Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Sunday, October 31, 2021
Joe Biden--His Total Incompetence in Afghanistan
Biden owns it all
"20 years of blood, sweat and tears wiped out in 20 days"
Two months ago to the day, the last troop left Afghanistan after twenty years of blood, sweat and tears had been spilt. What has happened in the months since can only be described as catastrophic, deadly and avoidable.To fully understand how the situation unfolded, we have to back up beyond the chaotic weeks in August. Every decision that Joe Biden made, from the time he set foot in the Oval Office to the moment the last plane left Kabul, took the situation from bad to worse.
From officials at every level advising against the strategy to Cabinet secretaries trying to cover for President Biden’s incompetence, Brian Mast breaks it down in this video.
More Questions regarding Georgia and Arizona 2020 Election
One Million Absentee Ballots Days Before the 2020 Election Knowing There Was No Time to Mail Them Out
Well, we all know why.Days before the 2020 presidential election, over 1 million absentee ballots were ordered from the printer, Runbeck, which is an Arizona company. Conveniently enough, they supplied ballots for both Georgia and Arizona.
But the odd thing is, why would they order so many absentee ballots just days before an election if they knew that they wouldn’t be mailed out in time? There is one simple answer, folks!
Read about it...
"Get an Abortion or be fired," DC police office was told!
DC Assistant Police Chief Told To Have An Abortion Or Be Fired
- If you don’t get vaccinated the liberals will fire you?
- If you refuse to have an abortion the liberals will fire you?
What’s next?
- If you refuse to have gay sex on Fridays they will fire you?
And Joe Biden will tell you that you do not have the right to freedom. Now, aren’t you glad you voted for Joe Biden and the Democrats? If you didn’t, you would have to live with civil liberties and now it’s not your body, your choice?
D.C. Assistant Police Chief Chanel Dickerson said the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) of Washington, D.C., told her to either get an abortion or accept termination of her employment when she was an 18-year-old cadet trainee.
Now she and 9 others are suing the MPD of D.C. for $100 million!
Read about it...
A Second Trump Administration?
Joe Biden’s White House ADMITS There Will Be A SECOND TRUMP Administration
McAuliffe accepted donation from Foreign Entity?
Ethics Complaint: Terry McAuliffe Reportedly Accepted $350K Donation from Foreign Entity Linked to Money Laundering Probe
The National Legal and Policy Center is requesting the Federal Election Commission (FEC) investigate whether McAuliffe broke federal law by “accepting political donations from foreign nationals.“Terry McAuliffe has a history of accepting foreign contributions. The FEC must fully investigate these serious charges that he accepted $350,000 in illegal foreign contributions for his current campaign,” said Paul Kamenar, an attorney representing the National Legal and Policy Center.
In the United States, political candidates may not accept funds from foreign nations and entities. However, if foreign funds are donated by a U.S.-based subsidiary that is run by American leadership, donations can be finagled. Such a workaround “can be a murky legal distinction,” the Free Beacon reported.
Read about Terry
Jim Caviezel: “The Storm is Upon Us” and the Son of Man, Jesus
Failure Is Not An Option!!!
Stay strong, fellow patriots! ✊🏻🇺🇸
The speech I wanted to post was not allowed?!!
Saturday, October 30, 2021
Obama, the biggest fabricator of all!
Obama Smears Republicans with False Accusations, ‘Everything He Said Is A Lie’
Democrats have perfected the art of the lie
"Why is Barack Obama opening his mouth about anything. He didn’t do anything but divide this country in a way that has led us to the position that we’re in today.He wanted to make everything about race and the Democrats took that flame and added more fuel to the fire over the years.
Now, here we are with CRT, segregation and the most divisive population that we’ve ever had."
The Invasion Joe!
Massive Migrant Caravan Grows as it Marches Toward USA
The problems on the southern border are compounding.
Since Joe Biden took office, there is nothing but one disaster after another. Both Joe and Kamala, the border Czar, have been missing in action. Why do they continually break the law by allowing this migration to happen? Why are they flying illegals throughout the country in the middle of the night?Biden took the following oath: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
The Twenty-fifth Amendment (Amendment XXV) to the United States Constitution says that if the President becomes unable to do his job, the Vice President becomes the President (Section 1) or Acting President (Sections 3 or 4). Bu,t both of them are NOT doing the job that they swore to do.
Biden wants to preserve more wilderness but what about the citizens of the United States? What about all his disastrous decisions? The supreme responsibility of the president is to protect our system of government and that means our laws. BUILD THE WALL!
“The caravan is like a magnet, it goes sucking up people, migrants who had been in the towns (of coastal Chiapas) are joining,” said Irineo Mújica, an immigration activist with the organization People without Borders.
Read about it...
Arizona opens Investigation into 2020 Election
Arizona Attorney General Opens ‘Formal Investigation’ Into 2020 Election
Will ‘Hold People Accountable For Breaking The Law’
Arizona Senate President Karen Fann has announced that the state’s Attorney General Mark Brnovich has opened up a ‘formal investigation ‘into Maricopa County election officials’ misconduct due to the revelations in Arizona’s independent election audit.“Some of that report is inconclusive and so we will have supplemental reports coming,” Fann said. “And the reason why it is inconclusive is because Maricopa County did not turn over the routers, did not over the splunk logs. They have now admitted before Congress that they deleted files the day before everything was supposed to be turned in and over to us.”
