Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Alt-Left Colorado Secretary of State sent Mailer to Dead People & Illegals
Local CBS Station Deletes Damning Report
Busting Democrat Official Over Mailer To Ineligible Voters
Democrat Colorado Secretary of State progressive Jena Griswold has found herself in hot water after a mailer was sent out to dead people and non-citizens.The mailer being called into question was encouraging non-citizens and people that have passed away to make sure they vote in the upcoming November election.
Read about it...
Chris Wallace and his Ridiculous Question
Chris Wallace Calls Out Trump to Tell His Supporters to Not Riot!! WTH? After BLM-Antifa Rip Apart the Country!
"The final question of the night by debate “moderator” Chris Wallace was to ask President Trump and Joe Biden to tell their supporters not to riot.Violent leftist groups have rioted and looted in city after city across the US since May. Leftist rioters have caused over a billion dollars in damage. In Minneapolis over 1,500 buildings and businesses have been damaged or destroyed."
Read about it... Chris Wallace asked an inappropriate question to suggest that the Right is the political side causing riots.
Last Night's "Debate" was an embarrasment
Chris Wallace Faces Intense Backlash, Including From Colleagues, Over Bias During Debate
Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor of Democrat Joe Biden and against Republican President Donald Trump.Read about the complete farce
President Trump, as well as Joe Biden, were not effective and in many ways, unimpressive. Trump kept interrupting and Biden kept lying, exagerrating and was totally disrespectful. Trump was debating Chris Wallace in many respects.
U.S. Sen. Rick Scott Cosponsors Resolution Championing Support for the Pledge of Allegiance
Read Text
So, all you liberals out there, get over it as the Senate strongly defends the constitutionality of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Pelosi and her Hair Salon mishap
WOW! Even CNN Is Telling Pelosi She’s Full Of It! [VIDEO]
“This far into the pandemic, the House Speaker should know what is safe and what isn’t ... Instead of claiming a setup, would have been just as easy for the Speaker to say, you know what — I messed up.” - @DonLemon on Nancy Pelosi calling controversial salon incident a “setup.”You know when a CNN opinion host and anti-Trumper takes a poke at Nancy Pelosi, there must be something to the criticism.
Read about Pelosi and Don Lemon...
Ilhan Omar - Ballot Voter Scam
Ilhan Omar CAUGHT Up In Cash For Ballots VOTER FRAUD SCAM!
Ballot harvesting is real and it has become a big business. Our investigation into this ballot harvesting ring demonstrates clearly how these unscrupulous operators exploit the elderly and immigrant communities—and have turned the sacred ballot box into a commodities trading desk.”Read about it and see the video
President Trump received 3rd Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Trump receives third nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
President Donald Trump has received his third nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, this time from Australian law professors, on the basis of the “Trump Doctrine” of foreign policy.Read more...
Ballot Harvesting Scheme in Texas to benefit Biden
MASSIVE Voter Fraud Scheme By Biden Campaign Uncovered — Scandal Could ROCK Joe’s Campaign
A Biden Campaign operative in Texas is attempting to rig the 2020 election with the help of others in a massive ballot harvesting scheme, according to two private investigators who testified under oath that they have “video evidence, documentation and witnesses” to prove it. With the help of mass mail-in ballots, the illegal ballot harvesting operation could harvest 700,000 ballots, one Harris County Democrat operative allegedly bragged.Read about it...
Vote YES to retain Supreme Court & District Court of Appeals Judges
Read about Justice Muñiz
Vote YES on retaining all judges in Fourth District Court Palm Beach County ballot:
Fourth District Court of Appeals
Alan O. Forst
Mark W. Klingensmith
Martha C. Warner
New York Times Article--Trump's $750 in taxes was over and above the millions he paid
NYT Trump Tax Report Reveals No Previously Unreported Russian Connections
Among the many findings in (Fake News) The New York Times’ analysis of tax documents relating to President Donald Trump is the “revelation” that the records do not “reveal any previously unreported connections to Russia.”
The only Russia angle the Times was able to find in the documents it analyzed pertained to the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow. Trump, as co-owner of the pageant, made $2.3 million from the event.
The $750 figure being cited by media outlets is in addition to what he already paid in taxes; it is not his total tax payments for the year. Trump also paid $24.3 million between 2000 and 2017 due to the alternative minimum tax.
Read the rest of the article...
