Tuesday, November 6, 2012

McVoy Wins race in Lake Worth

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Subject to change--
Commissioner Dist No. 2 - LAKE WORTH(1)
17 of 17 Precincts Reporting
Christopher McVoy
Jim Stafford


Anonymous said...

Great for McVoy and Obama, yeaaaaaa! We need these positive folks, so glad Jim and Wes got beat, they are too negative and nasty, we all deserve better. The next 4 years with Obama are going to make the USA so much better for ALL of us!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who won the race between West and Murphy?

Anonymous said...

How will our country be better under obama?

Anonymous said...

Oh god not again

Lazyland said...

Now we will will implement our anarcho-socialist revolution! I am going to sharpen my pitchfork now.
Sam Goodstein

Anonymous said...

Congrats to McVoy! Happy that we won't have to see Stafford exploiting his kids around town anymore. I predict a another nasty blog in his future. Or, maybe he will just use the "Lake Worth" profile on facebook that everyone knows is him anyway.

Anonymous said...

No, he can pound away over on Blackman's blog.

Anonymous said...

Stafford's over on Blackman's site slinging the crap. You just know who it is even though he posts anonymously. That's what he did on Lake Worth Talk. He has a hard on for Lynn or anyone who calls him out. He just can't get over anything and Wes can't get over Golden. Losers.

Anonymous said...

Stafford's married, working, raising a family, paying taxes.
Blackman's working paying taxes, volunteering for his community.
The writer and readers of this blog sit around all day creating corruption, and waiting for their SSI, Medicare or welfare checks.
Who are the real losers?

Lynn Anderson said...

Mr. Stafford, the above comment is exactly why you LOST. When you get to be my age, if you are lucky, you will understand that if you paid into social security you might get something back as a retiree. I would love to see your tax returns.
The other comments of yours are just so ridiculous and just another reason why you LOST and a reason why you will always lose. You don't have common decency.

Anonymous said...

Staffored is a full time baby sitter for his kids. that does not qualify him to be a commisisoenr making decisions for 35,000 people.My God.think aobut that.

Anonymous said...

Never saw him out and about with his children until he was in full campaign mode. Really? s a family man with 3 children who are always out and about with us I found that insulting and disingenuous and that is one of the reasons my wife and I voted for McVoy even though we didn't want to. Hopefully there will be a better candidate who steps up to the plate for district 2 in 2 years.