Burger company should consider moving to Florida--the Free state
In-N-Out Burger--You are welcome in Florida
"Florida’s Chief Financial Officer, Jimmy Patronis, suggested that In-N-Out Burger should move to the Sunshine State after several In-N-Out locations were shut down by California did not check proof of vaccination, you know, the thing.Patronis appealed to In-N-Out CEO Lunsi Snyder to move to the state, arguing that Florida has a superior business climate—noting the state has no personal income tax, low corporate taxes, and no mandates."
Instead, Biden is dumping illegals here in the middle of the night. As reported last month, "Biden’s cabal is sending future Democrats to Florida. They were released and found in the airport waiting for paid flights to Florida. Biden’s cabal is turning Florida deep blue with new Democrats and their anchor babies. Over 300 Haitian women are pregnant or giving birth under the bridge in Del Rio." []
Man Who Instigated Jan. 6 Protesters to Violence Magically Released
Man Who Instigated Jan. 6 Protesters to Violence Magically Released...We Have An Idea Why
During a congressional hearing with Merrick Garland, Kentucky Republican Congressman Thomas Massie asked the AG about "Ray Epps." Epps is suspected to be an instigator who tried to get protesters storming at the Capitol.Now information is coming out that Epps was probably working undercover as a federal agent assigned to get the crowd riled up.
Epps actually started the instigation the day before the protest at the Capitol took place. He's the one who helped lead a mob into the building. So how strange is it that this man is now no longer under indictment?
Go to 1:52 of the video--
Friday, October 29, 2021
Trump: Pulitzer Panel Doesn't Know How to Respond to Me
"Donald Trump renewed his attack on the Pulitzer Prize Board for honoring "false reporting" concerning false allegations that Trump campaign officials conspired with Russia during the 2016 election.Trump earlier this month wrote a letter to Pulitzer administrator Bud Kliment to call out the "shoddy, dubious, and manifestly false reporting" by The New York Times and The Washington Post that won the award in 2018."
"I have heard that the Pulitzer Prize Board is too embarrassed, or don’t know how, to respond to my letter dated Oct. 3, a copy of which is attached, about those who got the RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA Hoax completely wrong," Trump said Friday in a statement released by his Save America PAC.
"These Pulitzer Prizes for totally incorrect reporting have become worthless and meaningless."
Trump's letter
Discrimination is against the Law
but it isn't in Biden's world!
White Man Awarded HUGE PAYOUT After Woke Company Fires Him in the Name of ‘Diversity’
One of the most ridiculous things that I think exist in this country that has been celebrated by liberals is the racism that is spreading across the corporate world.They don’t call it racism, but that’s exactly what it is. They call it something like “diversity training” or even a “diversity program” all in the name of making the playing field even…supposedly anyway.
In reality, they are just being racist in order to try to not appear as racist.
Read about it...
Nursing Home workers Protest in Lake Worth
Lake Worth Beach nursing home workers protest for higher wages
"The workers' union says higher pay will lead to better patient care, though many nursing home workers are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19.Each year, tens of thousands of nursing home residents are seriously injured or die in facilities that promise to care for them. Our mission is to stop the abuse and end the cycle driven by negligence and greed. Anyone who abuses a senior citizen in a nursing home or assisted living facility needs to be held accountable for their sinister actions."
Higher wages might help eradicate the abuse but nothing is guaranteed. "Staff members that are frustrated, exhausted, or manipulative may harm the residents they’re supposed to care for. A 2020 study from the WHO found that over 64% of nursing home staff members admitted to committing some form of abuse or neglect." []
If you need to have a loved one admitted to a nursing home, be sure you live nearby so that you can monitor their care. I will never forget when my grandfather was in a Lake Worth Nursing Home on 6th Avenue South and I found him on the cold floor, no cover under or over him. I was told they were planning on making his bed.
Read about it... and see who showed up to spout off his opinion.
China, Enemy of the World
China's threats
For this special interview, Sebastian talks to Gordon Chang about China's latest threats against Taiwan, how China became a dictatorship, and how America should handle this rising threat.15 seconds
15 seconds
A possible Affect of Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan
ISIS-K Attacks Coming to USA Within a Matter of Months?
Well, nothing would surprise me under this Biden administration. They sure screwed up in Afghanistan where their intelligence failed 100%.Taliban officials have described China as Afghanistan's most important partner and pinned hopes on Chinese investment and support to rebuild the war-torn country.
If Afghanistan gets China's military support, an attack is possible especially as we are allowing unvetted Muslim refugees to settle in our country along with the illegals crossing our border daily.
Read about it...
Joe Biden 2006 on Illegals
Biden is being conrolled now by the radical Left who want to destroy America.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Imbeciles running the Funny Farm
Biden’s State Department Announces New ‘X’ Gender Passports While Americans Stranded In Afghanistan
Our country is 100% totally f-d up under Biden. Every day there is something else his administration has done that simply blows the mind! Antony J. Blinken heads this department.“The Department has issued the first U.S. passport with an X gender marker.”
Department spokesman, Ned Price, declared that the State Department “look(s) forward to offering this option to all routine passport applicants” by early 2022.
Read about it...
The metaverse, a term first coined in a dystopian novel three decades ago and now attracting buzz in Silicon Valley, refers broadly to the idea of a shared virtual environment which can be accessed by people using different devices.
The company said in a blog post that it intends to start trading under the new stock ticker it has reserved, MVRS, on Dec. 1. On Thursday, it unveiled a new sign at its headquarters in Menlo Park, California, replacing its thumbs-up "Like" logo with a blue infinity shape.
Read about Zuck, CEO of the World Social Media.