Monday, September 28, 2020
Democrats say they are still shocked by mail-in voter fraud
Tucker: Multiple military mail-in ballots found trashed in Pennsylvania
Hunter is Broke as a Joke
Hunter Biden Magically Eliminates $450,000 Debt Despite ‘No Discernible Income,’ Biden Campaign Silent
"Hunter Biden, the son of Democrat nominee Joe Biden, has had a ton of trouble come his way over the last few years.Recently, he owed over $450,000 dollars in back taxes for 2017 and 2018. This of course along with him not having any “no discernible income” as he testified to the judge during a child support battle with the hooker he knocked up."
Do you want to read about Hunter?
Mark Wahlberg says Celebrities should stay out of Politics
Mark Wahlberg BREAKS SILENCE And Destroys Every Trump Hating Celebrity In EPIC Interview
Mark Wahlberg has always been one of my favorite actors. I love movies but haven't seen one since theaters were closed in March due to Covid and I used to go weekly.
Now that theaters have re-opened to an extent, my negative view of Hollywood actors still prevails. I find myself researching their politics before I would see one of their movies. Some of them, like Robert Dinero, are obviously apparent. I don't want to give one of them one damn dime of my money if they do not support our president and our country.
Wahlberg is a Democrat who believes celebrities live in a 'bubble' and so are not aware of the issues people face day to day.
Read what Mark has to say
RINOS, Collins and Murkowski
RINOs Working Tirelessly With Democrats to Block SCOTUS Pick
When Trump and the vast majority of Senate Republicans fast-tracked the nomination process, Democrats went spastic. The last thing they want to see is a 6-3 conservative majority court. Dragging Trump out of the White House is the only chance they have to maintain their precious swamp.Read about it and see the video regarding Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski.
Project Veritas New Video - Ballot Harvesting
Ilhan Omar connected Ballot Harvester in cash-for-ballots scheme
"Car is full" of absentee ballots
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Google Blogger
All these videos are appearing on the WRONG blog. Get it fixed Google.
The Mainstream Media Will Not Tell the Truth About Black Lives Matter
McCain continues his hate from the grave
John McCain’s Wife Tried Opening Her Mouth About Trump And Got SHUT UP REAL QUICK!
And remember, senator McCain shared the fake dossier with Comey, the then-FBI director according to a top aide. But she hates the president!Also, it was McCain who was the pivitol vote in the Senate when he voted against a "skinny" plan to repeal parts of the Affordable Care Act. He hated Obama too! He had a lot of hate in his heart even though America made him a war hero for being captured for 6 years.
Read about poor Cindy
Democrats tried to pass a Resolution on RBG's dying wish
Sen. Ted Cruz CRUSHES Dem Dreams – Successfully BLOCKS Dems Tasteless RBG Move
BLM gets a Christmas card from the McCloskeys
Mark & Patricia McCloskey Use Famous Gun Photos As HOLIDAY CARDS
Give One To Vocal Protester
As BLM was shouting at them to "Abolish the suburbs" as they picked up their Christmas cards, Mr. McCloskey gave one of his cards to one obnoxious idiot.POTUS and Next Supreme Court Justice praying
Stephen Mathew, Facebook Friend
Dozens of Missing Children Recovered
US Marshals Recover DOZENS of Missing Children Under the Age of 18, Media is Silent
The mainstream media is working hard to keep you distracted from the good that’s going on in the world.Their goal is to keep Americans so preoccupied with the virus and riots and everything else that’s going wrong in order to keep you scared and compliant.
Nevertheless, big things are still happening…good things. [freedomheadlines]
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Demonization and Intimidation of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
Mitch McConnell’s Home Targeted By The Mob As Intimidation Tactics Intensify
Angry that Republicans will nominate a new Supreme Court Justice, liberals get unhinged...again!Elections have Consequences, Mr. Obama
Trump Fires Back After Obama Says He Shouldn’t Fill SCOTUS Vacancy
"Donald Trump just fired back at his predecessor Barack Obama after he released a statement saying that the current president should not fill the Supreme Court vacancy that has come about following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.In a tribute to Ginsburg after her death on Friday, Obama indicated that her Supreme Court seat should be left open until after the election in the spirit of consistency.”
Obama needs to retire.
Trump to choose Justice for Supreme Court at 5pm today
Supreme Court possibility would approach immigration decisions through plain text of the law
At 5pm today, President Trump will announce his choice for Supreme Court Justice and odds have it that it will be Amy Coney Barrett.With Pres. Trump following former Pres. Obama's lead in making significant changes to immigration policy through executive action, the Supreme Court's role on the issue has intensified due to legal challenges to those actions. Over the last several years, the Court has issued decisions on the DAPA and DACA executive amnesties, public charge, and the president's authority under 1182(f) to suspend immigration if it serves the national interest. Past decisions and their general judicial philosophy provide some insight into how Barrett might approach immigration issues on the nation's highest court.
