Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Budget Cuts at Lake Worth (Beach) on WPEC

Last night,  CBS12 had a segment on the layoffs at Lake Worth (Beach). City Manager Michael Bornstein was interviewed giving his reasons for the budget cuts.

Next they interviewed the owner of Dave's Last Resort who complained about all the power outages and hopes that our electric utility gets more reliable. Dave, our power is very reliable--perhaps you need to get an electrician to check your wiring if you are having so many problems.

Read about it... and see the video.


Anonymous said...

Where are the budget cuts for our bloated city Commission and upper management ( Bornstein) staff cuts? If these have already happened, my sincere apology.

Anonymous said...

Let's see:

All commissioners got a $25,000 raise and Mayor got a $30,000 raise.
City Manager created an assistant CM position for $130,000 plus benefits.
How many other top management officials got raises over the past couple of years?

So it is now back to laying off librarians and code officers?

You can't blame it all on the electric utility slush fund being cut. Didn't we "borrow" $6 million from the utility to "renovate" the beach complex? How much of that have we paid back to ourselves?

Good think there is a statutory cap on how much they can tax our property. We keep bumping up against that cap though. And now we need to find mor money to support all those raises and high paid staff.

Seems like we are starting to go backwards again.

Lynn Anderson said...

Their salaries were raised TO those amounts—to make it clear

Lynn Anderson said...

One more thing— we are paying back that loan to ourselves plus interest every year

Anonymous said...

What power outages? That's what happens when you drink; you lose track of time. They probably think it's still 1984.