Saturday, September 1, 2018

A Bishop got political at Aretha Franklin's funeral

You would think that ministers would be smarter than this, but oh no.

When Bishop Charles H. Ellis III of Greater Grace Temple assured Rep. Maxine Waters at the Aretha Franklin funeral that “We got your back!” he was repaid in full with the hands fisted, arms crossed “Wakanda Forever!” salute from the California congresswoman. [Dennis Michael Lynch]

You see Bill Clinton standing and clapping like an idiot for Mad Max. Democrats just can't let the hate go for five seconds even during a funeral.


Anonymous said...

Lynn, aren't you missing another important funeral this week? Wat's a matter; cat got your tongue?

Anonymous said...

7:00pm the cat got your brain.

Anonymous said...

Funerals: the new venue for airing dismay that Hillary LOST,ignore the real reason for them while whining.

Anonymous said...

Bishop also went racist when he thought Ariana Grande was a Taco Bell dish. He "crossed a border" shows Detroit as provincial and that african Americans can be (sometimes) racist.

Anonymous said...

Hell is for Bishops also. Which this guy will find out someday!

Anonymous said...

9:33: the Bishop is from Atlanta.