Monday, June 3, 2013

Jeff Clemens is floating on a cannabis cloud

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“Florida is ready to explode,” said Jodi James, executive director of the Florida Cannabis Action Network. “We firmly believe that Florida patients will have legal access to cannabis by November 2014.”

Strong words in a state where a proposed medical marijuana bill died in committee early in the 2013 legislative session. Sponsor Sen. Jeff Clemens, D-Lake Worth, said last week he will bring back the measure for another go-round in 2014. Clemens said he also could propose a constitutional amendment to legalize medical marijuana.

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Anonymous said...

It is too bad clemens doesn't do something meaningful for the people he represents, something important, profound. Can't he help the seniors or children, clean up blight, address crime, clean up this state or the area he represents? He has to be the biggest waste of a human being representing Floridians in this area. He is corrupt, this whole red light campaign funds co. is an example, so corrupt and ineffective. Maybe he needs to do more to address gang violence in this state. How much does he make a year as a State Senator? I am sure a lot more than what his band makes. Why can;t we get people who care and are effective in these political positions? We all deserve better. Sure, let's just drug everybody, that is the way to be, it really only makes matters worse not better. Thanks Lynn for keeping us up-to-date on all these deadbeat politicians.

Anonymous said...

I wonder, maybe someone knows, since Clemens is in a band, is he a pot smoker himself? Does he use rec. drugs or has he? It makes you wonder his motive, can he benefit from this and enjoy the benefits of getting pot, maybe from some med. marijuana co. or more campaign money from them? Is Jeff a pothead? Does he smoke pot on a regular basis? It seems like a lot of people in bands do. Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Jeff is not that far off base. Just think! The owners of the Sunset/Smith property could grow a Pot farm and make millions! They would not have to build stupid developments and the traffic would be minimal with just farmers going up there and maybe the damn rat problem would be taken care of as no one wants the rats eating there pot!

There is a built in market with the drug dealers and prostitutes that the county and state seem to completely ignore so we can make sure the "medical" necessary canibus will be there for all of them. (think about that, they all have the medical issue that would require it)

Weetha Peebull said...

Here's a Judge's Experience and opinion of the War on Drugs. Who wins and who loses? Surprising!

"In 1992, Jim Gray, a conservative judge in conservative Orange County, California, held a press conference during which he recommended that we rethink our drug laws. Back then, it took a great deal of courage to suggest that the war on drugs was a failed policy.

Today, more and more Americans are coming to the realization that prohibition's costs—whether measured in lives and liberties lost or dollars wasted—far exceed any possible or claimed benefits."

Weetha Peebull said...

Federal Government Reports Marijuana Effective in Combatting Certain Cancers Reports ADSI

Lynn Anderson said...

If you want to know what Clemens gets out of it--
Clemens' mentor and POT connection is Robert Platshorn, a guy who served 29 years in federal prison on marijuana smuggling charges after having been convicted for bringing in tons of Colombian Gold in the 1970s. That makes him the longest-serving pot prisoner in U.S. history, so far.
Who know Clemens could become a drug smuggler and make tons of money? Or maybe he just wants to help poor, sick people with diabetes, etc....a humanitarian. Take your pick. My question is, WHY the big push? Sort of like the red-light camera push--something was in it for him. Well, one can't help but think that way.

Anonymous said...

Lets turn the Smith property into a pot farm! Please! It's already zoned agriculture!

Anonymous said...

He's had a couple of good bills. I just can't think what they are.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry but jeff is an elected embarrassment, is this the best he can do for the people? What are his real motives?