.

Anonymous said...


I love this idea more and more each day. Socialist democrats are the worst form of human life.

Anonymous said...

You must have gone to Oxford, 6:21.

Lynn Anderson said... can be someone without a GED and understand and agree with 6:21.

Anonymous said...

wish the city would have hired this man to paint buildings in town.most of the ones we got suck.would have made a better light on the city to hire someone down and out.i am going to try and help this man

Anonymous said...

I understand that Lynn, but it's just a wish. It has no practical value to the reader. It's like, "O Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz".

It's not constructive, and it's not instructive.

It seems to me; the idea of a blog is to explore ideas, not just take up space.

Painting the buildings in the town, for instance, has practical value, even though it's not possible to hire someone without a licence and insurance.

Lynn Anderson said...

@1:06...The idea of a blog to you is different than this blog and what it means to me. You really should write your own.
You don't have to come here at all.

Anonymous said...

1.06 if these people that painted this crap on buildings had licenses to do it dont say much for city veting