Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Pelosi blocks mention of names of dead soldiers

Pelosi Blocks Names of 13 Service Members Killed From Being Read

Rep. Brian Mast (R), a wounded combat veteran from Afghanistan, tells The Floridian that during a Republican-only “moment of silence,” Speaker Pelosi refused to recognize them to” read names or bring up bills or anything.”

“We gaveled in, had a prayer, said the Pledge of Allegiance, took a moment of silence with pretty much all Republican veterans, then asked to be recognized to read names and bring up Afghanistan legislation. They did not acknowledge us, and just closed the House down,” said Rep. Mast.

Read about Pelosi


Anonymous said...

Piglosi knows this is political doom for Democrats

Anonymous said...

hope the dems that voted for these worms can see how the swamp will treat them.piglosi is good for her after the names they have called us

Anonymous said...

Nasty Piglosi is a troll who needs to go! She is one hateful, ugly inside and out, person.