Thursday, September 13, 2018

Armed Illegals crossing our border

VIDEO: 25 straight minutes of heavily armed illegals on horseback and drug mules strolling across our border without interference

Read about it...



Charlotte said...

I'm so sick of this. DO SOMETHING, PRESIDENT TRUMP. Quit tweeting for a few minutes and protect us like you said you would. This is a national emergency. Take the money from the military and build the damn wall already. You're doing nothing and I'm sick of it.

Thanks for the video. I suspected this was still happening and now I'm sure. This is going to be on Trump if anyone gets hurt. He let them in. BUILD THE WALL. I'm tired of it being a campaign slogan. DO SOMETHING.

Anonymous said...

I blame Nancy Reagan and the War on Drugs! I’m comservative voted Trump.

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:07 what does Nancy Reagan and her "Just say NO' drive aimed at children from doing drugs have to do with these criminals coming across our border with rifles?
@8:02--we are all sick of it. the Democrats are holding up the wall. Trump has more money in this budget for the wall and he says it will be built.

Trump needs a super-majority vote to pass a budget.

Charlotte said...

Linn, he's the president. He can issue an emergency order and get this done and all he wants to do is tweet. Meanwhile, Americans are dying and our country is being invaded. Trump is all talk and blames everyone else for his failures. Democrats don't have to be MAGA in order for this to be done and he knows it. He's playing politics with yours and mine security and I resent it. I'm not going to sit around and be fed lines. The man is totally incompetent. It's time to get someone in the White House who is doing something more than tweeting. NO MORE EXCUSES! I am not a dummy.

Anonymous said...

NONE of the budgets (nine of them) that are going to be put in front of Trump fund our border wall. Time for Trump to say"FUC Congress,the military is going to build the wall".Time to take ALL benefits away from Illegals. Including access to our public schools. Most of the schools in Lake Worth would become ghost towns.With the money saved we could feed,cloth and house all of our veterans and easily finance the wall.

Lynn Anderson said...

@9:35--it's not even debatable as to whom is the "dummy" here.
Write all your Democrat friends to push the wall to be built. Thanks. they are the ones playing politics with your security.
Trump has NO failures.
Putting blame on Democrats for the state of our country is spot on.