Texas Governor wants to handle Democrat Oil Crisis
Gov. Abbott to Biden: Texas 'Can Produce the Oil' - 'Let Us Handle It'
The Biden Administration’s decision to reduce oil drilling in the United States in favor of a “green” agenda has cost the United States its energy independence achieved under President Donald Trump.“You’ve seen over the past week at least once, maybe twice, the Biden administration has been kind of asking, if not begging, the Middle East, to produce more oil so that the price of energy will go down,” Abbott observed.
In these moments, and more broadly in the rollout of the Green New Deal, it is laid bare what critics of left-wing environmentalism have always said: The green movement is less about improving the environment and more about increasingly concentrating power in the central government, [Washington Examiner, 5-14-19]
Open up our XL Pipeline Joe and do the right thing for America's economy.
New Poll on sidebar - Omari Hardy
For all of you on a Desk Top computer--
Take the new poll on Omari Hardy at right sidebar
Florida Supports the Men in Blue
DeSantis Welcomes Unvaccinated Law Enforcement Shunned From Their Home State
Gov. Ron DeSantis says Florida is prepared to welcome police officers who are losing their jobs nationwide due to COVID-19 vaccination mandates, adding that he wants to offer a $5,000 bonus to any officer who relocates to the Sunshine State."So New York, Minneapolis, Seattle, if you're not being treated well, we'll treat you better here," the Florida Republican said on Sunday. "You can fill important needs for us, and we'll compensate you as a result,” he added.
Read more of what our great governor said
Putin understands the Evil of Democrat dogma
Putin Slams Wokeness: “It Destroyed Russia; It is Evil.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin slammed during a speech on Thursday the far-left woke ideology that he said is causing societal ills throughout the Western world, saying that it is no different than what happened in Russia during the 1917 revolution.“The preparedness of the so called social progress believe that the bringing a new conscience, a new consciousness to humanity, something that is more correct,” Putin said. “But there is one thing I would like to say: The recipes they come up with are nothing new. Paradoxical as it may seem, but this is something we saw in Russia.
It happened in our country before after the 1917 revolution, the Bolsheviks followed the dogmas of Marx and Engels. And they also declared that they would go into change the traditional lifestyle, the political, the economic lifestyle, as well as the very notion of morality, the basic principles for a healthy society. They were trying to destroy age and century long values, revisiting the relationship between the people, they were encouraging informing on one’s own beloved, and families. It was hailed as the march of progress.
And it was very popular across the world and it was supported by many, as we see, it is happening right now.”
Read about Putin It takes an adversary to bring awareness to what's going on in the United States?Biden builds wall around his house at taxpayer expense
Biden builds beach home fence after halting border wall construction
1.7M migrants arrested at border in previous 12 months according to CBP data
WHAT A NERVE THIS GUY HAS...interested in his own security but not that of the citizens of the United States.A new caravan with a reported 2,000 migrants is en route toward the United States as Border Patrol arrests reached their highest level in 35 years. President Biden has yet to visit the southern border as the Department of Homeland Security recently secured a contract to build a $456,548 tax-payer-funded security fence around the president's Delaware home.
Read about this disgrace of a President
and while you're at it Joe, do your job and--
Let's go Brandon!
GOP Rep. Duncan Enrages Democrat By Wearing ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Mask On House Floor
On Monday, Republican Congressman Jeff Duncan of South Carolina wore a “Let’s Go Brandon” mask on the House floor.And at least one Democrat was very unhappy about it.
Joe Biden claims they've 'never heard' of 'F*ck Joe Biden' or 'Let's Go Brandon' chants! Now, that sounds like it could be the truth.
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
"The word ‘victim’ is a loaded, loaded word"
Wisconsin Judge Sets Final Ground Rules For Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Evidence
"A Wisconsin judge laid out the final ground rules Monday on what evidence will be allowed when Kyle Rittenhouse goes on trial next week for shooting three people during a protest against police brutalityThe Judge ruled that he will allow testimony from the defense’s use-of-force expert and he will allow evidence that police welcomed Rittenhouse and others carrying guns during the demonstration. The prosecutor was trying to quelch that important information."
Rittenhouse's attorneys say he acted in self-defense upon hearing firearm discharge and in response to the physical confrontations from protesters. Public sentiment and media coverage of the shootings was polarized. A trial for Rittenhouse is scheduled to begin on November 1, 2021, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. [Wikipedia]
Read more about Kyle
Trump supporter fined $50 a day
MAGA Supporter Hangs ‘Trump Won’ Banner on Home
and Not Going to Take it Down Despite Fines
Peavy was first contacted about the new sign in June by the Walton County, Florida code enforcement. A brief code enforcement hearing was held last week, at which neither Peavy nor his attorney was present.It probably wouldn’t have made much difference — Peavy now says that he also has plans to hang a “Let’s Go Brandon” sign on his house next. The phrase has become a euphemism for “F*** Joe Biden” after a reporter mistakenly took the vulgar chant to be a cheer of encouragement for NASCAR driver Brandon Brown earlier this month.
Fact Checkers
Washington Post fact check about the border crisis will leave you scratching your head
"Fact checkers are all the rage in the corporate-controlled media.But there is a dirty secret they hide.
And The Washington Post fact check about the border crisis will leave you seeing red
During the Trump Presidency, reporters claimed they were brave truth tellers standing as the last line of defense for democracy.
As soon as Joe Biden took office, reporters – especially fact checkers – dropped that posture and returned to serving as the Democrat Party’s sycophants and stenographers."
