Friday, November 16, 2012

Petition to Obama Administration

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Sign the Petition to Require Barack Obama To Allow The Public Examination Of His Birth Certificate Records and his College and University Records.

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Lynn Anderson said...

Obama will never release this information no matter what. If you think about this and if it were anyone else, the social progressives would be screaming bloody murder. What if it were Bush? The anointed one gets away with anything--even wins re-election. Unfreaking believable.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you posted this. I am a conservative. I don't like Obama and wish Romney won.

We will never win again if you keep up this BS about his Birth Certificate and College Transcripts.

Let's play it through. Let's say we find out he was born in Kenya or Indonesia. No matter what kind of new proof you find, 51% of the people won't believe the new finding. So where will we be then?

Let's go further and say he finally releases his college transcripts. What we expect to find is that he got help to get into ivy league colleges. So what? Maybe his thesis is a racist diatribe. Would you be surprised? Would the progressives chalk it up to his upbringing and defend his thought processes?

So what, at this point would this accomplish?

Why don't we concentrate on the Democratic Party's hold on all minorities, immigrants, women, gays and try to understand the change in demographics. If you keep going this way, the green party will have more clout than the Republicans, who incidentally used to be conservatives.

We conservatives need to start looking to Ron Paul or the Libertarian Party to concentrate on true conservative values. Not this far right wing bible belt white male dominant cluster we just witnessed.

Lynn Anderson said...

Ron Paul? right.

Anonymous said...

Not this far right wing bible belt white male dominant cluster we just witnessed.

This election wasn't remotely close to your description.

Sammy said...

It will prove he is a liar. We already know that anyway. Ron Paul is a strict Constitutionalist. You don't seem to find that important when it comes to Barack Obama.

Anonymous said...

You all should have voted for Obama. Some of the items we received in our Obama gift bags were an original copy of his birth certificate and copies of his college transcripts.
Lynn has been right all along. Obama was born in Kenya and he was a "D" student. Now what?

Anonymous said...

We can impeach Obama and install a conservative president and vice president like Bush & Cheney!
Wait.. That didn't work out so well for the country.