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There was much unpleasantness shown towards commissioner McVoy last night (all nasty political bull--it always gets worse at election time) on the dais when it came to the directive given to Lisa Maxwell, chair of the Electric Utility Advisory Board on that board coming back to the commission with a recommendation as to their choices on energy providers.
On October 8, the Select committee directed Lisa Maxwell to come back with a RECOMMENDATION to the commission. Our energy attorney agreed with that directive and said that the EUAB should come back with a recommendation. The only people who conveniently "forgot" last night what was said at that October 8th meeting and who were argumentative with memory lapses were Pam Triolo Scott Maxwell and his gal pal and member of the EUAB, Peggy Fisher. Ms. Fisher, commented on it at the
lectern as well as from the back row. Later she gave a universal arm gesture
on a totally different topic. Something about that back row.
Christopher McVoy was right to insist that the directive be followed no matter whether they have all the information or not. Everyone knows that it is the commission that will make the final decision, not an advisory board but every bit of information will help them to make the best decision for Lake Worth. The board needs to do its utmost to get all its collective thoughts on energy providers to the Commission in a timely fashion instead of arguing about it and being uncooperative.
The purpose of that Board is to advise the City commission on behalf of and for the benefit of the citizens and residents of the City of Lake Worth, on electric utilities policies, plans and programs. The board will advise the City Commission on the establishment of fair and equitable policies, plans and programs that are consistent with customer needs, legal mandates, public policy, operational requirements and the long-term financial stability and viability of the electric utilities.
The Mayor said that they never told the advisory board that making a recommendation on energy providers was part of their responsibility. Then why in heck was it formed? Why did that board even bother going over the redacted information on all the bidders? You may have the majority vote on the dais but there will always be people who will speak out for truth to set the record straight.
I wasn't at the meeting last night, but thought it was strange for the selection committee to demand the Juice Board give a written recommendation when they are not allowed to have anywhere near enough information to make any recommendation.
The Chair is the only individual capable of forming an opinion since she is the only one of the group allowed to see prices.
So the rest of the Juice Board can make a recommendation by what; Listening to the Chair as she goes over her opinion of why she would vote for "X"??? Listen to the consultant as to why she would recommend that we go with "Y" or form their own opinion with no reason except liking the name or make up of their renewable idea with no regard to price or suitability?
I believe their protest is warranted.
Over 40% of our Electric Bill comes from non FMPA charges. It is the EUAB to lookminto that and to make recommendations to the Commission.
The Juice Board has already discovered the waste and inefficiency in the Conservation program and the Commission has moved partially to address that waste.
Our Electric CIP is infamous for its waste in their CIP. This is yet another example of how the juice board can be of assistance to the Commission.
As the Juice Board--except for its Chair, who can't reveal her data--has no access to the Rates offered in the RFP responses. Without cost considerations, why would anybody want to know what the Juice board suggested?
The recommendations from what you and Lindsey call the "Juice" board were to be only that and based on the fact that everyone knew they were not based on cost only narrowed down to the best in the various rating areas and their reasons why. So, twist it any way you choose. The energy attorney disagrees with you and we paid him $250,000.
Obviously, this argument is getting nowhere.
Wasn't the whole deal about getting out of FMPA because of the high electric bills?
If only Golden, Mulvehill, Mcoy and Waterman were still running the city. Everything would be great. Just like before.
Now that Mulvehil is not going to be around to sway Mcvoy he is going to now depend on boards to tell him how to vote.... Gawd that man has got to go, IMO did you get so smart?... smart aleck,I meant to say. McVoy would never depend upon a board for any final advice. He asked for a recommendation something the board was told to do. The board is not McVoy's boss, nor is any member on it. They all should be more polite at least a few of them who have spoken in public.
What does Commissioner McVoy NOT understand about WE do not have the information to make a recommendation to the City Commission?
If you don't have an opinion, then don't give it and look 100% unnecessary. Most boards are.
You had a member who gave his opinion during public commentary. Perhaps he can fill in for all of you who don't want to be involved in the most important decision in this city.
Paaaaleeez! Now we don't want to be a part of this decision?
Have you looked at the proposals? They are incomprehensible. Without the numbers to fill in the blanks how can you give "a written recommendation"?
Not opinion, recommendation. What would you recommend us to do.
So with so many other missteps we constantly take, we can always fall back on..... "well, we went with what the Juice Board recommended".
And why don't you think McVoy would not depend on the board's recommendation for his final advice? He constantly defers to those intelligent and highly compensated staff members and consultants instead of educating himself on the topic, at least enough to ask pertinent questions.
McVoy has stated that we don't even need to LOOK at allowing someone to propose an acquisition of the Electric Utility to get our rates to what FL&L charges. He is AGAINST us paying what people and business' all around us pay for a basic need.... electricity!
Our electric rates are a huge TAX on all of us. Yes, the gross overcharging of our own residents and businesses help our GOVERNMENT fund services, and a GREAT job they are doing.
I am tired of being soaked every month. We need to get OUT of the electric business. Then Lake Worth, the little village by the sea, with all the skyscrapers and highrises to the West, will start attracting the type of investment, homeowners and atmosphere we deserve.
"But we have control now"
Ok, Mr. Stafford, tell us how we will make up the nearly $10 million we use from our utility to operate the city and fix your pot holes.
McVoy depends on professional advice, (smart move) not advice from volunteers who do not know the first thing about our electric utility. It doesn't get the Board off the hook, however, as it is their job to give recommendations to the Commission. They studied all the bids. They have to have some idea what the companies will bring to the table. McVoy wants to hear about it and so does the public.
The Utility board is just another board with some members believing they are more important than they are. Two unpleasant people are members of this board. Thank Amoroso and Maxwell for them.
How come you don't move to Ft. Lauderdale where they already have highrises and skyscrapers? Why do you people always insist on changing our city that has been a low-rise for over 100 years? Nothing is ever good enough for you. Clean up the slum, the blight and the crime. So far, under this commission, crime is worse--it ALL is worse.
Yes, you do have the majority for now. When you fU*&^ this city up, the dais will change. So far, this commission has done a good job for the past 11 months f*(&^%$ it up.
Please read what you have written on this topic. Make a recommendation even if you don't feel you have the most important information the cost.
When you back McVoy no matter what he wants,you look foolish.
We ranked the architects for the beach the very same way.
We ranked the city managers the very same way.
In neither instance did we know what exactly would be the cost of what w4e would offer them.
This is not unusual.
Just give us your best shot Based on not knowing the cost. the commission then can go from there.
It is not a difficult concept. Now, if you simply, as a Board, do not want to do that, just say so and refuse even though the energy attorney highly suggested that you give a recommendation. They, of course, don't know what in heck they are talking about.
So, don't look so FOOLISH.
To the anonymous poster with a different opinion--there is no reason to continue this argument. You believe one thing, I another. So be it. I don't have the time to go back and forth on it. Thanks.
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