Sunday, October 7, 2012

Commissioner Christopher McVoy - The Voice of Reason

Comment Up

Christopher McVoy
Commissioner City of Lake Worth

"As your commissioner, I am dedicated to making our city a place we are proud to call home.

"My experience and understanding of the issues we face make me the right choice. I am honored to serve Lake Worth and ask for your support again on November 6th."

With a totally different style, and one that is not contentious, Commissioner McVoy evaluates each item that appears before him as to what makes the most sense to Lake Worth.

He voted against the new 2012/2013 budget because the city and the trio commission took the easy way out and robbed our Reserves rather than looking for other ways to balance it. In spite of that vote, he voted twice to lower your electric rates by over 5% and those cuts are appearing now on your bill in spite of what his opponent is claiming. He also agreed with the vote to get out of the expensive FMPA All Requirements. All those energy providers who submitted a bid will be reduced to a Short List at tomorrow nights' meeting.


Anonymous said...

When did he vote to get out of the fmpa all requirements?

Lynn Anderson said...

I changed the context of that sentence. He agreed, on numerous occasions, to get out of FMPA All Requirements. Thanks for being on top of it.

Anonymous said...

I strongly agree that our meager Reserves should not have been tapped to balance the General Fund Budget, but wish that either Commissioner McVoy or Mulvehill had offered an alternative of Budget reductions. What we are left with is a NO vote without proving that it could be done another way.
While it is nice to vote for reductions in the electric rate, it would have been a stronger statement by Commissioner McVoy if he had initiated such a vote during his first year in office instead of waiting for the new commission majority to bring up the agenda item.
Commissioner McVoy is constantly interrupting other commissioners when he disagrees with them and seems to make political speeches during commission meetings, so I do not understand your comment about him not being contentious.
While I haven’t decided to vote for Jim Stafford, I will be observing the next couple of commission meetings because I am not so sure Commissioner McVoy is as well prepared as you represent.

Anonymous said...

they both offered alterntives.Weren't you listening?

Lynn Anderson said...

In all the time I have observed Chris McVoy, he has never once been political. He doesn't have a political bone in his body. That is just your biased political rhetoric that you want to get across on this blog as a negative for McVoy. Let's go fishin.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't MAxwell,Triolo or amoroso come up with ideas to cut or not spend money,they are the majority are they not?

Anonymous said...

It's sort of stupid to play the political card and accuse Christopher. We have elections every year in this city and every commissioner is playing to their support base. McVoy, on the other hand, supports what he feels is right for Lake Worth. Now if you were talking about Maxwell, I would have to agree about the playing politics race card. One thing about Chris, he is no bully unlike a few others up there.

Anonymous said...

It just seems to me that McVoy initiates divisiveness by his tone and lectures as opposed to just stating his position in greater depth.

Anonymous said...

What's divisive is calling Points of Order and screaming from the dais.

Anonymous said...

We are fortunate to have someone with Christopher's scientific background to vet the electric deal into which we are about to enter.
Does anyone really think that any of the trio knows an adequate amount about electric generation and transmission to make an informed choice as to who will be our best provider when we exit FMPA?
It would be preferable for all of them to defer to Christopher's education and experience and allow him to educate them rather than put down his attempts to bring light to the subject.
A horrible mistake was made in 2002that has cost most customers hundreds to thousands of dollars extra every month for eleven years in their monthly electric bills.
We are on the verge of significant relief when we make the right choice,and Christopher's knowledge is key to making that happen.

Anonymous said...

I can appreciate your support for McVoy, but what you just wrote is significantly flawed.

Chris constantly "defers" to the staff as being more knowledgeable in that field. Staff was shown many times to be woefully inept in areas like Customer Service, inventory, voltage conversion, transformer start-up..... and that's just what we know about.

These decisions have cost us millions..... yes millions of dollars.

Absolutely EVERYONE who knows ANYTHING about power generation says beyond ANY DOUBT, that we can NEVER operate our utility to benefit us with lower that the surrounding area's rates.

IF that's the case, we need to start thinking how to unload this white elephant.

Yes, it'll be hard because we have come to rely too much on it to fund all our shiny objects. If other cities in our area can do it, I feel confident we can too, AND save each of us thousands of dollars per year in over priced electric rates.

The one person who has dug deeply into the fiasco of our utilities and found significant problems and asked pertinent questions was summarily ignored.

But now you say Christopher can step up to the plate?


Anonymous said...

You are focused on the wrong things, anony above. Is this Scott?

Anonymous said...

As I recall, McVoy wanted to actually do something with customer service and save $500,000 the first year by outsourcing. It was the majority commission that voted it down. We had better trust our experts for whom we are paying tons of money. No commissioner can afford to make a mistake this time, especially Maxwell.

Anonymous said...

Did someone above seriously just pull out 'the race issue' regarding Maxwell? I won't comment, because I hope that that ugly chapter will not be brought up again.
McVoy to my knowledge has no degree in electricity nor it's manufacture.
He is the nicest guy - but again I think his personal agenda can get in the way - ie: when, knowing the budget shortfalls, etc. for the Casino, he tried in vain to have a wind turbine installed at the Beach, for 'research'.
I think that would be a terrific idea if we as a town were flush and could afford non essentials.
But the fact that he had that (very expensive) item on his short list just made me think that a.) he did not understand the budget at all, and b.) that the scientist side of him took precedence way over the citizens and the city's welfare.
I like him personally, but am not convinced he has a broad enough overview, beyond science, his passion, to justly serve the city.

Lynn Anderson said...

Please understand that I am backing McVoy for re-election. Having said that, I allowed your comment above because of the way in which you stated your "concern."

I agree with you on the wind turbine, however, it was in the original agreement and in the beach redevelopment budget. Since it was approved and in the agreement, he looked at it differently than you or I would have looked at it as an educational tool for the public and therefore not a waste of money. The cost was $100,000. In the end, he agreed to delete it from the project. Of course he understands budgets. The commission went through hours upon hours over months of workshops discussing every aspect of our budget.

Anonymous said...

The man admitted right from the dais of not even remembering the process to open up his utility account in the city that he governs. Wow...really? Not that Jim Stafford is a prize either. A man that two years ago spewed very nasty words about our city and repeatedly called it Lake Worthless on his blog that allowed was unfiltered and allowed character assasinations and vulgarity of all kinds. I guess he does need free health insurance for himself, his wife and all his children. Do you really think governing at 14k per year will be his priority when he makes 200.00/hour doing photography? If he wins expect to see the district 2 seat empty quite often.

Lynn Anderson said...

Do you honestly believe that a commissioner should know everything about the processes in the city? Good luck to that. At least he is no phony and will admit that he does not have the answer rather than staying silent or hedging.