Saturday, January 27, 2018

Making America Great Again


Anonymous said...

Y'all would resurrect OBL and parade him down the streets of NYC if you could.

Enjoy it while you can. The clock is ticking.

Anonymous said...

Because Obama was the President that got the job done and since Republicans are so focused on reversing his legacy...great idea, right?

Anonymous said...

What exactly did the Muslim Brother BO do ? Incite race riots? Try to force us onto single payer systems with their accompanying Death Panels? Lead the lowest GDP,and the highesy unemployment since the Great Depression? Accumulate more debt in his eight years than every other president COMBINED????
BO and his "wife" Michelle the Mooch, were America hating ,racist,bigoted pigs.

Anonymous said...

And he enabled the strengthening of ISIS so they could behead Christians and any others who did not support their ascendancy.

Thank God we elected a president who puts America first and decimated ISIS in short order.

Donald Trump for President in 2020.

Anonymous said...

And he released 5 top terrorists from Gitmo for Bo Bergdahl.

Did these Taliban mastermind the horrific suicide bombing in Afghanistan over the weekend?

Yes he was a great president for anti American terrorists.

Thank God he's gone.