Read more about the farcical cover-up of Joe Biden
Biden's Socialists/Communists want to tax Unrealized Gains
Democrats now want to tax people’s stock gains before they sell them to help pay for Biden's massive social spending bill
Communists want you to pay taxes on money you made on paper!
"Democratic leadership over the weekend began suggesting a new way to pay for President Biden's multitrillion-dollar social policy and climate action spending bill — a tax on wealthy people's unrealized capital gains.Unrealized capital gains are increases in value of stock purchases that the purchaser has yet to "realize" by selling the stock at its new price.
Democrats trying every way to garner more taxes. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen believes this would be a tax on billionaires' stock gains as well as other assets like real estate," people who already pay the brunt of the tax. She doesn't mention the hundreds of thousands of ordinary hard-working Americans who are not billonaires and who have invested in the stock market.
Insanity Abounds! Biden wants to Eiminate Cash Bail
Biden releases ‘gender equity’ plan that calls for eliminating cash bail
Fox News reports: President Biden’s plan to promote gender equity includes a proposal to eliminate cash bail for suspects, despite a rise in violent crime across the country. “We are also committed to increasing federal oversight and accountability for police departments and prosecutors’ offices to address systemic misconduct, including gender bias and sexual misconduct,” reads part of a 42-page White House report entitled the National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality.“And we will work to end cash bail and reform our pretrial system, recognizing the harm these processes cause, particularly for Black women and families.”
Who is really running this funny farm? Do they have anything to talk about other than a false narrative of racial discrimination, you know, the racism that Omari Hardy promotes every day to divide our country?
Read about it...
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
He's "wacky" and a "RINO" says Trump
Donald Trump Destroys Bill Cassidy For Suggesting Trump Won’t Win GOP Primary
"On Monday, former President Donald Trump indicated that he is planning on running for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination again – and he did it by blasting Republican Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy who indicated that he might not be able to win if he runs again.In a statement issued by his Save America PAC, Trump called Senator Cassidy “wacky” and a “RINO,” and reminded readers that he begged for his endorsement in 2020 and used it everywhere to win re election."
Senator Bill Cassidy recently called for senility tests for aging Congressmen...perhaps he needs to take the test but he's only 64.
The Capitol Protest was NOT an Insurrection
Garland Debunks Democrat Insurrection Claims About Capitol Riot
"Hundreds of patriotic Americans showed up at the Capitol on January 6, 2020. The vast majority were there to exercise their constitutional God-given right to free speech. They were protesting what they believed to be a bogus and fraudulent presidential election.The one narrative that has caused the most controversy is the Democrat Party’s ignorant inclination to call them insurrectionists. They refer to the protest that led to the woefully unprepared Capitol Police being overrun by protestors as “the insurrection."
Rep. @LouieGohmertTX1 : "Has any defendant involved in the January 6th events been charged with insurrection?"
AG GARLAND: "I don't believe so."
GOHMERT: "Well that is the word most used by Democrats here on Capitol Hill."
Why are some of these people still in jail nearly one year later?
List of Charged Protesters I noticed that there were two from Palm Beach County--one from Wellington and one from West Palm Beach.
Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo scolded by Democrat
Florida surgeon general refuses mask in meeting with state senator, asked to leave
Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo and two of his aides were told to leave the office of Democrat state Sen. Tina Polsky after they were offered masks and refused, Florida Politics reported. Ladapo allegedly offered to move the meeting outside as an alternative but Polsky declined.Ladapo had requested that he and the senator meet as he prepares to seek reconfirmation in his role as surgeon general for the upcoming session.
Read about it...
The Healthy American states that the Science says Healthy People Should Not Wear Masks
Masks reduce intake of oxygen, leading to carbon dioxide toxicity
Germs are trapped near your mouth and nose, increasing risk of infection
Wearing a mask causes you to touch your face more frequently
There is no scientific evidence that supports healthy people wearing masks
Masks obscure your facial features and impede normal social interaction
Masks make it hard for hearing-impaired people to understand you
Masks symbolize suppression of speech
It was "Super Unsafe" said crew members on the Alec Baldwin set
Dire Warning Reportedly Raised Before Baldwin Fatally Shot Woman: 'This Is Super Unsafe'
Not only were issues about three total prop gun safety incidents shared by multiple people working on the film, but six camera crew workers had walked off the job to protest their working conditions on the day of the tragedy. Complaints included long waits for paychecks, long hours on set and long commutes to the remote ranch in Santa Fe County.You know if crew members were walking off the set, there were dire conditions before the actor fatally shot cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on Thursday Others had shared concerns about safety, according to reports.
Election 2024
MSNBC Panel Agrees this GOP Candidate Would Blow Any Democrat Away by Double Digits
A group of MSNBC hosts and guests were discussing the next election and said that there is one person who would dominate."If the Republicans run ANYBODY but Trump they win in a landslide in 2024. Sadly they have a chance with Trump. Dems better find their way to the center," said Donny Deutsch.
Read who MSNBC says will win in a landslide
Let's Go Brandon!
District 20--11 Democrats and 2 Republicans running in Democrat stronghold
Watch our favorite racist, debate
The passing of longtime congressman Alcee Hastings in April opened a race to fill his seat in Florida’s 20th Congressional District.Candidates running
Eleven Democrats and two Republicans are running for the seat. Sunday night, I watched a Democrat candidate forum on WPBF. Below is a different debate.
Monday, October 25, 2021
Govt Involved in Killing & Dissecting Puppies?
Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers Demands Answers From Fauci About 'Cruel' Experiments on Puppies
"A cordectomy, also known as ‘devocalization,’ involves slitting a dog’s vocal cords.
But this is not the worst of it...Gads, read the shocking chit...
Is Biden coming or going; does he know?
Jill Stops Dementia Joe from Trying to Talk into Mic While Music Blasts
Yikes! That is the first word that comes to mind when I think of all the cringeworthy things that President Joe Biden continues to do.On Monday, he was his usual confused self during an event at the White House. He can be seen taking the podium and then attempting to speak into the microphone as the band in the background is still playing "God Bless America."
“I tell ya what…I would like to learn it,” Joe said, and continued into a tirade of gibberish. That's when his wife, Jill Biden, stopped him before he embarrassed himself even more.
Watch Joe...
Border Crisis in Hungary
MUSLIM “Refugees” Throw Rocks And Shout Allahu Akbar At Border
Ah yes the ‘refugee crisis’ (terrorist infiltration) is going full speed ahead in Europe and America. This is a fabricated disaster designed by the elites, including our very own Hussein Obama to enable the Jihadist terrorists to enter countries and turn the entire world into a MUSLIM HELL HOLE.
"Hungary declared a state of emergency. They simply can’t take anymore of these people. They swiftly constructed additional border fences (something the most powerful country in the world won’t do) to keep these people OUT! Now these scumbags are rioting. Boot those dirtbags out!" [americasfreedomfighters]And as Biden allows every illegal into our country, it will happen here, folks! It's just a matter of time. Biden plans to increase the 2022 fiscal year limit of refugees to 125,000 but what about all those sneaking into our coutnry daily?
Since the passage of the Refugee Act in 1980, which incorporated this definition of refugee into the INA, the United States has admitted more than 3.1 million refugees.
CNBC Panelist Admits Reality of Biden’s Economy
Something has seriously got to give. We cannot keep going down this path and expect to make it out the other side without slamming face first into another Great Depression."
Biden going around our Constitution
Phone Call Leaked of Biden Lawyer Advising How to Combat Religious Exemption
"Since the beginning of his illegitimate presidency, Joe Biden and his administration have continued with efforts to undermine the United States Constitution. His border policies violate U.S. immigration laws. Biden has weaponized federal law enforcement against parents.The Biden Department of Justice has attempted to sue states for enacting voter integrity laws and abortion legislation. One of Biden’s most unconstitutional pursuits is a federal vaccine mandate. Biden wants every American to be forced into “getting the jab.”
Joe Biden’s Department of Justice isn’t trying to enforce the constitutional rights of Americans; they’re trying to undermine them."
Read about it...
Sunday, October 24, 2021
Christopher Steele targeted the Republican Party
Rep. Devin Nunes: ABC News HQ should move to Disney's Fantasyland after Steele interview
"Following an ABC News interview with Christopher Steele, author of the discredited Steele dossier used in the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said the media outlet's headquarters should move to Fantasyland at its parent company's Walt Disney World."[I]t's a little bit of an embarrassment for ABC News and Disney Corporation," said Nunes, who as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee was instrumental in exposing the Trump-Russia narrative as a political dirty trick funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC in 2016."
Nunes alleged that the network's hour-long documentary "Out of the Shadows: The Man Behind the Steele Dossier," released Monday on Hulu, is "entirely fiction."
Read about it...
Trump Media Group to go Public
Statement from Trump Media & Technology Group
Trump Media & Technology Group and Digital World Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: DWAC) have entered into a definitive merger agreement, providing for a business combination that will result in Trump Media & Technology Group becoming a publicly listed company, subject to regulatory and stockholder approval.The transaction values Trump Media & Technology Group at an initial enterprise value of $875 Million, with a potential additional earnout of $825 Million in additional shares at the valuation they are granted for a cumulative valuation of up to $1. 7 Billion depending on the performance of the stock price post-business combination. Trump Media & Technology Group’s growth plans initially will be funded by DWAC’s cash in trust of $293 Million assuming no redemptions.
Trump Media & Technology Group’s mission is to create a rival to the liberal media consortium and fight back against the “Big Tech” companies of Silicon Valley, which have used their unilateral power to silence opposing voices in America.
A beta launch will take place for invited guests in November 2021. A nationwide launch is expected in the first quarter of 2022.
Capitol Police had Intel that Antifa would be at Capitol on Jan 6
Former Capitol Police Chief Makes HUGE Reveal in January 6 Attack
"The former Capitol Police Chief, Steven Sund said that they actually had intel that Antifa was a part of the attack that day.Sund testified before the Senate Rules and Homeland Security committees that based on the intelligence that they had, there were members of Proud Boys, some white supremacist groups, Antifa, and other groups that were supposed to participate in the protest and that it could become violent.
You may even recall that a former FBI agent even said that there was at least one busload of Antifa goons that showed up at the Capitol who infiltrated the group of supporters."
You also may recall that Capitol Police actually opened the gate to allow the protesters in.
Read about it...
Biden's Poll Numbers going down, down and down!
Poll shows extent of Americans' disappointment in Biden
More than any other president since WW II has at this point in term
"The historic drop is fueled by Biden's inability to shake off growing public dissatisfaction over his White House tenure as his month-to-month approval rating slips to a new low of 42 percent in October," the report said. Other polling has put Biden's approval number as low as 37%, a rating of minus 15 since his disapproval was 52%.New polling released on Friday shows that Joe Biden has disappointed Americans "more than any other president since World War II has at this point in their term."
