Monday, June 3, 2013

The Iranian Warning - We are at war with America

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Biological threat to America that Iran says is a "sure thing" and our government knows about it!

In another Iranian warning, Brig. Gen. Mohammadreza Naghdi, the head of the Basij paramilitary forces, said the regime is involved in a war that expands on five fronts with America, according to the Islamic regime’s media outlet Fars News Agency.

Fars reported Sunday that in a speech to Basij forces in Khorasan Province, Naghdi said, “We are at war with America in the political front, cultural, economics, science and technology.” Claiming that America’s economy is disintegrating, he said, “America’s military budget has been reduced and they don’t have the means for battle.”

Read more... how terrorists are planning to take down our country by biological viruses that will target  humans, domesticated animals, poultry, environment, natural resources, food industry and drinking water.


Anonymous said...

This is all very sad, all of us as humans, as brothers and sisters doing all of this working against each other. It is likely nothing new, I am sure that the USA and many other countries do and have done all of this too. It is a sad day for humans. We all need to work together, get along, be responsible for our actions, and respect each other in this one world made by one God.

Anonymous said...

What's obama doing about it?

Lynn Anderson said...

Playing golf? Taking a trip to Las Vegas to hear Beyonce?

Anonymous said...

I really think that it is so true, Dr. Wayne Dyer, famous author and on PBS TV a lot, says the big problem with war and all the strife in the world is because of EGO, he says EGO stands for edging out God. It is because of our egos and lack of having the Spirit of God living in us and interacting with others in loving ways that lead to all these problems we have in our homes, neighborhoods, cities, states, countries and world. Until we can put our egos aside and live for God will we ever all get along in this world.

Anonymous said...

Remember our Sovereign Benghazi Post,manned with covert operatives, which was allowed to blow up and burn our4 American Patriots alive,to Death,after 7 hours under fire, and which as proven is still being Internationally lied about involvement of the Liars White House,, by Benghazi/IRS/Assoc.Pess Gate B.HUSSEIN Obama and Hillary Clinton, who asked us what did their deaths matter???Thank you Bill for Monica!
Do not expect protection, of the Muslim reared in Kenya,by African Muslim/Communist father,
White House Liar-in-Chief and Hillary(a mother...?)to take measures to protect this Nation.
They have proven not to care a fig about 300,000,000 Americans.Where are the 3 widows?And their orphaned children?Suppressed from speaking.They are the last ones who heard the screams of pain, 7 hours burning alive, of their husbands while calling for help,denied by Obama and Hillary.
Do not expect help from those unpatriotic,immoral anti-America offal.Benghazi Gate B.HUSSEIN Obama is a gangster from the slums of Chicago!His behaviour,primitive brazen answers,when questioned for the truth, proves it!!!!Showing all incl.IRS to be stonefaced liars and no action will be taken.!