"Barrett is considered a textualist, meaning that her rulings tend to be based on the plain text of the law. Her recent opinions on immigration-related cases demonstrate this approach.
In June 2020, Barrett wrote a dissenting opinion to Cook County v. Wolf, a federal court decision that struck down Pres. Trump's public charge rule that requires immigration officers to consider whether a green card applicant would need to access public benefits. She opined that because the rule only applies to new applicants for green cards and exempts refugees and asylees, among other vulnerable groups, it falls within the context of the laws passed by Congress that block admission for immigrants who could become public charges.
"Congress has delegated the power to determine who may enter the country to the Executive Branch, and courts generally have no authority to second-guess the Executive's decisions." [NumbersUSA]
Florida is Opened for Business
Gov. DeSantis Lifted All COVID-19 Restrictions On Businesses Statewide
Gov. Ron DeSantis says he is lifting all restrictions on businesses statewide that were imposed to control the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. Most significantly, that means restaurants and bars in the state can now operate at full capacity.Up to now, restaurants and bars in Florida could serve customers indoors at 50% of legal occupancy. DeSantis said his new executive order lifts that restriction statewide, though local governments can keep additional limits in place if they're justified for health or economic reasons. []
Harry's Bar on Dixie Highway opened at 7pm.
Protests after Edmonds City Council representative says Black Lives Matter is a 'lie'
The comment came from student representative to the Edmonds City Council in Washington at a public meeting in July.
Friday, September 25, 2020
Cover-up of Clinton E-Mails - The "October Surprise"
FBI Agent Who Discovered Clinton Emails on Weiner Laptop Reportedly Says He Got Stunning Orders
Democrats Spin and Lie
Kentucky AG Exposes 4 Lies the Left Sold About Breonna Taylor's Death
On Wednesday, Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron announced the grand jury report on the Breonna Taylor case.During the announcement, Cameron walked through the most important facts of Taylor’s case. While doing so, he dispelled many rumors and lies about the case that have been spread by the left.
Read about the lies...
Protest at City Hall last night because of decision on Breonna Taylor case
Protesters gather at city Hall Lake Worth Beach following Breonna Taylor decision
Pastor Tony Cato, who's part of a group of local clergy, organized the Lake Worth Beach event. I'm sure Omari Hardy was in the mix somewhere.Around 50 citizens believing there is unfair justice towards Blacks were there last night in all their misinformed invented racism. I guess they did not bother to listen to the Kentucky Attorney General (who by the way is black) Daniel Jay Cameron's, opinion on the Breonna Taylor case.
Read about it...
Democrats proposing change to Supreme Court
Democrats prepare bill limiting U.S. Supreme Court justice terms to 18 years
Unhinged Democrats have been dreaming up all sorts of changes to the Supreme Court such as increasing the members to 11 but yesterday, Reuters reported that House Democrats plan to introduce legislation next week that, if passed, would limit the tenure of each justice to only 18 years.Currently, high court justices, like all federal court judges, enjoy lifetime appointments.
Read about it...
Seattle police handle "protester"
Seattle Rioter Lays Down in the Street to Stop Police on Bikes, Cop Just Rolls Right Over Him
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Johnson, Grassley Release Report on Conflicts-of-Interest Investigation
Senate Report SINKS Joe Biden!
Uncovers Vast Network of Foreign Schemes!
A recent report by the Senate has now reiterated the President’s concerns.U.S. Senators Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, released a report that revealed millions of dollars in questionable financial transactions between Hunter Biden and his associates and foreign individuals, including the wife of the former mayor of Moscow and individuals with ties to the Chinese Communist Party.
Read the Report
Sleepy Joe was desparate when he played "Despacito"
“What the Heck is Wrong with Joe Biden?”
"Biden’s Florida trip was a disaster. He showed up unannounced at a Cuban-owned restaurant, where the owner is a die-hard Trump supporter.The owner was infuriated that Biden’s Secret Service agents and handlers interrupted the day’s work without any prior warning. Great going, Biden. Not like the restaurant industry is suffering due to the pointless months-long lockdowns that they just went through. Just show up any time and drive more customers away!"
Read about Joe...
According to the Urban Dictionary, the song Despacito is an annoying and latin pop garbage song that blew up in summer of 2017. The song has all basic elements of modern trash pop song - having boring and repetitive but catchy melody, lyrics about having sex, and a music video with random hot chicks dancing in it. First Despacito has been popular in spanish-speaking countries but it became international hit after Justin Bieber released cover version.
