Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Homeless near Publix

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Taken yesterday at 5am...still there at 8am...M. Hill photo

The Homeless are sleeping and hanging out near our downtown Publix, you know the very building that the Lake Worth CRA gave Publix $500,000 to "ensure" its development and where residents could have a classy place to shop. No one, including the sheriff, is doing anything about this growing problem.


Anonymous said...

CHIT should roll up-hill. Fire Ric Bradshaw !

Anonymous said...

Obviously a job for our local hero, oh, call channel 12 first.

Lynn Anderson said...

@9:20--you mock but this is a problem that the city needs to solve.

Anonymous said...

This is a major problem, I totally agree Lynn. But, unless the folks are trespassing, breaking the law, etc. there is little that can be done. There are very few services for the homeless unless they are women with children.

I'm not clear where this spot is, are they trespassing?

Homeless are attracted to LW b/c there is little police enforcement (sorry PNSO is just doing a bad job these days, they are non-existent) when they do break the law, there are churches and groups that feed them (we have a real problem in the Parrot Cove neighborhood right now b/c of the church feedings).

Anonymous said...

Before anyone calls channel 12.. ask Mike Hill what his thoughts on all of this are. He calls City Hall and other businesses at least once a week claiming hes a reporter for the news station. Lets get rid of the homeless and Mike Hill all at once.

Lynn Anderson said...

Mike Hill has a job. Mike Hill pays his bills. Mike Hill lives in Lake Worth and not under the stars. Mike hill cares about this city. Instead of complaining about Mr. Hill, ask your BCE (best commission ever) to clean up the mess in this city.