Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pandemic Part I - Dr. Judy Mikovits

This video is 25 minutes long but well worth your time.


Lynn Anderson said...

Hospitals are attributing most deaths to Covid if that patient has any covid symptoms whether diagnosed with Covid or not. Hospitals are getting $13,000 per death from Medicare if the patient dies from Covid and $39,000 if it is stated they died from being on a ventilator. It's all corrupt.

Anonymous said...

this aint new news

Lynn Anderson said...

@10:10...thanks for your pithy comment.

Anonymous said...

10:10 shows strong credentials for Beijing Biden's cabinet.

Biden is the perfect Democrat candidate.

Politician who enriched himself and his family-millions- through his political offices.
Exaggerated his academic achievements.
Plagiarized his platform.
Serial abuser of women and girls.
Arrogant, confused, unable to finish a thought or sentence. When in doubt, attacks Trump.
Fauci treated Dr. Mikovits the way Mueller's pit bull Weisman treated entrapped subjects who refused to cooperate with him.
Thank God his presence is no longer required for TV.

Anonymous said...

Joe BURISMA BIDEN,abused the
American working People's Office of the People'Vice _President,used it to withhold Americans'

funding for Ukrainian's military to prevent Russian invasion,
of the poor Country,and used American Vice Presidential Office to allow Russia to
invade and annex, Ukrainian Crimea!
His simple son Hunter with American V.P.Chair's
Power forced a powerful position on the BURISMA board,with outrageous high salary,
$83.000.,-for total ignorance of that Co.'s business,son HUNTER!!!!
!His sexuall assault,howw humiliating,with his fingers!!!
what a pig, a bestial intstinct driven,assault of then gorgeous young TARA READE
lower privates?Now lying about it?
Sleepy Joe BURISMA BIDEN,addle brained now,
is the only most unqualified,proven amoral,with no conscience FAKE
PRESIDENTIAL,perfect immoral,no conscience,
democratic SAD choice
for ,Nominee for President!


Dan Volker said...

Youtube removed this as it is counter to it's globalist is the video for you to download on Dropbox...

Lynn Anderson said...

thanks for link, Dan. It's unreal what's going on in our country.