Tonight's 2nd Public Hearing on 20/2021 Lake Worth Budget
- Millage Rate of 5.4945 mils
- Debt Service Millage Rate of 1.1100 mils (Gen Obligation bond)
- Municipal Services Taxing Unit, MSTU, rate of 3.4581 mils
- Local sewer rates up 7.5% in Fiscal Year 2020-2021
- No changes to electric rates from Fiscal Year 2019-2020
- Schedule of all City fees and charges for general government services.
- Schedule of fees and charges which represent a reasonable reimbursement to the City for its actual costs in providing City services for the 2020-2021 fiscal year.
- Adopt 2021 Position Count provides an accounting of all authorized full-time and part-time positions
War Hero, Brian Kolfage, treated like SH*t
What Federal Agents Forced Triple Amputee Veteran To Do Will Make You Sick
Several USPIS agents from New York showed up to Kolfage's home in Florida to arrest him in front of his family.The worst thing about it is that they didn't even allow him to get his prosthetic legs or arm or his wheelchair. Instead, he was forced to crawl like a dying animal to the police car so that they could take him to jail.
Read about it...
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
MAGA YMCA parody
Convicted Pimp hired in Screwball Seattle
Seattle hires convicted ex-pimp as ‘street czar’ to work on police reform, paying him $150k
No kidding!According to reports, the new hire, Andre Taylor, has been contracted by the city to provide “expertise and support services in de-escalation, community engagement, and alternatives to policing.”
Read about it...
Antifa 50 Day Protest at White House Cancelled
Law And Order! Trump Has Antifa So Scared They Canceled A Major Event
You may have heard about the 50 day White House siege that was supposed to take place.The siege was going to be “peaceful” however, Antifa was so worried that they have canceled the event because they “can’t guarantee everyone’s safety.”
The “protest” was supposed to occur between September 17th to November 3rd.
Read what Antifa said...
The Secular Left's New Religion
Social Justice 101: Everything You Need To Know About the Left's New Religion, Critical Theory
As the secular left continues to push Christianity out of mainstream American culture, a new set of religious orthodoxies is taking its place — critical theories.This set of philosophies and beliefs is being taught at colleges, workplace seminars, some public schools and various other institutions all across the United States.
Gun Toting Woman Arrested at Border for Poison Attempt of POTUS
ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT! Woman Arrested After Attempting to POISON President Trump
A woman suspected of sending an envelope containing the poison ricin, which was addressed to the White House, has been arrested at the New York-Canada border. The woman is also suspected of sending similar poisoned envelopes to law enforcement agencies in Texas, officials said Monday.A previous attempt to kill then-candidate Trump was thwarted by Las Vegas police back in 2016. Can we please prosecute these crazies?
Read about it...
Republican Party won't get back to Voters
The Republican Party of Palm Beach County SUCKS!
I have been trying to reach their headquarters since September 1. In several e-mail attempts, I asked them what specifically they are doing to help our candidate, Laura Loomer in Congressional District 21 as well as what they are doing to defeat Amendment 3.After several tries, yesterday I called at 9:30 and got a recording telling me to call back during normal business hours. Now, as this is the most important election of a lifetime coming up on November 3, one would think that normal business hours are 8 to 5.
With this attitude, it is no wonder we lose elections in Palm Beach County.
I called Tallahassee yesterday where the Republican Party of the State of Florida is headquartered. The receptionist in a voice recording said to leave my name and phone number. I now want to request their endorsement on all Amendments and understand which way they are leaning. We'll see how that works out.
Pelosi Threatens Impeaching Trump Again
Pelosi Threatens Another Impeachment Over High Court Seat
"If she wants to lose the House and the presidency for Joe Biden by landslides, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has found the way: Impeach the president over the Ginsberg replacement seat.
Of course, she’d have to do it by January, fat chance, as she’d be out as Speaker after the Republicans gain 30 seats."
"We can impeach Trump every day of the week for anything he does," said Nancy. Hahahahaaaaaaaaaaa.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Democrats really Pis*ed
Senate Dems Use Hardball Tactics to Fight GOP's SCOTUS Push
Senate Democrats upset at Republican plans to push forward on plans to vote for a Supreme Court nominee resorted to using procedural rules to frustrate regular business of the chamber on Tuesday, The Hill reported.Schumer invoked what's known as the two-hour rule, The Hill reported, citing an unidentified Democratic aide. The rule can be used to disallow Senate committee hearings if the chamber has been in session for more than two hours.
