Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Man killed crossing 6th Avenue South and the CRA

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We knew it would happen; it was just a matter of time.

A bicyclist attempted to go from the sidewalk to the median on Sixth Avenue South and E Street in order to cross the road and was hit by a west-bound vehicle and killed.

There are no stop lights on this street between A and Dixie. There are no pedestrian walkways from one side of the street to the other.  There is a 35 mph speed limit and in most cases, drivers do obey the law. But it is a dangerous street for pedestrians and drivers alike.Children walk across this street daily coming and going from school. To get to the other side of the street is often a challenge.  This time a life was lost.

The CRA, that used taxpayer money in the tune of $5.8 million, ($15 million in all) has always blamed this pedestrian unfriendly stretch of road on 6th Avenue South as the Department of Transportation's fault for not putting in cross walks and stop lights. It was the CRA's desire to have this corridor "pedestrian friendly" or so they said then and continue to say now. Walkways across 6th Avenue were not installed because of "drug dealers" hanging out in that area it was said. The CRA expected Mixed-Use development to begin on the Gateways (6th Avenue South and 10th Avenue North) and wanted the traffic to flow smoothly.

Until free money came along from the government to build more affordable houses, the CRA bragged that the Gateways was their number one and greatest achievement. I  believe they are still paying the loan. So far, nothing has been developed on either street even though the commission keeps harping on development and growth for Lake Worth and playing the political blame game.


Anonymous said...

It was a hit and run. It was not a pedestrian, it was a bicyclist. 6th Ave and 10Th Ave did need to be redone and they look 300% better than they did before the CRA took the initiative and followed through.

People are hit and killed every day.

This is not the CRA's fault.

Anonymous said...

It is the same thing on 10th Ave too, but they do have decent crosswalks at A and D Streets at least. This is very sad, too much human error causes these types of deaths, too much waste, it was Clemens who was the CRA then that did that project, he was the worsed. No development Lynn, this city looks like hell, too much blight, we need some development, that lot on 10th Ave between A and B Streets is still empty and usually overgrown, we need things to improve here soon, our city is going to hell. We need some gentrification and moderate growth and development to eliminate so much blight here.

Weetha Peebull said...

Is this the debt the CRA is attempting to renegotiate tonight 11.13.12 at the city commission meeting?

Anonymous said...

The city leaders need to address and fix up the hood between 6th Ave and 10th Ave from A Street to H Street, we have to many drug dealers, prostitutes, and issues, a real ghetto or hood environment in this area, it needs to be cleaned up, who will finally step up to the plate and do it? The city, the leaders, the police, the NA's, the CM? The people? The hood is gettin bad again.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it Commissioner Jennings who repeatedly requested something be done in this area? Does pedestrian or bicyclist really change the fact there is a problem? You can disagree with Cara, make fun of her, and mock her over-the-top efforts but by damn, she was right! Instead of getting lost in minutiae, it is worthwhile to listen to others and determine for yourself if their thoughts have merit. Like her or not, she was always the smartest person in the room!

Anonymous said...

Shanon Materio now has blood on her hands. Brendan Lynch now has blood on his hands,ALL, ALL, ALL members of that past arrogant joke of a CRA HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I knew it! The "Killer Road" that was designed by the individuals on the CRA. Not by Traffic Engineers in conjunction with the DOT. I just knew if they improved 6th Ave., someone would die!!!

Well it didn't work. So they figured they'd mess with the fine northern gateway, 10th Ave No. and still no one died!!

Finally, 4 years and millions of cars and hundreds of thousands of pedestrian and bicycles crossing and flowing with and against traffic, some vehicle operator, possibly drunk, because they ran after hitting the person, indeed hits and kills a bicyclist.

See???? I told you so!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lake Worth City CRA was authorized to spend $15,000,000.- to rehab 1/2mile 6the Avenue South and 1/2 mile 10 ave.North,beause according to their lies, this would bring Lake Worth City, mixed -use,up-scale developement.Not one mixed use on 6th ave So.upscale?Scout West LW.?When the Contractor saw he could get away with $6.400,000 for 1/2 mile on 6th ave So.rehab with mangy trees,shabby islands,
he oncreased his demand for same 1/2 mile to $8.400,000. which was approved without Public Bidding as our Charter equires.How much did the CRA get under th table?
Mayor Gerard, of Manalapan,did same work done with public bidding(he is not a thief),,
not 1 mile, but 1 1/2 mile with all new land scaping, sub-terranian replaced drainage pipes, and elcetric wiring and poles:
For $1.500,000.
We Citizens of Lake Worth are robbed with a $15,000,000,- Debt. Commitment.Not one Commissioner protected us, by demanding public bidding, as is their job!Did they too get taken care of like Retha Lowe .....???
The City can be the $1,600,000 by redistricting the CRA, to where it belongs, in our bligher district,
South of 6th Ave.South,where they created a robbry cost reha.without crooss-rads
to make the City subject to law suits.Redistrict the CRA instead of giving fish- wiFe
outbursts.A Mayor is given elegant legal terms to interrupt a fellow ELECTED Commission member even if to protec a UNELECTED fellow fish wiFe, Mary Lindsy:Point of Order,Commissioner,please stay on subject!