Read more about the worst president ever!
China wants our Genetic Data?
China Is Actively Trying to Acquire Your Genetic Data, US Officials Warn
"A new warning is being issued about China’s attempts to grab Americans’ genetic data.The powerful technologies harnessed by the bioeconomy also can lead to national security and economic vulnerabilities.
For example, biotechnology can be misused to create virulent pathogens that can target our food supply or even the human population, the report from the National Counterintelligence and Security Center said." [WesternJournal]
The National Counterintelligence and Security Center
Marjorie Taylor Greene Formally files Impeachment Charges Against Biden
Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles Of Impeachment Against Biden
President Biden has been hit with formal impeachment charges and has been accused of “treason.” The Articles of Impeachment have been filed in the House of Representatives. The impeachment charges were announced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Friday.15 seconds
15 seconds
Saturday, October 23, 2021
In the Dead of Night
Biden Is Now Shipping Underage Illegals To Every Corner Of The Country!
Biden’s effort to slowly destroy America continues…This time, he wants to populate America with underage immigrants and transport them in the middle of the night.While we are lying in our beds thinking when this COVID madness brought to us by Biden’s regime will be over and thinking this will be the last one – I said, it’s far from over because Biden has been cooking a new disaster for America.
Read more about it...
NOTHING GOOD HAPPENS AFTER MIDNIGHT! And it's to cover up all the Illegals being transported to cities across our country to avoid the appearance of a border crisis.
Everyone knows he is destroying America and now he is hurting all the cities that will have to pick up the tab.
Omari Hardy digging his own grave
Congress candidate Omari Hardy defends his stance on Israel. Jewish Democrats urge his defeat
Congressional candidate Omari Hardy is reiterating his positions on two major issues involving U.S. policy toward Israel, putting him at odds with Jewish leaders in the Democratic Party and fueling a controversy he started a week ago.“State Representative Omari Hardy does not follow in the footsteps of the late Alcee Hastings when he supports BDS and opposes Iron Dome. One of the hallmarks of Congressman Hastings’s long career was his collaborative partnership with Florida’s Jews in supporting the survival of the State of Israel.”
Read more... and now Omari is flip-flopping on BDS, the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement that works to end international support for Israel's oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply. If he should get elected, he will probably be a male member of The Squad of women who hate Israel and hate America.
Going against the Jewish population in south Florida is damn stupid! His big mouth could be his "Waterloo" this time.
Biden: The Titanic going full steam into an iceberg of reality
A Frustrated Joe Starts Yelling Again, ‘This Is The USA Dammit!’
Joe was on his home turf believing this would help him by telling all his silly stories
"The losses keep piling up and Joe Biden can no longer hide his frustration. A normal person would reevaluate and change course but not Joe Biden.Biden traveled to Scranton, PA to try and get momentum for his Build Back, Better bill which is falling apart.
The president didn’t get the welcome he had hoped for.
When you are failing, attack Donald Trump, as he mocked President Trump, attacking him for not passing an infrastructure bill.
“Last four years you’d hear every month is, you know, infrastructure month,” Biden says. “Didn’t do a single damn thing. Nothing. I mean, nothing for four years.”
The president should take a good look in the mirror his party has complete control in Washington and they can’t pass a bill."[]
Complete failure! Change course, Joe, before we lose our country!
Buttigieg blames the Supply Chain Port Crisis on the Pandemic
Transportation Sec. Buttigieg Tells Americans to Get Used to Shipping ‘Disruptions and Shocks to the System’
Having less is just the way life goes in President Joe Biden’s America, according to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.Buttigieg, who was on paternity leave for months as the supply chain crisis intensified, made the interview rounds this week and put a happy face on the crisis.
Read more... and read about his unbelievable spin.
Biden is to Blame for this Shipping Crisis
“[Shortages have] been exacerbated clearly by COVID. But it’s also been impacted dramatically by the policy changes that President Biden made even before he was inaugurated,” said Rensi. “When he said he’s going to shut down oil, shut down the pipelines, move away from fossil fuel.”
Friday, October 22, 2021
Taliban beheaded a female volleyball player
Taliban Executes Girl From National Volleyball Team
“Mahjabin Hakimi, a member of the Afghan women’s youth national volleyball team was ‘beheaded’ by the Taliban in #Kabul, sources confirmed, adding that except her family, no one knows the exact time of the incident, said Payk Media.Her family has been threatened.
The Afghan girls national soccer team and their families were evacuted by a chartered plane granted asylum by Portugal and arrived in the capital Lisbon last month.
Read about it...
Biden left Americans and allies high and dry in Afghanistan at the mercy of terrorists.
Mike Johnson Quizzed AG Merrick Garland
Garland doesn't say if he sought ethics guidance regarding ties to son-in-law's CRT-promoting company
AG Garland also refused to say whether he would consider ethics review
If the top law enforcement official in the country won’t submit to a simple ethics review, how can people expect fair treatment under the law?Democrats' Socialist "Wish-List" at expense of America
The 7 Blood-Boiling Items Hidden Inside Biden's $3.5 Trillion Socialist Wish List
1. “Handouts” for the wealthy, and bailouts for failing establishment media organizations2. A cloaked “Green New Deal” that would put small businesses under
3. Weaponizing the IRS
4. Targeting American energy independence through taxes
5. Dishonestly hiding a provision to offer amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants
6. Biden’s agenda would create a “slush fund” to be used for “socialist pet projects.”
7. Biden’s agenda would completely abandon rural Americans
So, now that they are getting closer to reducing this outlandish $3.5 trillion, what horrible tyrannical, socialistic, communistic items will still be left?