Read about Chuckie
Chuck Schumer threatens that Democrats will go Nuclear
Chuck Schumer Issued This Big Threat Over Replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Democrats realized their only play in this spot is to frighten Republicans with unimaginable consequences for confirming Ginsburg’s replacement should Joe Biden win the 2020 election and Democrats seize back the majority in the Senate.In a phone call with Senate Democrats, Chuck Schumer made it clear he was about to go nuclear if Democrats win back the majority as payback for the GOP confirming Ginsburg’s successor.
Democrats don't give a flying fig about democracy or the Constitution.
Unfortunately, there is a growing radical-left movement that rejects the principle of equal treatment under law. If this extreme movement is granted a majority on the Supreme Court, it will fundamentally transform America without a single vote of Congress. President Trump
"Cry me a River you Clueless Morons!
Ruth Bader Ginsburg just couldn’t hang on until 2021
"May God bless her with all the riches of Heaven for departing this world in time for Donald Trump to appoint yet another Constitution-loving patriot to the Supreme Court."RBG could have simply retired during Barack Hussein’s fraudulent administration and allowed him to nominate Khalid Sheikh Mohammed or an even worse America-hating demon, of which the Democrat Party has no shortage. Instead, she clung to her seat, savoring the fame and fortune, and now liberal weenies are apoplectic that she could be so selfish. Cry me a river, you clueless morons!"
Read more... of Thomas Madison
Sleazeball Senator Blumenthal makes threat
‘Or WHAT, Dick’?! Tammy Bruce goes 100% scorched-earth on Dick Blumenthal for threats over RBG’s seat
Elected Democrats like Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who threatened in a tweet posted Saturday afternoon that “nothing is off the table” if his Republican colleagues go against his party’s wishes and vote on President Donald Trump’s expected SCOTUS nominee.Within the past 48 hours, liberal Democrats — some of them elected, others not — have threatened to pack the courts, abolish the filibuster, riot and “burn the entire f–king thing down.”A
Read some of the comments
Kim Klacik running for Congress
"Tens of millions of you have shared the struggleof black people in Baltimore. You cared about our black lives more than our own leaders. They have done nothing for us. Now they can’t hide. We are the change."
Monday, September 21, 2020
Sleepy Joe Continues to be Pathetic
Slow Joe Shows Up 90 Min. Late To 10 Min. Speech, Then Pulls Out His Handy Dandy Cheat Sheet
oe Biden on Wednesday delivered remarks on the Coronavirus vaccine in Wilmington, Delaware. Biden was 90 minutes late for his 10 minute speech. During his speech, Biden undermined faith in the Coronavirus vaccine. [GatewayPundit]"It will be a Woman!"
Trump Will Name One of These 12 People to the Supreme Court Next Week
Since Trump said he will choose a woman, that narrows down the names on his list of potential nominees. Twelve of the 44 names on Trump’s list are women. Of those twelve, 7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Amy Coney Barrett is considered the frontrunner.When Trump was deliberating which nominee to choose when replacing Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, the president told confidants he had big plans for Barrett. “I’m saving her for Ginsburg,” he said, three sources told Axios’ Jonathan Swan last March.
Read all those on the List
City of Lake Worth's Proposed Tax Increase
Public Safety is 53.87% of our operating budget
Tax increse is 9.394%
Employee salaries and benefits are the 2nd largest expense.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Comey, Clapper and Brennan to appear before Homeland Security Committee
Top Obama Official Has First Hearing Before Senate Homeland Committee Regarding Russia Collusion
This week, the Senate Homeland Security Committee finally stopped slacking and authorized subpoenas for the top brass under the Obama administration in connection to the fake Russia collusion hoax that led to President Trump's impeachment.Among those names mentioned that will be subpoenaed to testify before Congress are former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.
Read about it...
Bill to Extend Daylight Savings Time
Rubio, Scott Introduce Bill to Keep Daylight Saving Time During Pandemic
“Our government has asked a lot of the American people over the past seven months, and keeping the nation on Daylight Saving Time is just one small step we can take to help ease the burden,” Rubio said.“More daylight in the after school hours is critical to helping families and children endure this challenging school year. Studies have shown many benefits of a year-round Daylight Saving Time, and while I believe we should make it permanent all year around, I urge my colleagues to — at the very least — work with me to avoid changing the clocks this fall.”
Read more about the bill
Pray for Nancy Pelosi
As seen on my Facebook page--
The car in front of me had a bumper sticker on it. It read: “Pray for Nancy Pelosi. Psalm 109:8.”When I got home I opened my bible to the scripture and read it and started laughing. Psalm 109:8 –-
“Let her days be few and brief; And let others step forward to replace her.”
