Thursday, October 25, 2012

Alligator Hunting in the Loxahatcheee National Wildlife Refuge?

Comment Up
 Sick S.O.B.'S

From now until Wednesday, October, 31st, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is taking comments on a proposal to open the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge to alligator hunting for the first time in its 61 year history.  Comments can be submitted by email to Rolf Olson, Deputy Project Leader at:

There is an underscore _ between rolf and olson

Snail-mail postmarked by October 31st, can be sent to:

Rolf Olson, Deputy Project Leader
ARM Loxahatchee NWR
10216 Lee Road
Boynton Beach, FL 33473

Established in 1951, “the Lox” is a completely unique National Wildlife Refuge which receives visitors from every state and is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the benefit of all.  It is a part of your natural heritage wherever you happen to live.

See our article below for more information on this important topic.  If you’re sending in comments of your own - and we suggest you do - feel free to borrow as you see fit.  The entire hunt proposal from the Fish and Wildlife Service can be accessed at the website below (scroll down about halfway):

Also - protecting wildlife, habitat, and quiet access to public lands in south Florida is not easy.  It requires time and money.   If you are able, please consider a donation to South Florida Wildlands Association.    We are certified by the IRS as a 501c3 non-profit and donations to our organization are completely tax-deductible.  See link below to find out how you can help:

Best regards,

Matthew Schwartz
Executive Director
South Florida Wildlands Association
P.O. Box 30211
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33303

Also - follow us on Facebook at:


HA Boli said...

McVoy can be reached at the Ocala Hilton: Hilton Ocala
3600 Sw 36th Ave
Ocala, FL 34474
He's a speaker at the Waterfowl Summit and will be back on Friday. For all of you that suffered in the latest blackout, I'm sure McVoy sends his apologies. Oh, and here is his bio that he supplied to the Waterfowl Summit:
Christopher McVoy, hydrologist and wetland ecologist, has spent the past 17 years supporting Everglades restoration through scientific research. One recent product, the University Press of Florida's book "Landscapes and Hydrology of the Predrainage Everglades", is now widely considered the definitive characterization of the Everglades in their original splendor. Dr. McVoy is Co-Author. Dr. McVoy has personally walked, canoed, airboated, and helicoptered throughout 90% of the remaining Everglades. He is happiest working 2 or 3 feet deep in it's sloughs. Since 2010, Dr. McVoy also has served as Commissioner on the City Council of the City of Lake Worth, where he continues to be a voice for sustainable development. Dr. McVoy is a graduate of Cornell University and of the University of Florida He is currently working as a consultant to the US Department of the Interior.

Makes you all tingly, doesn't it? This will be well publicized tomorrow. He's not happiest serving the people of Lake Worth? Are you kidding me?

Lynn Anderson said...

Thanks for the research. McVoy has a REAL JOB and actually gets paid a salary for important work. He is a thinker and does not make rash judgments unlike some others I know. On top of all of that, he is a nice guy, and that's unusual for someone in politics today.

Anonymous said...

How would you know if most people in politics are nice or not. Most of the people you rail about on this blog you have never even sat down and talked to let alone getting to know them. You can formulate an opinion by talking to others and listening to distortions and lies, but are you really getting to know that person.If you chose to consider only your chosen candidates as nice than it limits your scope and only those candidates will seem nice.

Lynn Anderson said...

I am quite familiar with the candidates. Thanks for asking. Actually, candidates should be calling those they represent and try to get voters to understand them, not the other way around. Mr. Stafford, as an example, never invited me to A MEET AND GREET EVEN THOUGH I told him I was interested.

Anonymous said...

What does mcvoy have to do with a power outage?He is no more responsible for that than you are,dunce.Soundslike a Stafford remark to me.

Anonymous said...

I spoke to Commissioner McVoy last night when he knocked on my door, so I think your first poster is mistaken. And frankly, I'm glad to have at least one commissioner who is well-rounded and holds down a real job that is meaningful to the public at large, and the future of the Everglades. At least I know that he is not in office to benefit or enrich himself, unlike the other commissioners we will be left with after the election.

Anonymous said...

Being familiar with a few candidtes does not give you an insite into their mindset. Only civil conversation and eye to eye contact will get you there. Don't be so narrow minded in thinking that candidates will seek you out. I have had to seek out candidates on my own to talk to them and really understand their positions. It is our duty as voters to get all the information possible to make a decision as important as the leadership in government. Sometimes familiarity is only what someone else wants you to know.

Lynn Anderson said...

at 10:45--thanks.
As this blog is about an alligator kill in a national park, I am not going to take any more comments on Mr. Stafford on what he should or should not do. It's his election to win or lose.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Lynn, I thought it was you that sent this thread off into a political discussion.My appologies.

tp said...

How about they do an open season on all the Pythons that are running around the Everglades on Invasive and dangerous species duty? That to me would be a better use of time.....

Anonymous said...

Like that idea Tp.

Anonymous said...

they did do an "open season" on pythons in the last year. Do you really think it's a good idea to send idiots with guns into the everglades to shoot things up? How much thought do you people put into these brilliant ideas, anyway? twelve seconds or so?
why don't we send all the tempting plump people out into the glades as bait for the pythons?
why don't you invent a python trap, get rich, and move to Boca?
why don't we get some python whistles, lure them to the boat ramps, and shoot them in the parking lot?
or we could get Sarah Palin in a helicopter, by golly. make sure she puts on her f***ing glasses.

Anonymous said...

Isnt there just ONE FUC$ING inch in this miserable pot hole of a state where our wildlife can remain un-molested?!?Katie Mcgiveron

Anonymous said...

Judging by the majority of comments, I can see why the women involved in politics in Lake Worth are either, lesbian, divorced, battered, single, or childless. Same goes for most of the"men".

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this urgent action alert!