Read in depth about the items
Soros-Funded Prosecutors Put ‘Social Justice’ Above Law and Order
Soros Helped Elect Loudoun Prosecutor Who Wanted Jail Time for Dad Whose Daughter Was Allegedly Raped
Buta Biberaj appears to be a member of what one Heritage Foundation report refers to as the “rogue prosecutors movement,” a campaign made up of progressive prosecutors across the country — funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros — aimed at “promoting the fundamental transformation of our criminal justice system.”Biberaj ran on a George Soros-funded campaign against mass incarcerations.
Buta Biberaj personally prosecuted dad Scott Smith, 48, after he was arrested at a raucous June 22 public meeting, Loudoun Now noted at the time.
Despite facing charges including forcible sodomy, the accused rapist was only made to wear an ankle monitor and move to a different school — where earlier this month he was accused of a similar sex attack on another pupil.
Read about it...
81,000 pages of Discovery turned over by Durham to indicted Democrat lawyer
Durham unloads thousands of documents to Sussmann defense
Special counsel John Durham provided 81,000 pages of discovery to indicted Democratic lawyer Michael Sussmann in his criminal inquiry into the Russia investigation, court filings show.Although Durham alleged Sussmann told General FBI Counsel James Baker he was not working for any specific client, the special counsel contends Sussmann was secretly doing the bidding of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign while billing her team for it and working on behalf of technology executive Rodney Joffe.
Project Veritas on its CovidVaxExposed Series
Associated Press reporter guilty by Defamation
"The Mainstream Media has done its absolute best to ignore Project Veritas’ #CovidVaxExposed series in the last month.However, in the few occasions they did cover those stories, they did so to mislead the public."
Thursday, October 21, 2021
The world has gone mad, and it's largely the fault of outlets like CNN
The World Has Gone Mad" - Ex-NYT Writer Stuns CNN Anchor, Blasts Their Coverage
15 seconds
15 seconds
Harvard trained Chinese Officials in Chinese Detention Camps
Harvard trained the people overseeing China’s genocide camps
Two officials who oversee detention camps accused of committing genocide against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang, China, previously received fellowships from Harvard University, according to research by an Australian think-tank, The Financial Times reported.Between 2010 and 2011, Yao Ning studied as an Asia fellow at Harvard University’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation while pursuing a doctorate degree, according to a report by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), the Times reported.
Read more... about these guys who actually were vetted by the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.
Terry McAuliffe is "losing it"
Virginia gubernatorial candidate Glenn Younkin says Terry McAuliffe is 'losing it'
after abruptly ending an interview and criticizing a reporter for "asking thre wrong questions."He was allotted 20 minutes for the interview and walked off in a huff after ten minutes.
All the "big wigs" including Obama are coming into Virginia to campaign for Mcauliffe in a race that is 2.6 points apart.
The Corporate Banking Tyranny has Begun
Trump Banned From Banking
And it wasn't with the government wanting to snoop into your bank transactions of $600 or more
This did not get much attention when it broke a few weeks ago, so here it is again.Do you remember when they said this would only happen to Alex Jones and Laura Loomer?
Any student of history knows that once the tyranny starts, it never ends.
The fact that they have chosen to go straight to the top first, for the man who was President of the United States yesterday speaks volumes about how emboldened these corporate cartels are.
Read more about it...
How soon before they come for you?
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Biden wants to Sweet talk Kim Jong un to give up Nuclear bombs
Biden Admin Wants North Korea to Talk Nuclear Disarmament
How does North Korea Respond? With a Ballistic Missile
The hermit despotism has ratcheted up military pressure in response — including a Tuesday test of what appeared to be a ballistic missile aimed into the East Sea off the coast of Japan.The U.S. is trying to analyze what Kim did... 😍
Lori Lightfoot has taken legal action against the police
Mayor Lightfoot LOSES IT
Accuses Police Of Trying To ‘Incite An Insurrection’ For Simply Opposing Vaccine Mandate
Government employee arrested for Child Porn
House Sergeant at Arms’ asst. arrested on 10 child porn charges
Stefan Bieret, an assistant to the Sergeant at Arms for the U.S. House of Representatives, was arrested on Wednesday and charged with 10 felony counts related to the possession of child pornography.He used to work for the Capitol Police!
He got away with this for a very long time!
Read about the Pervert
The Seal who killed bin Laden
He is now getting screwed by the government for which he served
“20 years after 9/11. The Taliban controls Afghanistan. The guy who killed bin Laden is on a no-fly list,” says Robert J. O'Neill."I know more about biological warfare than most of you. We were trained. These dumb a** masks do nothing. Nothing, and insisted a bandana does more harm than good."
It really has become a fascist government under Joe Biden.
Read about our Seal Team 6 hero
Why masks are unsafe
Trump sues Jan 6 Committee
Donald Trump Sues Jan. 6th Committee, Others After…
"Donald Trump is fighting back against the partisan January 6 commission formed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi
The panel is entirely composed of radical Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans and seeks to infringe on his executive privilege and his personal communications to support the bogus political narrative that January 6 was an “insurrection” and a “coup attempt” that was encouraged by Donald Trump himself." [teamtuckercarlson]Trump's lawyers filed the 26-page suit in D.C. district court on Monday, declaring the committee’s investigation “a vexatious, illegal fishing expedition.”