At last –I can voice a Biblical prayer for our Speaker of The House!
Portland's Radical Government
Portland’s Radical Liberal Leaders are Charging The Federal Govt. Asinine Fines for Protecting Federal Courthouse
The fine to protect the federal courthouse? $500 for every 15 minutes the fence is in place.Below is a video of the destruction that motivated the Feds to act--
Radical AOC Threatens Violence
AOC Calls for Left To 'Radicalize' After RBG's Death: 'We Can, and Must, Fight'
The country had barely started processing news of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death Friday when radical leftists began calling for violence should President Donald Trump and Senate Republicans dare to fill her vacant seat on the high court.Read more...
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Left-Wing Extremists Plan White House Siege Until Election Day
A group that helped spark the Occupy Wall Street protests of 2011 has called for a siege on the White House from Thursday until Election Day.
It's disgusting what these anarchists have and continue to do to America's capitol city.
Criminal charges for John Bolton?
Justice Dept. Looks at Criminal Charges for Bolton
At the time Judge Royce Lamberth ruled that the Trump administration’s emergency request to stop the book came too late and now hundreds of thousands of copies have been distributed, NPR reported.However, the judge did did say that Bolton, in his 10-page ruling, that the former national security advisor has gambled with the national security of the United States. He has exposed his country to harm and himself to civil (and potentially criminal) liability.
Read about it... at the GOP Times.
Facebook Censor
Facebook Takes Censorship to the Next Level, Here's What Will Happen If You Even REACT to "Misinformation"
Today I tried to post something on Facebook and they would not allow me to post it--In your url line, type in: It will take you to
Biden gets four Pinocchios for Manipulation of the Facts
Biden Pushes Clip of Wildly False Trump Attack That Received 4 Pinocchios in Fact Check
Someone ought to ask 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden when he expects his fight to reintroduce political decency and “restore the soul of America” will be getting underway — because apparently it isn’t beginning on the road to the White House.Biden got four Pinocchios on this one.
Click here and see the video
Friday, September 18, 2020
Ruth Bader Ginsburg dead at 87
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Champion Of Gender Equality, Dies At 87
Read about Justice GinsburgNew Ruling in Pennsylvania on their Mail-In Ballots
A trio of Pennsylvania Supreme Court rulings will likely boost Biden against Trump in a key state
The ruling allowing mail ballots to be counted if they arrive by the Friday after Election Day has the potential to create a national cliffhanger as people around the country await Pennsylvania’s results.The state is one of a handful likely to decide the presidential race, and if the Pennsylvania contest is as close as many expect, the winner might not be known until those mail ballots are tallied days after Election Day. That could leave the presidency hanging in the balance.
This is just so damn wrong!
Read about it...
Citizens standing up to the Anarchist Criminals
ARMED PATRIOTS Have HUGE Message For Liberal Looters, “WE DARE YOU TO TRY IT!”
Some residents in Clackamas County, Oregon, have taken to posting roadside signs warning potential lawbreakers that if they’re caught looting or setting fires, they may find themselves facing the wrong end of a gun — and feeling the pain of a bullet. [2020Conservative]
Chinese Whistleblower said the China virus was no accident
Chinese Whistleblower: I Have Proof That China Intentionally Created COVID-19
Did anyone see this segment Tuesday night on Tucker Carlson? It was an eye-opener.Liberals (especially Joe Biden) probably never even considered the idea that China could possibly be capable of intentionally creating and distributing COVID-19 in order to mess with the world economy. None of us want to believe that China is this evil.
But that's exactly what they are!
Read about it... and the scientist who says she has proof that it was "biiological warfare."
Antifa, a Domestic Terrorist Group
Catherine Herridge from CBS News posted on Twitter about a series of emails from July about the violence in Portland Oregon, that had been leaked to CBS news from the Department of Homeland Security, that showed President Donald J. Trump was right to call Antifa an organized group.“Confirming what we suspected and knew all along: Antifa is an organized movement to carry out acts of violence against state, local, and federal authorities,” Independent reporter Ian Miles Cheong, wrote.
New Socialist Republic in North America Preamble
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Senate Homeland Security Committee about to issue Subpoenas
Subpoenas Authorized For Comey, Brennan, Other Obama-Era Officials Over Russia Investigation
The Senate Homeland Security Committee voted to authorize over three dozen subpoenas and depositions of Obama-era officials involved in the 2016 Russia investigation into the Trump campaign.There are several other high-profile names for which subpoenas have been authorized, including former White House national security adviser Susan Rice, former FBI agent Peter Strzok, former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, and former ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power.
