Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Crooked Hillary

The mainstream media and the liberals laughed at the people who knew Hillary Clinton was guilty, and they mocked and stigmatized Trump because he demanded that she be investigated further during the presidential election. Now, it turns out we were right all along.

Read about it...

Read the 299 pages on Hillary


Anonymous said...

I missed something. What did she do? What's the crime? What was she convicted of?

Lynn Anderson said...


Anonymous said...

8-07 must have been under a rock.remember e-mail,4 americans dying and calling bills victims lyers.just a few

Anonymous said...

So if we apply the same logic to Mr Trump, he should be in prison - for treason - aiding and profiting the enemy of the United States - Russia.

Lynn Anderson said...

If Russia is now "an enemy" it is because of its stand on Syria and Obama siding with the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.

Anonymous said...

2:13pm your girl lost, get over it or leave.

Anonymous said...

It used to be that anyone who put "an enemy" in quotes when describing Russia would be called an anti-American communist by Republicans.

Now they're writing blogs and supporting the President of the US, who is a Republican and loves Russia almost as much as they do.

Today's GOP are communist lovers. For once it would be nice to have Joe McCarthy on the hunt again.

Lynn Anderson said...

Your statement at 9:20 last night has to be the most outrageous and stupid statement ever on this blog.

For once it would be nice if people understood our relationship with Russia. We are in a semi-cold war with them because of Obama and Hillary Clinton and their stand on who the enemy is in Syria. We need detente with countries of the world, especially Russia.

The only communists in our country today are DEMOCRATS. You just don't get that anonymous but would rather state a lie, something Democrats do with impunity. We conservatives hope to see a change after Jan 20th in that department because you will be called out on them and exposed more than ever before.

Anonymous said...

I can't say it better, Lynn.