Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Thieves on Lake Avenue

Threaten clerk with gun...steal two I-Phones

At least they had good taste in choice of phone! There are way too many problems in our city but Lake Worth only concentrates on what they can do to chip away our city for developers.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

What developer? Where these greedy developers at?

Lynn Anderson said...

You’re on the wrong thread. That ‘ what happens when you have zero understanding of greed

Anonymous said...

Christmas shopping for thugs.

Anonymous said...

2.40 not even funny

Lynn Anderson said...

It's funny to me. Look, commissioners let's clean up our streets. What's NOT funny is the fact we have so much crime.

Anonymous said...

5:23 there's a crime wave going on and I think Christmas has something to do with it. Porch pirates, attacks on store clerks and just walking out with merchandise. It's all going under SOMEONE'S tree.

Anonymous said...

lynn you would think this way of life is funny