Read about it...
Biden gives Endorsement to a Pervert
Biden Endorses Perverted, Woman-Hating Democrat for House of Reps
But before this guy was elected to state politics in 2014, the ambitious Democrat ran a LiveJournal blog where he discussed learning about crystal meth, described his sexual partners as “victims” and published a conversation which included a reference to 4-year-old girls wearing thongs.Read about this wild endorsement
Crooked Hillary working behind the Scenes
CROOKED HILLARY Just REVEALED What The TRUE Democrat Plan Is In 2020!
The party of anarchists are relying on assistance from their propaganda arm in the mainstream media to defend the lunacy of 80 million mail-in ballots, something that most developed countries have banned in order to fight the vast fraud and vote buying that threatens the integrity of their elections. [threepercenternation]Quote of the Day - Pastor Mike Olive
"Real mayors have real feelings. Real mayors have loved ones. Real mayors have emotions. Real mayors are human. Real mayors have a job. Real mayors are not perfect. Real mayors are people.
Maybe we all should treat others the way we would like to be treated? Maybe encourage one another and strengthen one another instead of tearing one another apart? I would vote for a real politician like that.
~Pastor Mike Olive
Common Ground Church
Another Lake Worth Commission Meeting from Hell
Utility shutoff issue fuels personal attacks at Lake Worth Beach meeting
The venom was there and commissioner Hardy continues to fan the flames.
The commissioners agreed to Mayor Triolo's request to continue the moratorium on Utility cut-offs until the beginning of October
"Maxwell jumped into the fray as well, threatening to release "hard evidence" he said proves Hardy knew at the March 19 meeting that utility customers were not being shut off. Hardy smiled and shook his head as Maxwell fumed.
"And you can sit back there with that smug smile on your face and create your next viral video," Maxwell said. "I hope that works out for you really, really well."
Read about it...
Transgender Satanist running for County Sheriff
Transgender Satanist Running on 'F*** the Police' Platform Wins Primary for County Sheriff in New Hampshire
He is a Libertarian but ran on the Republican ticket..only in this crazy world of today!Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Police take action against BLM anarchist
BLM Rioter Writhes In Pain, After Being Getting Shot in Testicles During Riots
"There is nobody who knows how to play stupid games better than idiotic liberals. Among the dumbest players are Antifa and Black Lives Matter."The man who was shot charged at police with a knife...pretty damn dumb.
Rush Limbaugh on if Biden Beats Trump
Shocking warning from Limbaugh if Biden beats Trump in November
'I'm not trying to scare anybody, but I'm telling you, this is what we're up against'
"If the Democrats win, if Biden wins this election with Kamala Harris or whoever that they put up there, that's the end of democracy. It's the end of the two-party system," Limbaugh said Tuesday."Read more of Rush...
Quote of the Day - Pam Triolo
Last night the commission showed him who the "smart" ones are.
Biden says he can turn Texas blue
Biden Amping Up Moves to Flip Texas Blue
The Biden campaign has hired various Texas Democrats to fill positions as advisers, political directors, organizing directors, communications associates, and more.Many of the staffers who are joining the former vice president’s campaign have also worked for other top Democrats, such as failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Read about Biden in Texas
Tacky Tourist - Downtown Lake Worth
Stopped in to see comissioner Andy Amoroso's new store yesterday. What a delight! Lot's of fun...great stuff! 630 Lake Avenue right next to Dave's Last Resort.
The Embolden Angy Black Miltant
Black Woman Refuses To Move For White Flight Attendant and Shouts At Passenger,
“Wake Up, It’s 2020!…You Don’t Have White Privilege Over Me”
These liberals today are simply crazy, and straight-up Marxists.They believe that they are entitled to everything that someone else has, they believe they have the right to tell anyone what to do and that anyone who says otherwise should be treated as racist and bigot and that they should be harassed or worse, killed.
Read about it...
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Kamala needs to side with Law Enforcement
Scott Walker To Kamala:
You Visited Jacob Blake. How About Visiting Ambushed L.A. Deputies In Your Own State.
"Walker wrote, referencing Harris’ visit to Jacob Blake, who was shot by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, “Will @kamalaharris visit deputies who were shot (31-year-old mom & 24 year-old) in her state? She visited someone in WI who was charged with felony 3rd-degree sexual assault and said she was proud of him. She and @JoeBiden need to side with law enforcement and denounce radicals.”Read more...