It names the Jan. 6 panel’s chair, Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), and the national archivist, David Ferriero, along with the committee and the archives themselves.
Trump’s legal team contends that the Jan. 6 panel’s push for voluminous records from his administration — such as his internal communications with lawyers, campaign operatives and senior officials — would shatter the notion of executive privilege.
In their suit, Trump’s lawyers ask a federal judge to invalidate the entire request from the select committee, to block the Archives from turning over any materials to Congress in response to the request, and to specifically block the Archives from turning over any documents that Trump says are covered by executive privilege.
John Walsh on the trail of Brian Laundrie
John Walsh says Brian Laundrie likely escaped to Mexico or Bahamas, with parents’ help
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Terry McAuliffe involved in the Sleaze
Loudoun County prosecutor who sought to jail father of girl allegedly raped at school tied to Soros, McAuliffe
Buta Biberaj, who received $860K from Soros-led PAC, joined McAuliffe rally this month
Who is Buta Biberaj?She is Loudoun County Commonwealth's Attorney described in the explosive report by The Daily Wire as the "progressive" elected county prosecutor who ran on a platform of ending "mass incarceration," but yet she sought jail time for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, both misdemeanor charges, against Scott Smith, the Dad who spoke in front of the school board about the rape of his daughter.
What the heck is happening in our country? Power, Greed, Immorality, you name it and George Soros, along with DemoRATS, involved in it all.
Read about it...
John Durham and his illusive Report
What Durham Just Said Has The Whole Clinton Cartel Shaking!
It has been a long time coming but it appears that the John Durham investigation will be making a move. The former United States attorney was assigned the task of investigating matters related to the infamous 2016 election that the Democrats claimed Russia stole.It appears that Durham has located a thread that does implicate Hillary Clinton. He just indicted cyber-security lawyer Michael Sussman for allegedly lying to the FBI.
According to Sussman, he claimed that “odd internet data” was discovered proving a connection between Donald Trump and a Russian bank. He lied.
Though when the FBI looked into this supposed “evidence” it was concluded that it didn’t hold any merit. Though this is where it becomes even more interesting for the Clinton’s.
Hillary Clinton Political Tricks
Hillary Is a Disgrace
I would guess that John Durham is getting least let's hope so.The former Secretary of State was one of the original political hacks promoting the BIG LIE that Donald Trump may have been/was working as some sort of Kremlin double agent and that his true allegiance may be to Vlad Putin – not Uncle Sam. She wanted to be President so badly that any integrity that she might have had dissolved in the malicious wind. What a sap!
Ever since her defeat, which she conceded, Clinton repeatedly pointed to Russia's interference in the 2016 election as a prominent reason why she was never elected to the White House. She 100% believes this, at least in public statements. When she looks into the mirror, I am sure she faces the cold truth.
Clinton Campaign lawyer has just been indicted for his role in peddling bogus Russiagate Hoax to FBI that was started by Crooked Hillary.
Republican Governors prepared to take Legal Action on Vaccine Mandate
DeSantis, Republican Governors Make Bold Vow to Take On Biden
The Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for companies with over 100 employees through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is expected to be put in place soon, and Republican governors around the country are prepared to take legal action against the measure.Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis made it clear that his state will be suing the administration for the invasive policy.
Monday, October 18, 2021
Biden Forgets, Again!
Police Purge
Police Unions in Major Cities Across America are Leading the Revolt Against Vaccine Mandates
Police officers in major cities across the United States are standing up to unlawful orders that force them to be vaccinated for Covid-19 or face termination.In Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Diego and Baltimore, the police are sending the message that these vaccine mandates are unlawful, and they are not going to obey them or enforce them.
The vaccine mandates appear to be an extension of the Democratic Party’s intention to purge the military, police and society of Americans who are willing to stand up for the rights of Americans in the face of tyranny. The new agenda is not just Defund the Police, but also Purge the Police.
Read about Police Revolt
We banned "Zuckerbucks!"
DeSantis Celebrates Banning Zuckerberg’s Election Meddling As A Win For Secure Voting
No more meddling by Silicon valley
One of the biggest reasons DeSantis said he has confidence in his state’s elections is because of recent election integrity legislation that prohibits meddling by Silicon Valley moguls such as Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg.“So Zuckerberg, he spent over $400 million through these, quote, non-profits to, quote, help with election administration but what they would do is they would require certain things to be done like mass mail balloting, ballot harvesting, and they would focus on partisan voter turnout, basically. That was totally unacceptable,” the governor said."
These “Zuck Bucks” were largely awarded based on partisanship to local and state offices, and demanded the promotion of universal mail-in voting, greater opportunities for “ballot curing,” and other vulnerable election tactics.
Biden's Disapproval Rating Soars
Here’s Why The “Good Times” Are Over For Joe Biden
With all his chips now in the middle of the table as this session of Congress winds down, Biden’s hand looks weaker and weaker.Wednesday, four polls found that half the nation — and in three of them, more than half — now disapprove of his presidency.
Read the reasons why Biden has cooked his goose
Supreme Court Commission Releases Reports
Biden Supreme Court Commission Releases "Discussion Materials" on Court-Packing, Term Limits, and Other Issues
The preliminary reports are generally negative on court-packing, but favorable to term limits
The report addressing court-packing provides a detailed overview of arguments for and against the idea, and various proposals to increase or modify the composition of the Court.While it notes that some Commission members are sympathetic to packing as a way to offset what they see as illegitimate Republican manipulation of the Supreme Court nomination process, the dominant tone is one of skepticism.