Sunday, January 8, 2017

Quote of the day - Karl Payne

“Every day, it seems we see one more symptom, one more example, of how evil is moving in the world. The problem is that man’s sinful nature is running amok with unfettered freedom. The world continually acquiesces to the growing evil and abject mockery of God’s Word that now surrounds it. Believers may soon be put under more pressure than at any other time in human history.

“But those of us who know the promises of the Word of God understand that Satan has a short time to reign. He will have his 15 minutes of fame, and then it will be lights out for the Great Deceiver. God’s Day of Judgment and his final destruction is coming. In the meantime, Satan knows his time is short and he seeks to wreak his havoc while he can. Yet those who belong to Christ know that we have been raised up for this time – and our goal is to advance the Kingdom of Jesus while there is still light.”

~ Karl Payne
 former chaplain for the Seattle Seahawks and an experienced exorcist who authored “Spiritual Warfare: Christians, Demonization and Deliverance,”

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