Lake Worth (Beach) falling behind in Census
Notice the trend of the poorest cities --at the bottom--with a large immigrant population that needs the money the most. But we've done it to ourselves by encouraging illegal immigration and voting to be a "welcoming city," basically the same thing as a sanctuary city This passed on a 4/0 vote (Triolo absent) in April 2018. I blame the commission for falling into the Omari Hardy trap.
By mailing in your completed census, it will bring money to the Lake Worth Beach community and programs like schools, roads, healthcare, Medicare/Medicaid, assistance, unemployment, small businesses, and many more for the next 10 years.
Anarchists threatening Police families
Rochester Rioters Put Police Families In Peril – Seek To Harm Women And Children!
"Peaceful" protesters have stood outside the #ROC Public Safety Building, read an officer's name off his uniform, tracked him down on their phones, and called his parents to taunt them...or held up the phone to show the officer his home address and threaten to come after him there.And it galls the hell out of me when the media call them "peaceful." There is nothing peaceful about these Marxist anarchists causing riots, burning buildings and businesses and shooting people.
Read about it...
Andy Amoroso Back on Lake Avenue with new Business
Andy sold Studio 205 and now back on Lake Avenue
"In early 2020, Adam Sessa, a local realtor, purchased Andy Amoroso’s Studio 205 for an undisclosed amount. He changed the name of the business to The Haus Lounge coffee shop and began a major project of remodeling, working nights so the shop could continue operation during the day."Subsequent to the sale, Andy Amoroso is back on Lake Avenue (where he should be)--630 Lake. Amoroso launched a new enterprise called the Tacky Tourist which offers a wide selection of vintage items and Florida collectibles.
Read about it...
Monday, September 14, 2020
Banning Sharia Law
These 16 U.S. STATES Decided to BAN “SHARIA ISLAMIC LAW” … Is YOUR STATE On The List?
There is a struggle going on between the liberals and the conservatives and it’s similar to the immigration ban controversy.
"Liberals twist the republican’s actions against Sharia law and radical Islam into some “xenophobic,” “anti-Muslim” thing. This is not at all what is going on.
Islamic extremism is a real thing, terrorism is a real thing, honor killings are real, Sharia law IS oppression and we should do what we have to, to keep these things out of our Country. This has nothing to do with racism or xenophobia." [PatriotNationPress]
The 16 States that are Pro-Constiution
Crowd Fights Back against BLM Anarchists
BLM Mob Crashes GOP Senator’s Campaign Against Rioters and Mob Violence – Crowd Fights Back!
Omari Hardy does not want to honor or celebrate Columbus Day
Tomorrow, September 15, the Lake Worth City Commission will be meeting on Zoom at 6pm.
Omari Hardy will attempt to be the "star" once again--
NEW BUSINESS:All of these discussions are important but Item C is the liberal lefty Omari's sticking it to our history once again.
A. Discussion about how the Commission will fill the District 2 seat (no backup provided)
B. Discussion on how to reduce speeding on Lake and Lucerne Avenues (no backup provided)
C. Resolution stating that the City will not honor nor celebrate Columbus Day and that it will instead honor and celebrate Indigenous People's Day (Resolution will be provided by Commissioner Hardy)
Columbus Day is a U.S. holiday that commemorates the landing of Christopher Columbus in the Americas in 1492, and Columbus Day 2020 is on Monday, October 12. It was unofficially celebrated in a number of cities and states as early as the 18th century but did not become a federal holiday until 1934 under Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
There are now several states that do not celebrate Columbus Day and Washington, D.C's council a year ago voted to replace it with Indigenous Peoples' Day in a temporary move that it hopes to make permanent.
In 2017, after someone vandalized the Christopher Columbus statue in New York City's Central Park, the then-president and chief operating officer of the National Italian American Foundation, John M. Viola, wrote in a New York Times editorial,
"The 'tearing down of history' does not change that history. In the wake of the cultural conflict that has ripped us apart over these months, I wonder if we as a country can't find better ways to utilize our history to eradicate racism instead of inciting it. Can't the monuments and holidays born of our past be re-imagined to represent new values for our future?" [NPR]
Well, Omari wants to "tear down" Columbus Day. He loves being a radical and being divisive; it makes his day. Just leave it alone Commissioner.
Read PBPost article
The Big Lie - Joe Biden is Winning
Trump crowd chanting ‘four more years’ drowns out CNN reporter’s live broadcast
"I am telling you right now, the biggest hoax going on in America (besides the COVID panic) is the lie that Joe Biden is winning.It’s actually laughable at this point.
The polls are a joke. I saw a Fox News poll today that had Biden ahead, but they had Indie voters at 5%." [Lifezette]
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