Monday, December 16, 2013

Latest Poll at NewsMax

This will drive liberals stark, raving mad--

Overall, do you approve or disapprove of President Obama's job performance?
Approve 73,722(15%)
Disapprove 405,971(84%)

Compared to previous presidents, how would you rate President Obama?
Average 13,396(2%)
Better than most 65,790(13%)
Worse than most 401,114(83%)

Do you approve of his job handling the U.S. economy?
Approve 73,267(15%)
Disapprove 404,204(84%)

Do you believe President Obama's new healthcare law, known as Obamacare, has helped or hurt you?
Helped me 46,140(9%)
Hurt me 344,438(71%)
No difference 88,544(18%)

Do you trust President Obama?
Yes, I trust him 73,274(15%)
No, I do not trust him 405,026(84%)

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